Sunsets Golden Among The Halls Of Heaven

Arise And Come Up Here into the Sunset…Into The Sunrise Of My Heart And Recline In Me In A Posture Of Love And Rest!!!!! COME UP HERE Where You Already Are! Selah!

Come My beloved and down the hallway walk surrounded by columns of grace…dancing angels appearing glorious radiant at the beauty of His face…sunsets penetrating hearts with rays golden…saying the old will give way to the new and the sun will rise drenched in morning dew…come close…come closer with your heart for me to hold…to mend all that is broken in the sunset gold….I drench you…drench you in faith bold to drink deeply of the spirit…and to lay upon My breast…to recline into me and be at rest. In the beauty of My sweet presence…I make all things new. So, give me all you hold on to for it is mine to do.

Arise into the morning My clean and shining one…to the rising of the Sun…I drench you with the fragrance of My being…into me as one…. glorious sunsets of golden hues give rise to the morning…to heights of Heaven soaring…come up here where I make all things new in the arms of My tender love…where I kiss you with kisses of a dove…imparting peace and sweet olive oil to heal the hurt and times of hard toil. I soothe you with the balm of Gilead and honey from the rock in the beauty of My Sweet Presence where I make all things new.

I touch the facets of your heart turning coal into diamonds…abounding with beauty…a reflection of My glorious shining. From the cleft of the rock into the pit I drop a rope to draw you nigh… up and through the sunset into the sunrise new… drenched in Heavens honeysuckle dew.

Come My beloved and stand among columns built on Me the Rock…dance with the angels in the presence of My beautiful face. Come My beloved out of the law into grace. Come and fall into Me…sink into My essence…into the facets of My being…into the tenderness of My kisses…into the gate of first love…into the gate of My heart never to part. For I will never let you go…I will always hold you tight in both sunset golden and the deepest of night…I cause your lamp to shine as I adorn Myself with your beauty and you with Mine.

Yes, come up here where I make all things new in the arms of My tender embrace…where I look in your eyes face to face…where I kiss you with kisses of a dove…imparting peace and sweet olive oil and drench you in My love. Selah!

Brenda Craig 2017

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