Communion – Broken Bread & Poured Out Wine, A Place Of Healing, Intercession And Grace


Sunday, July 5th, while attending my church at Ethnos Mission Center in San Antonio, Texas I saw a beautiful picture relating to communion. I was not aware at the time that we were going to be having communion as a body. Normally the communion is ready and available for those who want to take it during the service at a time of their choosing.

However, this Sunday was different. I know the Lord wanted to reinforce what He was showing me in reference to forgiveness and how it relates to healing and blessing. So, He choreographed everything so perfectly and I shared my vision with those in attendance. And now I have the honor to share it with all who read my blog in hopes it will minister to your heart as it did mine.

Sometime during the worship I became unaware of what songs were being sung…what words were being said…as I saw Jesus standing before me with a thick, bluish, clay goblet in His hand. I knew it was full of wine for I could see it running over the edges of it. He handed it to me and it continued to pour over the edges. I sensed it was multiplying and running down my arm onto the ground below. He then handed me a loaf of bread. It looked like one of those hot loaves of French bread you buy at the grocery store only the end had been torn of as if it had been eaten. The bread, like the wine, kept multiplying. I was overwhelmed in my spirit with tenderness and a kind of repentance which needs no words as the meeting of who I am in Him and who He is in me took place.

The next thing I knew one of my grandchildren was standing before me. I knew instantly I was to pray for the child. The Lord revealed three things to pray for or should I say pray against…to break from the essence of their life and call in God. I did as I felt prompted and broke a three stranded cord of the enemy’s scheme and when I completed my prayer I felt compelled to pour the goblet of wine over the child. I poured the wine on the head of my grandchild and it completely covered his entire body with red liquid. Once this was complete I then fed my grandchild with the bread I held in my left hand.

My heart was overwhelmed with compassion and desire to see the fullness and plan of God be fulfilled as I stood in the gap…as I came boldly before the throne of grace to receive mercy in time of present and future need.

Personal Application

How does this apply to you and me in reference to communion? In many ways I think. Jesus was and is our broken bread and poured out wine and has now become our resurrected one who has conquered death, Hell and the grave. What He was and is for us now is what we are to be for others.

Taking communion is more than a remembrance to me. It holds greater depth than it ever has before as a result of this experience. Communion is a time of letting go and receiving from the Lord. It it is a time of giving to others the very thing we have received. It is a time of being the broken bread and poured out wine in the lives of others. We have freely received and now we must freely give. Communion is one of the most supernatural of all things we do in the natural. In its purest form it is prayerful. We come and receive of the very purpose of Christ, who is now seated at the right hand of God. His very presence there is intercessory or we could say communal on our behalf.

Christ gave us salvation through His blood. Was it salvation from Hell or more than that? I say more. It was and is salvation. It was and is eternal salvation but also daily salvation which relates to healing and deliverance…salvation from our own selves and the things that plague us…and a place of unparalleled intercession for others. Imagine the possibilities of interceding in the midst of communion after you have released all the judgmental or critical moorings of your heart which tie you up and hold you down like an anchor of a great ship…hold you down like a prisoner’s ball and chain.
The whole visionary experience causes me to desire to take communion on an ongoing basis in my personal times in order to meet with Him face to face in a fresh and unique way…to meet Him with a humble and repentant heart…to meet with Him so I will have more to give…so I can give away all I have received that others might be free.

Consider the verse in John 20:23 and take Him at His Word. Will you stand in the gap for the forgiveness and the release of another’s sin? Will you be one who comes boldly before the throne of grace to receive mercy in time of need for yourself and others? Will you be one who dares to go outside the confines of religious communion and enter into spiritual communion where the wine and bread multiply when it is put in the hands of a repentant giving heart? Will you be broken bread and poured out wine in the life of another. Will you be one who takes communion with such a heart as to become communion in a dying world? If your answer is yes, then you will see the breaking of generational, demonic, emotional, addictive and chemical chains in the lives of people.

The Lord is issuing an invitation like no other. It seems so simple; yet, it is so profound. How we as people sometimes long for the complex exercises of our own doings for somehow they seem more worthwhile because of the effort we have encased in them. The teachers of this day and hour have so many instructions of which this is one. However, I pray it is a simple revelation of the Lord you can apply without any self-effort. I pray as you enter into communion, out of your love for the Lord, you will sense the revelations of His heart in reference to those you wish to intercede for. This is what matters; to hear and see what the Father is doing and do it…and say it. It is all that matters and all that really works. Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit.

Remember this and come into His presence with a desire to know Him and the rest will simply unfold before you. Expect to hear and see. When you hear and see then you can do what you have been shown with a heart of faith and expectation. You will truly have what you have asked of Him for He told you what to ask for. How simple is that?

Come and be His broken bread and poured out wine. He is waiting with an overflowing cup and fresh bread full of the ability to multiply. Yes, come and be broken bread and poured out wine. Be fruitful and multiply through communion as your life becomes a manifestation of healing, intercession and grace.
My friend Angela Gill wrote an article on the subject as well. You might like to read it as well.

Brenda Craig, Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved


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