Tag: Forgiveness

Ants In My Coffee

The flecks in my cup looked like ants; therefore, they must be ants. In fact, I almost poured the cream out before I decided to take a closer look. If I had done so, I would have wasted some good cream and delayed my first drink (which is always the best) by having to start the process one more time.


Communion – Broken Bread & Poured Out Wine, A Place Of Healing, Intercession And Grace

Consider the verse in John 20:23 and take Him at His Word. Will you stand in the gap for the forgiveness and the release of another’s sin? Will you be one who comes boldly before the throne of grace to receive mercy in time of need for yourself and others? Will you be one who dares to go outside the confines of religious communion and enter into spiritual communion where the wine and bread multiply when it is put in the hands of a repentant giving heart? Will you be broken bread and poured out wine in the life of another. Will you be one who takes communion with such a heart as to become communion in a dying world?


The Pointed Finger And The Pointed Tongue Verses Grace

We look at others and wonder why they can’t seem to overcome areas of struggle in their lives while at the same time we are fraught with our own inability to achieve victory in our own areas of weakness. We wonder why others can’t seem to see what we see or be as righteous as we are and yet we need glasses of our own. To put it in a nutshell, we forsake grace and set ourselves up as a judge who has the ability to somehow discern and evaluate the motives of another man’s heart which only the Lord can truly see. Sure we can see outward manifestations or what we call symptoms; but, are they the full indicator? Not necessarily. I know the Word says we shall know them by their fruit. Notice the word is know them, not judge or speak evil of them. Knowing should lead to prayer and intercession, not judgment least we be judged.


Living In Love Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Keeping God’s commandments has to be the master key that unlocks the love house door. Jesus Himself lives there and is inviting us to move in with Him. However, there is a price to pay for the privilege of becoming a permanent resident in the love house. A part of that price is to move out of your flesh house into His Spirit house. Another way of saying that is we have to move out of our will into His will.


Free Gifts Of Forgiveness

As you forgive others and your own self, your heart will be cleansed of all defilement and guilt. My blood poured crimson red for this and now you are dressed in white linen, full of love and bursting with joy. Though your sins were as scarlet, they are now white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).


Springs, Valleys, Mountains And The Delight Of The Lord

Beloved, I am here as always. I am very near to you. You are My dwelling place…My habitation and I delight in you. I send springs of wisdom, help, grace, mercy and revelation into the valleys of your life (Psalms 104:10). Do not be dismayed when you look around and see the troubling times for I am nearer than your foes (Psalms 119:151).


Beautiful One Full Of Heaven-Born Possibilities

Beloved, beautiful one, help has come…help has arrived; therefore’ watch what you say. Do not nullify the victory by confessing negative words or thoughts. Do not listen to the distracting thoughts of the enemy. Do not let him form overshadowing clouds of doubt and unbelief in response to all I have


Old Adam, New Adam And The Manifest Work Of Christ

Beloved, remember this, I was manifest to destroy the works of the evil one and it was done when I proclaimed with a loud voice, “It is finished!” I was made visible to destroy, loosen and dissolve the works the devil has done (1 John 3:8). This does not negate the working out of your salvation, meaning the sanctification or purification of your soul. It is about your focus. Set your face like flint toward Me and My Word and you will not be put to shame (Isaiah 50:7).