You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water Part 1

The singers as well as the players on instruments shall say, All my springs (my sources of life and joy) are in you [city of our God]. (Psalms 87:7 Amplified)

You are a fountain [springing up] in a garden, a well of living waters, and flowing streams from Lebanon. (Song of Solomon 4:12 Amplified)
My Springs Of Joy Are In You
Beloved, you are a fountain that goes down into the deep regions of My heart. My heart flows forth from the fountain of your life. My living water bubbles up over the rock of My precious Son Jesus who dwells in you. Like an underground spring, I will eventually make joy and living water bubble to the surface in all areas of your life. As I do this, I will play the communion of our hearts like a skilled musician, for My springs of joy are in you (Psalms 87:7).

Nothing can hold back what I ordain…what I put into motion. Underground rivers move through every crack and crevice until they make their way to the surface. Here they do not surface many dig wells by which to avail themselves of much needed water.

Be willing to let Me dig through and route out all hindrances to a perfect flow of My river in and through you. Yes, let the fountain of My presence bring forth fountains of life…bring forth the hidden things of My heart saved just for this day and time…saved just for you (Isaiah 48:6).
I Will Show You Uncharted Expressions Of My Heart
Beloved, there are words, songs, poems, psalms and truths waiting to be discovered in the uncharted expanses of My heart. They are pure, sparkling, and life giving portions of My presence not yet known. They are longing to burst forth through you Beloved…longing to burst through the fountain of your life. Not only will they bring a suppleness and fatness to your own life, they will overflow and create the watered garden I have called you to be (Jeremiah 31:12; Isaiah 58:11).

Draw aside today and listen carefully for I have indeed given you the very thoughts of My heart (1 Corinthians 2:15-16). Have you ever had the occasion to listen to a bubbling stream…a fountain pouring into a quiet pool? Do you remember the peaceful sound? If you will listen carefully for My still small voice you will hear it beginning to bubble as it makes its way from the deep places within you to the surface of your thoughts.

Let no stones (thoughts) of doubt, unbelief, lack of self-worth or any words of man block the flow I am bringing to you. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy when it comes to receiving.

Beloved, know this; you are indeed planted, rooted, and grounded in the love of My heart (Ephesians 3:17). With this in mind, take every Word I have given you and deliberately choose to plant them in the good soil of your heart…in the soil of joy, love and salvation. Do this and let it be as I have chosen for you. Do this and let Me flow unhindered.

I Chose You First
Beloved, even though I have encouraged you so many times…given you so many Words, I can still hear the rumblings of your wayward thoughts. I can hear them as they sometimes challenge all I have promised you. The enemy often incites you to say, “How can this be? Don’t you know and see all my weaknesses Lord?”

The answer is, “Yes I do and always have.”

I knew them before you ever were and still I am not dissuaded…still I chose you first (John 15:16). It delights Me to be strong in your weakness. Take time to think on this and let a revelation of this truth abound in your heart. Ask for it. I will not withhold.

The enemy wants to exaggerate your weakness and make you forget I take the foolish things of the world to confound the wise…to confound even your own wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:27). Yes, the enemy prefers for you to concentrate on your own self and what you consider to be your lack…to focus on your failures…your mistakes; not your successes. You have succeeded more than you have failed and must learn to see the glass half full and not half empty.

Remember, the enemy wants to keep you sin conscious and not God conscious. Self-forgiveness is the way out. It is just as important to forgive your own self as it is to forgive others. Often you deal with the big crisis in your life…the big offenses more than the little ones along the way. The big ones are so big they cannot be escaped or gone around. Like a mountain range, they must be gone over or cast into the sea. They are so big that to deny them is impossible so you deal with the issue. The little ones are a whole different story. Selah (meditate)

I Turn Your Rocky Places Into Pools And Fountains Of Water
Beloved, the big issues of life are more than obvious. However it is the little thoughts…the little foxes along the way which consistently accuse you on an ongoing basis. These little thoughts have a tendency to build and build making mountains out of molehills. When this happens, like stones in a wall, they eventually block your pathway of freedom to the other side.

Beloved, they may even be side issues relating to many big matters at hand or a past which seems to be catching up to you. The past is the past and all you can do is repent and speak My Word of restoration and deliverance over it. Do not revisit the past. Press on to higher more stable ground. I will lead you to a large place where you can prevail if only you believe Me. This is where trust comes in.

When the chickens come home to roost, just ask Me if there is anything…any residue of the past in need of repentance on your part. If so, then just confess and repent as the Holy Spirit leads you. I have told you so many times and it bears repeating once again; confession and repentance are your best friends.

Once you have done this, do what is right according to the Word. Forgive yourself as I have already forgiven you. Know it is I who turned rock into a pool of water and flint into a fountain of waters (Psalms 114:8).

Therefore, Let the fountain of My presence flow with mercy and grace. I will take care of the rest. I will contend for your fountain…for your life.
Let The Weak Say I Am Strong

Beloved, though you have weakness and fall here and there along the way, I am not dismayed. Do not grow wearing in doing good and when you have done all to stand; stand.

I love you with a great love and unending adoration. I look on the deep motivation of your heart toward Me. I look upon the motives of the heart and move accordingly. I look with an intense love and determination. As I do this, I remove every stone which inhibits the fountain of My Presence. I want nothing…absolutely nothing to block the true desire and motive of your heart to be whom and what I have destined you to be.

I come and remove stone upon stone until all the things that hinder the desire of your heart to flow forth with My life and heart. I have always known the weak places within you even before you were born and I was never dismayed or disappointed. Instead, with perfect vision and assurance, I knew you would let go of the things that hold you back because of your great love for Me.
Prayer Of Supplication and Declaration
Father, I praise You for Your love for me. As deep calls unto deep, my heart rejoices in Your faithfulness. Wash me with the water of Your Word and I will be made new.

Thank you for cleansing me from all my unrighteousness. Your Word washes over me and cleanses my soul. Like the woman at the well I am one who drinks from Your Living Water and thirst no more. I am filled to overflowing in all I say and do.

Your heart of love flows through my life and I am a refreshing fountain of life giving water to all those I touch. Your spring of joy flows through me and the Kingdom of God is manifested through me for all to see. Flow freely through every area of my life Lord. Let there are no hindrances to Your awesome presence within me. I surrender all.

Father, help me to hear Your every psalm and song You sing over me. Help me to hear every word You to speak into the chambers of my heart. I will not be deaf to Your voice. Instead, I declare that I am one who listens. I am one who embraces every truth You have for me. I am a receiver.

As I sit in Your presence, embracing Your love and peace, I listen for Your still small voice. As I draw close to You and You draw close to me, I listen carefully with great expectation to hear the thoughts of Your heart. I welcome the searching of Your Spirit and I praise You for going to the deep places within me. Bring every hidden thing to the surface of my thoughts by the power of Your light and Your love.

Thank you, for I am truly planted, rooted and grounded in Your love. Therefore, the abundance of Your love will flow unhindered through me to a lost and dying world.

Lord, I praise You and I thank You for choosing me. For it is written; many are called but few are chosen. It is a privilege and an honor to be called and chosen by You. Help me Lord to have a heart of revelation concerning You…a heart which understands the reality of how unique and valuable I am.

I am so thankful You chose me even though I have so many faults. Forgive me for being so caught up in my own thoughts concerning my weaknesses and short comings…for becoming so caught up that I become sin conscious and therefore not God conscious.

Thank you for helping me to forgive myself, as well as others. Open my eyes Lord so I am aware not only of a big crisis in my life, but aware of the little things that might otherwise be unnoticed. It is the little foxes…the things often unattended which stand between my intimate fellowship with You. Open the eyes of my heart to the fullness of who You are. Today I choose to focus on You and not on myself. My mind is renewed and I become like what I give my attention to; You.

Lord, thank you for helping me to recognize all the little thoughts which consistently accuse me on an ongoing basis. Help me to take captive every thought and imagination exalting itself above the knowledge of Your Word. As I do this, I thank you for keeping the pathway of freedom open for Your presence to flow through me as You discern the true motive of my heart; love.

I will not continue to revisit the past, but willfully choose to forget those things now behind me. I boldly press forward toward the mark of my high calling in Christ Jesus. When I see things I need to confess and repent I will do so quickly, forgiving myself as well as others. I praise You Lord for the fountain of Your presence flowing in and through me with mercy and grace. Your mercies are indeed new every morning.

Father, thank you for the privilege of being Your child. I praise You for loving me. Even though I am weak, I say, “I am strong, for I am in You.”

Strengthen me when I fail to get back up…strengthen my feeble knees and make me to stand. When I have done all that I can do to stand help me to continue to stand. Help me to not be weary in well doing. I am so grateful Lord, for You see my heart regardless of all I might say or do. You know my deepest desires to love and serve You. I am truly Yours.

Cleanse My heart and show me if there be any motivation in me which does not flow from a pure heart. You know my every weakness and yet, You love me. How amazing…how humbling.

I thank you for removing all things having the ability to hinder my communion with You. I let go of anything and everything having the power to stop the flow of Your love and spirit pouring through me. I do this in order to be who You have called, chosen and destined me to be. Yes Lord, I am truly Yours this day and every day to come. I am free to be all I am called to be. Amen

Reflect and Journal
1. Are you willing to let God dig through and route out all hindrances to His flow in your life?

2. Write a list of things, reasons, or actions you are aware of that may be stopping the flow of God’s river in your life now.

3. Take time to envision what it would look like to see a river flowing freely; the beauty, power, and majesty as it rushes towards its destiny. Then see it being dammed up with boulders, obstacles and cement walls of pain…dammed up by resentment, unforgiveness, bitterness or any other number of hindrances…each piled high, one on top of the other. Do you see how the river’s flow slows down to a trickle when these things are allowed to build and stay? How important is it to deal with the issues of life one at a time as they come?

4. Now write what you are willing to let God remove from your heart…what you are willing to surrender in order to for you to flow freely in his river of Love, Joy and Peace.

5. Take a moment to meditate on the meaning of being in the presence of the Lord. Ask yourself if you are truly willing to draw aside and listen carefully to the Lord. If the answer is yes, write a commitment to the Lord declaring your desire to draw closer to Him daily.

6. Examine your thoughts to see if there are stones of doubt, unbelief, or any other hindrance continuing to stand in the way of your desire to be able to draw closer to the Lord. Ask the Lord to help you recognize any area standing in the way, and ask for His help to remove those hindrances

7. Write a paragraph about the meaning of being chosen by God, and your response to the fact you also are called according to His good pleasure.

8. Write what you believe the Lord has called you to do and ask Him how He wants you to go about accomplishing it. He doesn’t give you a destiny or purpose without telling you how to achieve it.

9. Meditate on the successes and blessings God has given you to enjoy and share with others because you are chosen. Name some.

10. Do you struggle with forgiving yourself?

11. Are you more willing to forgive others than you are yourself? If so ask the Lord to show you why or what in your past which causes you to walk in unforgiveness toward yourself.

12. Write out a confession of willingness to accept the Lord’s sacrifice for you in the areas you struggle…areas of unforgiveness toward God, yourself and others. Name some.

13. Practice recognizing the little thoughts used to condemn you, and then apply the Word of God to take those thoughts captive. Systematically eliminate them one by one according to the truth of His Word.

14. Are you feeling weary as you go about doing good? Write down the desired outcome of that which you are standing in faith for although you may be feeling somewhat weary about it the moment.

15. Beloved, remind yourself the Lord knows the motives and intentions of your heart…that He gives you the desires of your heart and will help them to come to pass.

16. Ask the Lord to reveal the hidden things you need to let go of. Write a list of the things the Holy Spirit reveals to you and surrender them to the Lord, giving praise for the freedom you experience as you release them.

17. Celebrate your new found freedom and enjoy the Lords presence flowing through your innermost being in a deeper and more intimate way by writing a love note of gratefulness to Him.

You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water, Part Two

1 Comment
  1. Thank you sooooo much for Gods word to flow through you to me as well as through me
    my prayer and hearts desire was a fountain that flows from my heart my prayer was lLord show me your love it comes from your love to my heart cause he is love and yet I kept feeling chills starting at my feet or waste or legs and come up but never reaching my heart or head and as I kept praying God revealed my spirit comes from your heart as that is where love dwels Satan is not of love and so I experienced the fountain burst in my heart and the other spirit left from my feet and Satan spirit comes from this earth and the ground as Gods spirit comes from the love within our hearts God allowed me to see the diffence than I read your inspiring words from God that blessed my heart to believe God is real and Jesus lives in my heart amen 💕

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