Tag: Intimacy

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

We cannot afford to pick the petals of a daisy when it comes to determining our intimate love relationship with the Lord or how He feels about us. Love is not determined by moods, attitudes or actions. It simply is, therefore; we must instead walk in “Blessed Assurance…Jesus Is Mine


Dance of the Bride and The Bridegroom Part Two

Perfect splendor and grace transform your butterflies into an elated dance of grace and peace. You have overcome…no longer counting steps. Instead, you are moving in harmony to melodious music as you are stirred to the very depths of your soul with all encompassing delight. This is the epitome of hearing My voice…the voice of your Good Shepherd


Dance Of The Bride And The Bridegroom, Part One

Learning to hear and trust My voice is only the beginning. Now is the time for action. Don’t be like the maiden who believed there was no chance to go to the big ball…no chance to dance with the King. No, don’t be like the maiden who believed there was no such thing as a Prince on a white horse…nor believed in fairy tales…well, believed fairy tales could not be or that they belonged to the heart of the child. Have I not spoken about the heart of a child and what a beautiful thing it is to Me. Receive Me like a child


You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water Part 1

Beloved, you are a fountain that goes down into the deep regions of My heart. My heart flows forth from the fountain of your life. My living water bubbles up over the rock of My precious Son Jesus who dwells in you. Like an underground spring, I will eventually make joy and living water bubble to the surface in all areas of your life. As I do this, I will play the communion of our hearts like a skilled musician, for My springs of joy are in you (Psalms 87:7)


Removing Barriers Of Unbelief – A Key To Intimacy With The Lord – Part Two

It is my belief that most of our inability to love God is based on lies we believe about Him…lies often formed in our own wrong belief system according to what we have experienced at the hand of men or circumstances…and a misunderstanding of the Word and God’s nature. Our greatest hindrance to loving God is to believe we are not loved. How can we truly be intimate with someone we aren’t sure loves us?


Arise With Eagles Wings And Be Renewed With Strength, Expectation And Hope

Beloved, do you want supernatural strength and energy? I hope so, for it is what I have already given you and long for you to appropriate. As My child, you are called to walk in the supernatural for your citizenship is in heaven not here on earth. You are no longer of the earth. You are a whole new being…one who is loved and seated with Me already.


Safe Harbors, Uncharted Waters And The Chief Cornerstone

Beloved, you are free to explore without the fear of condemnation for you are hidden in Me (Romans 8:1). Come be a pioneer and discover lands as the unmoving Rock of My heart takes you on a journey; yet, keeps you safe and secure in My immovable love. After all, you are already perfect in Me.


Letting Go – A Key To Intimacy With The Lord – Part One

Letting go is sometimes the hardest thing we have to do. Holding on to things can offer a sense of security even though the things we hold on to may inhibit our growth in Christ or actually be harmful to us in ways we may not fully discern. The old saying about the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result) is very true when it comes to laying things down to walk with the Lord whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light.


My Significant One

Majestic mountains declare My strength while the sounds of waterfalls demonstrate the power of My singing heart as they echo My voice through the atmosphere. Yes, Beloved, I have a singing heart and it sings over you many songs of the ages. My heart sings songs of ancient days when you existed in the depths of My eternal heart waiting to manifest in the natural. I have carried you forever and ever in the depths of My being in a cradle of love and anticipation. Not only have I carried you in my heart, but I have loved you always from the beginning of all that has ever been or ever will be.


And The Rain Said?

Hunger…thirst…what do they mean? What does it mean to hunger and thirst for the Lord…to hunger after righteousness? These were thoughts, questions floating through my conscious mind this morning amid the warm bubbles and steamy air of my hot tub. Heavy dew like moisture permeated everything while sips of cream colored liquid warmed my throat, satisfying my need to evict the cobwebs left behind by a night of dreams. Ah yes…dreams I wish I could remember. Maybe they were dreams of rain…sweet heavenly rain.