

Sunsets Golden Among The Halls Of Heaven

Arise And Come Up Here into the Sunset…Into The Sunrise Of My Heart And Recline In Me In A Posture Of Love And Rest!!!!! COME UP HERE Where You Already Are! Selah! Come My beloved and down the hallway walk surrounded by columns of grace…dancing angels appearing glorious radiant at the beauty of His face…sunsets…


The Power Of Moments With Me

The Power Of Moments Beloved come and set aside many moments to be with Me…to adore…to praise…to experience My touch. Moments upon moments build in to glorious, electrifying infusions of transformation. Many moments build into great edifices, turning your heart into a cathedral of joyous ascension. Frequencies of My life are to flow in and…



You can never go beyond the point where My forgiveness is unavailable. It is for this reason that I came and died. Forgiveness is the foundation of My cross. It opened the way for relationship with you. As you opened your heart I came in with the gift of eternal life on the day of…


Arise My Beloved

Today is a new day for you – a new day of refreshing and renewed vigor…A new day to arise in Me. My child, as certain as the sun rises in the sky, so is My love for you. With the rising of the dawn, My heart beats with excitement at the prospect of spending…


Prophetic Word Based On Genesis 1:1-4

I am here to hover over any faint, empty, confused, wilderness places in you which hold only a shadow of things to come—to hover, brood, overshadow places which hold only shadows of all I have called you to be—to hover over areas of darkness, ignorance, sorrow and misery which equals wrong thinking.


Dream With Me

Let Me join in for where two or more are agree anything is possible. I planned to dream with you before the foundations of the world. You are My workmanship, created for good works that you should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). I made you to succeed in every way. Arise and shine, your time has come.


A Love Note From Jesus On Mother’s Day

You are the apple of My eye…the most beautiful piece of pottery on My wheel…the loveliest garden I walk in…the most fragrant lily of the valley…the most perfect rose of Sharon..the most amazing butterfly I have ever crafted.