Vibrant Heart

5 Prophetic Interpretations for Vibrant Heart  

By Brenda Craig
I had an image of you walking into this heart image…into depths of Him you have not experienced…like Alice in Wonderland …Selah…enveloping in technicolor and prisms of His light and revelation…each movement made will be filled with love notes…soft whispers of His love.
I sense a refreshing…like the kind you get in spring or what you feel or smell when taking sheets of the line outside…permeated with the atmosphere of a new season
Let the tears of joy, sorrow, success and frustration alike fall…and when they do…let them fall into your hand and marvel at them for He has collected them as sweet perfume…as anointing oil…beautiful Vibrant Heart He calls you…Selah…His most vibrant one…Selah.

By Mitzi English Busby
Nothing can stop My love for you. I Am now and I Am eternal. I sing and dance over you in celebration. Your heart for Me makes me glad. Listen to the music of My heart and how it beats for you. Come up here and see all of the revelation that I want to impart. I cover you with My Presence like a warm blanket.

By Mira van Niekerk

Sweet Lily of the Valley, 
At the center of your red heart, 
Within a heart of celestial colors, 
A creative prophetic worshipper, seer and dreamer thou art, 
When you worship heaven comes down, 
You take people into the celestial realm and cause them to dream, 
It’s as effortless for you as a butterfly in full flight, 
It comes from a heart created to worship the King, 
On display to bring Him an offering, 
It’s the Spring time of your life, 
The flowers so fair, 
The rose, the lily, 
The sunflower and daisy,
Whose colors and fragrances are symbolic of character traits of you. 
The buoyancy of the water lily as it floats on the water, 
Speaks of your prophetic nature, 
The yellow rose speaks of sweet revelation and spiritual insight as well, 
The butterflies appear in symmetry too, 
Speaking of the detail that the Holy Spirit gives you, 
The gerbera daisy with its pink speaks of your beautiful countenance, 
You bring joy to the Father, 
Of that it is obvious,
As you create beauty in all you do, 
I sense there is a master chef in you, 
But that is not all, 
The flowers are part of your gifting with art, 
You create beauty wherever you go, 
They speak of love and victory to people whose lives you touch. 
Everything you do is with a worshipping heart, 
You’ve seen and heard so much, 
You have traversed the celestial realm in your dreams as you spend time with Him, 
You will prosper in all you do, 
Because your heart of worship is so central to you. 
So beautiful Lily, 
Beautiful butterfly, 
Arise this is your season of Spring. 

By Yolanda Ferrante
Rise up My darling and awaken to the glorious treasures I have waiting for you. They are thrilling adventures waiting to be enjoyed and shared together.
I love you with an everlasting love and desire greater intimacy. Come My beloved, I will satisfy your every desire and you will never thirst again.

By Rabih Toni Slim
I AM the beauty of nature, the joy of all creation, the fascination of man, I AM the heart that pumps with all joy, life, hope and happiness.

Come to me 
for hope and glory
for on those above
I founded your destiny

You were never supposed
to walk desperate
That’s what the enemy had desired the most
But you were created for us to be unseparated
Come glean unto My beautiful garden of praise
for I design for you beauty that will amaze
A lot of mysteries 
that you don’t understand
but when you come close to Me
they will all fall in your hand

for with your praise and worship
You create the same patterns of nature
you create that glory around yourself
As you come close to Me in fellowship

The different colors mingle together, and each combination is so unique that it creates a different realm, a portal to a new dimension beyond what no eye has ever seen before or ear heard. Things I have created for you are beyond any human understanding, they have never even occurred in your wildest imagination.

For you have thought I was limited in My perspective and creativity on earth, for some time you were afraid that you may get to the end of it being bored and no longer having hope or destiny. But I’m about to launch you to higher dimensions, stretching your mind beyond anything that you can expect..

My Heart opens to the farthest ends of the created universe, My heart is a window to My most guarded secrets of everything that has ever been, so come close to Me so that I can share with you My mysteries…

Come and take a close peak to the most beautiful wonders I have ever created for you, to the greatest adventure of your lifetime that you are about to embark on…

I’m the author of love, passion and emotions… All those beautiful tiny moments of the last season when you would feel a sudden rest, a sudden beauty and joy even in the midst of storms, those were from Me, you were at that moment tapping into My heavenly atmosphere as that particular frequency danced in your mind stirring your senses…

Come close to My heart to see the depth of everything I have for you, manifesting in the most beautiful light fractals, the most beautiful mouth flavors and the most mesmerizing aromas…

Everything I have ever created beats with the joy and frequency of Heaven, life in nature was designed after a higher pattern, as each creature reflects one of My million characteristics…

I have written My laws and statues, even the mysteries of days to come over My creation.. I have designed each thing not only for your wonder but to teach you something so that you can know Me more, get closer to Me and praise My name as your rejoice in captivation of My might and power…

I will never leave you, for I have always been there even when you don’t see it, I’m walking right next to you, ready to release that atmosphere but sometimes you are so overwhelmed by the smoke that you fail to see what I’ve done around you..

You always have rivers of emotions with many holes, and as you chose to dive in one of them, it will carry you to the most beautiful place of speculation and creativity as you get swept in awe of the things you see there, for I’m the author of the Arts, each painting you have ever seen that reflects My light, each song that you ever heard that reflects My voice, all those came originally from locations that actually exist in My Heavenly Kingdom..

My Heart is like a deep well with gems at the bottom and the most precious treasures, hidden in the dark of secret crevices at the bottom, 

as deep as you go, 
will find something i show..
as far as you get 
you shall see things 
that you will never forget

My creative ideas and whispers lie in the deep as some swim in the middle like a swarm of sparkling bees swimming in a spiral from the bottom to the top of the pool.. come and look closer as one scale after the other is removed, revealing to you layers upon layers of things are in the space of My window but yet are not seen.

As you resonate with My frequency you discover what no one else gained access to, you understand how My sound turns into light and matter and how that matter in reciprocity vibrates creating back that same sound that made it… You discover how My waves can be at the same time colored lights, sounds and even aromas as My music travels in an observable way while My light resonates with different melodies sang by rocks in the fields, flowers in the meadow and every other thing…

Even My stars and galaxies dance and sing in sounds that if your ears were wide open in the spirit you would hear their melodies all the time…

I’m the lily of your valley, I’m the beginning, the end and everything between them, I created everything out of love and passion for you that’s why everything you want to see in a different lens you should look to through My heart, for My heart is a diamond with millions of facets, each facet showing you a different dimension, a different realms…

For those whose heart is blinded so are their eyes, that’s why many things are kept from them because they fail to see. Like the proud and boastful thinks, he knows it all, not knowing that he had already missed a lot… 

I have sacrificed for the world on the altar of the most high so that you may have access to it all, don’t think that I’ll keep anything good from you, for i want to give you so much more

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