Love Letters from God


Beholding The Sons Of Men And The Reverential Fear Of The Lord, Part Two

Beholding The Sons Of Men And The Reverential Fear Of The Lord,The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and skill [the preceding and the first essential, the prerequisite and the alphabet]; a good understanding, wisdom, and meaning have all those who do [the will of the Lord]. Their praise of Him endures forever.


Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part Two

 Righteousness, Peace And Joy In The Holy Spirit Arise and obey. Arise and go. Arise and shine. Arise and receive your blessing…your inheritance…your deliverance…your breakthrough. Arise and shift into the new day I have called. Once again I remind you to quit looking back and start pressing forward. Forgive and let go. Repent and forgive.…


Beholding The Sons Of Men And The Reverential Fear Of The Lord Part One

You see, I simply Am and wherever I am is always in a constant state of change…in a constant stage of creation…in a constant state of happening or being. My very person is Creation which in of itself relates to My ever state of coming to you in every aspect of your life…coming or should I say, “I am constantly approaching, drawing near, moving toward you…constantly reaching out, stretching toward you to listen, drawing closer…constantly extending Myself to you, coming up to you or I am occurring or existing in the midst of your life. I am ever-present to look upon you. To be present is to exist or enter into someone’s thoughts or mind. I am ever-existing with you.


Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part One

Be impressed “Upon” by Me. Let not the fingerprints of others upon your life supersede the fingerprint of life I have laid indelibly upon your heart…you are imprinted into the very palm of My hand (Isaiah 49:16).


Dance of the Bride and The Bridegroom Part Two

Perfect splendor and grace transform your butterflies into an elated dance of grace and peace. You have overcome…no longer counting steps. Instead, you are moving in harmony to melodious music as you are stirred to the very depths of your soul with all encompassing delight. This is the epitome of hearing My voice…the voice of your Good Shepherd


God’s Gift Of Restoration

Your faith is like the faith of a little child. You look not on what is around you but on My promises. My heart bleeds afresh with tender mercy whenever I see your misty eyes. I have been wiping your tears with the gentle blow of the wind, sweeping them to Heaven where I collect them. I pour them back over your life with a gentle rain of promise and answered prayer. They are incense to Me. Please, in all you do, remember, love covers a multitude of sins – yours and those around you.


The Gift of Unwavering, Steadfast Faith

I have dwelt with you in your times of adoration. Your contemplations are sweet, aromatic moments to Me. They waft up through the heavens like sweet perfume. They enter My senses like the smell of spring rain and produce an abundance of fruitfulness in your life as I release them back to you in showers of blessing.


You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water, Part Two

The only thing capable of stopping the beauty of My redeeming, resurrecting power to make all things new is your unwillingness to repent and accept what I have done on your behalf. Do not believe that I will condemn and therefore walk in self-condemnation, guilt and shame. Doing this makes you self-centered and not God centered. Beloved, I sympathize with your weakness and endured every temptation. With this in mind, keep your heart clean and let go of every stone of self-condemnation. Let My fountain flow through you unhindered.


Dance Of The Bride And The Bridegroom, Part One

Learning to hear and trust My voice is only the beginning. Now is the time for action. Don’t be like the maiden who believed there was no chance to go to the big ball…no chance to dance with the King. No, don’t be like the maiden who believed there was no such thing as a Prince on a white horse…nor believed in fairy tales…well, believed fairy tales could not be or that they belonged to the heart of the child. Have I not spoken about the heart of a child and what a beautiful thing it is to Me. Receive Me like a child


You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water Part 1

Beloved, you are a fountain that goes down into the deep regions of My heart. My heart flows forth from the fountain of your life. My living water bubbles up over the rock of My precious Son Jesus who dwells in you. Like an underground spring, I will eventually make joy and living water bubble to the surface in all areas of your life. As I do this, I will play the communion of our hearts like a skilled musician, for My springs of joy are in you (Psalms 87:7)