Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part Two

 Righteousness, Peace And Joy In The Holy Spirit

Arise and obey. Arise and go. Arise and shine. Arise and receive your blessing…your inheritance…your deliverance…your breakthrough. Arise and shift into the new day I have called.

Once again I remind you to quit looking back and start pressing forward. Forgive and let go. Repent and forgive. Forgive your own selves and look to Me. Set your face like flint and be amazed as paradigms shift. The light is coming on in the room of your heart.

And like boats (ideas, attitudes, beliefs, conceptions, circumstances and so on) once tossing to and fro with every wave are coming to an abrupt stop as I reposition you on the right course. I am positioning you on My course…My way of thinking and doing…My way of loving and forgiving…My way of stepping out to walk on the water of all raging circumstances…My way of believing all things are possible to him who believe…on to My way of humble obedience which leads to righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).

It is in My best interest that I do these things for and in you for much is at stake in the days ahead and it does not behoove Me to leave anyone adrift. As I have told you before, “It is what I do and who I am!” I change not.

Therefore, I declare to every reader of this word….”Let there be light in the midst of your being and let it radiate outward unto transformation which gives way to emergence. Are you ready for the ride of your life? I hope so for I am here to make it so, for you are My water-walker and I want you to know it.

Thinking On The Pure, Lovely And Upright Opens Doors To The “New Thing”

Beloved, as a good and faithful Father, I know what is best and when it is best to do according to all I have planned. I know a lot of times those I love are afraid to fly and seem to have unending conversations with their own selves about why they should not do the things I have put in their hearts. My, what time is wasted on arguing with one’s own self. Choose to think on what is pure, lovely and upright and you will crowd out all contrary thoughts (Philippians 4:8).

Think how much could be done if you would just do this one thing…if you would just agree with Me and believe I that I will back up what I say. Something to think about…wouldn’t you say? Now don’t go and feel guilty as you think about all those missed opportunities. Give them to Me and let Me make something new out of them. Learn, grow and go.

We have talked much about letting go of the past, so listen carefully and do not treat what I am about to say lightly because you have heard it so much before. I am doing and I will do a new thing in your life and the lives of those you love (Isaiah 42:9; Isaiah 43:19). You see, when you think on what is pure, lovely and upright it opens the door of agreement and takes you into the “New Thing.”

The past doesn’t disqualify you from the new thing. The only thing that can disqualify you is your own refusal to let go and reach out with both hands and a full heart enabled by having tasted and believed in My goodness. To believe in My goodness you must first taste and see. I promise you I will not disappoint.

You Are My Plan For Such A Time As This

Beloved, time is of the essence and I cannot state it more strongly…every minute is precious in My sight. I created time and value it greatly and I want you to value it too. Everything I give you is lavish and holds great worth. I do not want you to delay moving out into the things you know I have called you to do. Time is short and you are more prepared than you know.

It is My desire to position you…to provide divine appointments and part any seas of resistance in order to advance My Kingdom in this day and hour. Minute by minute I work. Hour by hour I work. Day by day I work and I want to display My goodness and mercy through you in such increments until your whole life is swallowed up in the movement and timing of My heart.

Therefore, a moment will come…a time will come in which I in My sovereignty do what needs to be done should delay try and win the day. I will not be dissuaded nor will I be stopped until My will is accomplished.

I know you have a free will, after all, I gave it to you in the first place; but I do have a good memory as well. I remember all the times you have told Me to do with you as I wish…all the times you said for Me to take your life and make it anything I want it to be.

Think about those kinds of statements or should I say “permissions” and know I am taking you at your word and calling in the markers’ After all it’s really what you want in deep places of your heart. Therefore, I will honor your words and your desires. I will do whatever needs to be done to enable you to fulfill your wishes, hopes and dreams for serving Me. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?

Beloved, you are My plan…you are My one to use for such a time as this. A time such as this is always NOW, for I am an ever present God. Yes, I am an ever present God and I am ever present with you. Join arms with Me My beloved friend and let us together change the course of destiny for all those in need…all those I have ordained to be in your path. The time is now.

 Throw Aside Every Encumbrance

Beloved, since time is of the essence, I am indeed pushing those that are Mine out of the nest in this day and hour…pushing them out to fly…to soar…to be. And you are one of Mine. I am not a partial God. I am a “whom so ever will” God. I have nurtured you, wooed you, challenged you, disciplined you and now I push you…now I call you to fly higher than you ever have. I call you to put away any encumbrance…to put off all unnecessary weight and fly with Me as you exercise patience and persistence (Hebrews 12:2).

Be not afraid nor disqualify yourself, for I, the mighty Eagle soar under you as you fly in the wake of My Presence. It is not in your might and not in your power but, by My Spirit. Fly My mighty one…fly for the field is ripe for harvest.

The heads of grain have come into fullness in this hour…first the blade, then the stalk and the full grain of the ear (Mark 4:28). He who has an (EAR) to hear what I am saying…has an ear and does not harden their heart by wondering “hath God said”….. will rise to lofty heights with an eagle eye of discernment and wisdom. You are My blade, My stalk and My full ear of grain. You are the seed ready to be planted in the hearts of many. You are the water, the fertilizer…you are whatever is necessary…instant in and out of season. It is you that I want…it is you.

God Is Not A Respecter Of Persons, All Can Fly

Yes Beloved, it is you I want for this day and time…for this moment. I want you to fly with confidence for I have called you for such a time as this to dispense all things necessary to bring in the harvest. Do it as if there is no one else besides you. Do it as if you are the only one.

Those who do not believe I show partiality …those who do not believe the freedom to ascend beyond the natural into the supernatural is for everyone else but they will mount up with eagle’s wings (Acts 10:34; Isaiah 40:31; 1 Corinthians 10:4).

When the belief is that someone else will do it or is more qualified and so on, there is a perpetual “someone else” and nothing gets done. Do not go there…do not say it is for someone else…do not use any other thing you most commonly use as an excuse that has negative power and does not magnify the who I say you are or who you have already been called to be.

Arise and shine O mighty ones and fly for I, your Kinsman Redeemer, have covered you. I have wooed you into the secret places. I have spoken to you in the depths….therefore; the breath of My Spirit is released on you today. I release it with a whoosh.

Here it comes My Beloved….like a mighty wind beneath the wings of your heart whooshing…rushing…swiftly moving…transporting…transcending all you have known.

Whoosh…it is time to fly…time to dance under the skirt of My Presence…come away with Me and I will download all you need…come fly to the secret places of My heart…Come….

Prayer Of Supplication And Declaration

Lord I praise You. I praise You because I am free to arise, obey You and go where You lead. I receive my blessing, inheritance, deliverance and complete breakthrough because of the work You did on the Cross. I will no longer keep looking back, and I will press forward towards the mark of the High calling in Christ Jesus. I will not be double minded, nor will I be tossed to and fro. Instead I give You praise for You are indeed repositioning me on Your course…Your path. Thank You for not leaving me adrift according to my own ways. I am ready Lord for the ride of my life. May the light of Your presence in my being radiate outward for all to see.

I thank You for loving me…for knowing me more than I know own self. You always know what is best for me as well as when it is best for me to receive all I need. You have not given me a spirit of fear, so thank you for helping me to not be afraid to fly with you.  You are my pilot.

Forgive for all the times I have tried to be in control of the destination of my flight. I thank You for forgiving me for arguing with You and wasting so much precious time. You are so awesome in every way no matter the circumstances of my life. I can never tell you enough how thankful I am for Your patience and love towards me. Take all the opportunities I have missed and make them into a beautiful master piece like only You can. I praise You for Your enduring love which believes the best of me and does not let my past does not disqualify me from the new things You are doing in my life. I reach out with both hands and a full heart of love and thankfulness to taste and see that You are good, and praise You for Your mercy endures forever.

I realize that time is of the essence. Each minute as it passes by is never to return, and I know they are gifts from you. Help me to become more aware of how the time slips by while I am unaware. I desire to see time as You do Lord, and to show You I too value each minute and spend it wisely. I have heard time is short. Help me to move into the areas You desire me to be in and to accomplish all that You would have me to walk in. Remove from me any areas of resistance Lord and enable me to be a yielded vessel going in the right direction. Thank You for being sovereign and may have Your perfect will done in my life. I am grateful that You know the deep places in my heart and still love me without question. Thank You for being my Lord and my friend. I Love You Lord.

I am so excited to leave the nest…so excited to fly into all the adventures You have planned for me. Thank You for giving me the extra push I needed to fly.

You have truly taken care of me in every area and have prepared me for such a time as this. I let go of every sin and encumbrance having the power to keep me weighed down. I let go of all holding me to the ground and I lift my wings to fly. I release everything that I have held on to so dearly. I forsake all to trust in You. I praise You for helping me to soar higher than ever before. I know You are always with me. I will fly in the wake of Your presence forever and all will be well with my soul.

Lord, I praise You for the privilege of flying with You…for having the honor to walk in Your footsteps. Your life and light give me courage and I have confidence in You knowing I have been called me for such a time as this.

 What a privilege to know I am a dispenser of all that is necessary in the lives of others as You lead me according to all You have planned for my life. I am willing to all You ask with a yielded heart no matter who else follows. I surrender all and I will not make excuses to keep from accomplishing Your will in my life. Thank You for being patient with me. Change me so I will not have a mindset which always believes someone else could do a better job. I am here to do my part Lord, so be it unto me according to Your Word.

Lord, I enter into the place of an uninhibited surrendered heart and I choose to fly, dance, sing and praise You with my whole heart. Amen

 Reflect and Journal

For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion? (Esther 4:14 Amplified)/p>

  1. Make a conscious decision what you are willing to let go of and not look back at any longer.
  2. Seek the Lord and ask Him if there is anyone you have not forgiven, including yourself that would hinder you for moving forward with the Lord.
  3. As you pray ask the Lord to reveal to you those things that will cause the paradigm shifts in your thinking, so you can walk in freedom and joy.
  4. Spend quality time praising God for the answered prayers you have experienced that has led you to this point.
  5. Practice listening carefully to what the Lord is saying about letting go of the past. List some of the things you are aware of that you have already released, and those you are willing to release now.
  6. What is one thing that can disqualify you from the new things the Lord wants to do in you?
  7. What area do you find yourself arguing with the Lord within yourself?
  8. Reflect on how much time you believe may have been wasted as you put off doing what the Lord was directing you to do. Write a confirmation to the Lord you will not procrastinate or argue with His leading once you are aware of it.
  9. Create a time journal that you can write how you spend “all” your time for a minimum of one week. If you can, extend the time to 21 days to reveal to yourself how you are spending your precious moments of each day.
  10. Write down how much time you believe you need to be in control of for your daily routines, work, to-do lists, etc. Then reflect on where you allow God to fit into those times.
  11. List the areas where you have given God permission to change you and think about where He may desire to do some shifting with your time restraints.
  12. Ask yourself, “Are you willing to surrender your control over your scheduling, calendar and your To-do lists?” Write your response.
  13. What does your nest look like that the Lord will be pushing you out of?
  14. Are you willing to put away any encumbrance, unnecessary weights that would keep you from flying with the Lord? Write down what are those weights as you willing submit them to God.
  15. Reflect on what fear may come up that would cause you to hesitate, or refuse to let go of anything that is a hindrance to your obedience to the Lord.
  16. God is asking for you, are you willing to surrender all to Him? Are you giving Him your all?
  17. Are you willing to follow the leading of the Lord, even if you feel you are the only one doing what He is calling you to do?
  18. Are there areas where you have thought someone else is better qualified to do a job, although you knew something needed to be do, yet did nothing, and saw that no one else did either
  19. Can you sense the Lord calling you to go out into the deep? Are you willing to step out and follow His lead?
  20. Ask the Lord to help you to see and understand the revelations he has for you to be able to rise up and enter into that newness of life and shine as you embrace all that he has for you. Record the thoughts the Lord gives to you.

Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part One

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