Dare To Dream – Dare To Walk In The Visions Of Your Heart, Part One

Let Dreams Birthed In Darkness Bring Light To The Path Ahead

Beloved, dreams are often birthed in the darkest of hours or times of intimacy often unseen by others. Therefore, be encouraged this day. Put your ears to My heart and listen to what my Spirit is saying. Do not give up when pressure exerts itself against you. Do not give in to the tactics, lies and deceitful persuasions of the enemy. Be of good courage and dream with an understanding that I am with you to fulfill the visions of your heart.

Joseph had dreams and his brothers ridiculed him, scorned him and eventually harmed him. None of their effort or the efforts of others throughout his journey could stop what I put in motion.

How many dreams do you think David had while tending his sheep? I will let you in on a little secret. He had more dreams than you can count and they all were birthed out of his worship and intimacy with Me. He didn’t wait till he became a king to dream. Dreaming gave way to being a king. He allowed destiny and purpose to unfold a bear and a lion until finally Goliath fell (1 Samuel 17:34-37).

You are no different than David. Remember all the times I have been faithful…remember your own lions and bears that have fallen along the way. Do this, build your faith and the Goliaths in your life will not have power over you…the flesh will not have power over you. Let your dreams be a light shining on the path ahead as beacons of hope and promise. Selah

Tent Of The Lord’s Glory

For thirty-three years the Tabernacle of David, a mere tent, was filled with worship day and night…night and day as the reality of his dreams progressed (1 Chronicles 16:37, 23:5, 25:6-7; 2 Samuel 5:5; For more information read 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Chronicles 13-16)

His dream and desire for intimate worship drew many into the very depths of My heart and he did not stop there (Psalms 27:4). He dreamed of building a temple…a house for Me. And you know what?

His desire pleased me, but there was no house David could have ever built that could have ever been capable of being as beautiful as he was to Me. I feel the same way about you. You are a tent of My glory…a tent filled with My presence…a tent for all to come to in order to know who I am.

In the midst of his dying the dream of building a house for Me, all the dreams laid up in his heart, were passed on to Solomon (1Chronicles 28:10-12). Even in death, his dreams went on to be fulfilled. You see, David was My plan and so are you.

Joseph fed the multitudes according to a dream in the night. David fed the multitudes according to a dream in his heart. Both were dreams born of love. Regardless whether your dream is a dream born in the night or a dream of the heart, I care for them all and desire for all to be fulfilled. You are My dream…you are My tabernacle and I inhabit you.

Manifest Dreams And The Waymaker

Beloved, what do you think I cared most about when it came to Joseph and David? Was it Joseph or his dream? Was it David or his dream…his plan to build a temple? I cared about Joseph. I cared about David. They were My plan and so are you. To be a part of their lives and plans was a pleasure and joy to My heart. And nothing has changed.

You see, there is no temple, no plan, or beauty able to compare with the loveliness and sheer delight I experience by dwelling in you and fulfilling the dreams of your heart.

My breaker anointing, like the mighty crashing waves of the sea, went before both Joseph and David and now it goes before you to make a way where there is no way…to open doors which cannot be shut and close doors that cannot be opened (Revelation 3:8). I am your Way and I am your Way-maker (Isaiah 43:16).

What I say goes and what I establish stands. You can count on Me. Now let Me count on you to believe, dream and dare to do. I cause you, like many others before you and many to come after you, to dream of great and small feats…to have desire and longing of heart to accomplish much according to how I fashioned you in your mother’s womb. I am making a way for the manifest dreams of your heart for they are the desire of My heart.

The Potter, The Clay And The Dreamer

Yes, I am the potter and you are the clay. However, your vessel is made to be contained by Me and hold dreams and aspects of My person. These aspects will be made visible and manifest through the dreams of your heart. After all you originated in My heart, for all things begin and end in Me (Romans 11:36).

Cleanse your heart of all shameful ways of thinking and doing…put away all unclean thoughts…and do not call unclean what I call clean. Come into agreement with Me for you have been made righteous through My blood. You are my vessel of honor. You are my heart of dreams to be expressed in the earth.

Beloved, you could look at it this way. You are the manifest dream of My heart. How marvelous is that. Nothing can compare and I take pleasure in My dreams. I take pleasure in you. Now is the time for you to translate this pleasure of mine by birthing dreams into reality. I, who started a work in you, will complete it. Do not grow weary in believing such (Galatians 6:9; Hebrews 12:3).

Dare to dream and know neither David nor Solomon in all their times of victory or glory have anything on you. I am not partial to them or anyone else so do not exclude your worth or dreams by comparing them to that of another. I am waiting to co-labor with you to carry them out.

Dreams Manifest From Him, To Him And Through Him

Beloved, so many times you seek and seek to find out what I want you to do when all along it is already in your heart. Have you ever thought about Me wanting to do what is in your heart…thought about the promptings in your own spirit being something I just might like to participate in? Have you thought of your dreams as something originating with Me according to how I fashioned you in the first place?

Everything originates from Me. (Romans 11:36). Therefore if you have big or little dreams about ministering to youth, old people, children or any other segment of society take a chance. Many times those I love think in order to minister they have to somehow function in church setting or church leadership somehow. Simply not true.

This is such limited thinking to ascribe to one’s self. After all you are the very dwelling place of My Presence. You are My temple…My house. I once dwelt only in the Holy of Holies and now I dwell in you. In essence you are the Holy of Holies where I abide and live…where I live and dream. How I love to dream in you.

Dare to take your dreams to a practical level. Your own life now benefits from the creative manifest dreams born out of the hearts of men. You drive in someone’s dream. You can read because someone dreamed of changing the world by teaching you to read. Many inventions and concepts came from those who don’t even know Me. Imagine how much more is available to those who do know Me…imagine how much is available to you…right at your finger tips. Reach out and take it.

Prayer Of Supplication And Declaration

Father, I adore You and You are worthy to be praised. You are mighty indeed and You alone are Glorious. I thank You for giving me dreams birthed from the throne of God into my heart. As I listen to Your heart and hear what the Spirit is saying I praise You and long for Your will to be done in my life. I will not give up or give in to the tactics of the enemy with reference to Your plans for my life.

I will be of good courage and dream the dreams You have for me. I receive the understanding that I am with You as You are with me to fulfill the visions You place in my heart. I am thankful no one or nothing can stop what You put into motion when it comes to fulfilling my dreams and destiny. I worship You and praise You for the intimacy we have together.

It is in an atmosphere of worshipping you where I receive all the dreams and visions You have for me to receive. I desire only the destiny and purpose You have created me to walk in. Let it unfold and be manifested in my life now and for all eternity.

Lord, what an honor to be Your temple…to be Your plan for spreading the dreams and provisions of Your heart. I will thank You and praise You forever for Your love is indescribable and endures to the very end. I will worship You day and night as I praise You with my whole heart. My greatest dream and desire is for intimate communion and intimacy with You on a continual basis.

Yes Lord, I am honored to be Your dwelling place…to be a habitation or tent for Your glory. I am one who is filled with Your presence. I am a part of Your plan, as David was, to fulfill Your purpose. Thank You for trusting me with the thoughts and intents of Your heart…for trusting me to be a part of Your dream. Praise You for the reality of participating in the spreading of Your glory on the earth.

You care about all the dreams You have given me. I thank you for making the way for their fulfillment. It is too wonderful to comprehend, yet I will praise You for eternity as I am part of your dream come true. I am a manifest dream of Your heart.

I am in awe that am a part of Your plan and I praise You for dwelling in me and fulfilling the dreams of my heart. Thank You for the breaker anointing which is making a way right now as I call upon Your name. It is making a way where there is no way, opening doors that cannot be shut, and closing doors that cannot be opened.

Only You can accomplish all things needed to fulfill my dreams Lord. Thank You for being my Way and Way-maker. Today and every day I count on You. You can count on me as I believe big and dream big. You are my all and all. You keep Your word; therefore, I do trust You with all my heart. I believe You are fulfilling all my dreams. Thank You for giving me the desires of my heart which come from the desires of Your heart.

I bless You Lord, for You are worthy to be praised. I, humbly and with great faith, bless Your Holy name. You are the Potter. I am the clay. As Your vessel, I am ready and willing to be poured out among the people so You may reveal your dreams, visions and passion among men.

As my heart is being cleansed, I praise You, for I am Your workmanship. I am in agreement with You Lord and acknowledge I have been made righteous through Your blood to be a vessel of honor.

I long for You to freely express Your heart of dreams through me. Thank You for taking pleasure in me which I will in turn translate by birthing dreams into reality. I declare the work You started in me shall be completed and bring glory to Your name. Truly I will not grow weary in the process. I dare to stretch my tent pegs in order to dream bigger, for I am a co-laborer with You to carry out the Your mission on and in the earth.

Lord, I Praise You for truly the dreams and desires of my heart have come from You. I will acknowledge the fact that it is Your promptings in my spirit which move me and motivate me to dream and dream big. I declare that I am obedient to all You desire to do with me and through me. As I acknowledge You in all my ways, You direct my steps to accomplish that which has been planted within the deep recesses of my heart by You.

Thank you for your faithfulness to ignite the passions of my heart to fulfill Your will in the earth. All My dreams originating with You will come to pass as I get into agreement with Your Word to me. Take my dreams to a practical level as I surrender my imagination and reach out to take all You have for me. Help me to make all dreams given by You…inspired by You into a reality. Amen

Reflect and Journal

The Lord on high is mightier and more glorious than the noise of many waters, yes, than the mighty breakers and waves of the sea (Psalms 93:4 Amplified)

And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28 Amplified)

  1. Is there a dream or vision that has been conceived in your heart that may seem impossible to fulfill? Write the vision.
  2. Are there pressures you are struggling with that make you to want to give up your dreams? What are they?
  3. Write of a time that seemed the darkest when a dream was birthed in your heart? How did you respond…out of faith or unbelief? What are you doing with said dream now?
  4. Remembering all the times God has been faithful. Make a list of your victories, your personal lions, bears and Goliaths you have already conquered with God’s help. Then spend time praising God for your victories.
  5. Do you have a dream and desire for intimate worship? If so, are you taking the time on a regular basis to honor the Lord and be still before Him?
  6. Describe how the Lord looks at You? How does he see You in His eyes?
  7. David was a part of God’s plan to fulfill His purpose at that time. Write what purpose and plan You believe God has called you to at this time.
  8. Reflect and write a love note to the Lord on what it means to be one who God calls his “manifest dream.”
  9. In what area of your life do you believe for a break through?
  10. In what dream of the heart do you need the breaker anointing the most? Praise God by faith for the breaker anointing as it makes way and moves you forward to fulfill your dream.
  11. Practice praising God for opening doors no man can close and closing doors no man can open. Take time to call those things that are not as though they are based on His promises to you.
  12. Write a commitment to the Lord telling Him how He can count on you. Tell Him how you will believe for the things it takes to bring your dream to pass. Then dedicate a special time to praise God for making a way for the manifestation of your dreams.
  13. What is your vessel created for and how can you uniquely display who He is in you?
  14. How is the purpose of your vessel made visible and manifest? What more would you like to see Him do in relation to your vessel of honor?
  15. Are you willing to translate the Lord’s pleasure by birthing His dreams into reality?
  16. Are you willing to dare to dream and be a co-labor with God to fulfill His purpose in you? Write the revelations the Lord gives you concerning your answers to these questions.
  17. Write down the dreams and desires that you have thought might just be your own desires that now you see may have actually originated from the heart of the Father.
  18. After accepting Jesus Christ as Lord, He enters into your heart; therefore you are His dwelling place. Acknowledge the fact you are His temple, His house, and His presence is in you. After acknowledging this how should you look at your own self in respect to His proclamation about you?
  19. Contemplate the reality…the fact that where God lives He also dreams. He lives in you and dreams in you. What a revelation to ponder…God dreaming on the inside of you. Selah
  20. Are you willing…do you dare to take your dreams, God’s dreams, to a practical level? If so write down the steps the Lord reveals to you on how to start the process. Don’t be afraid of particle ideas or just flowing according to the personality He gave you.

Dare To Dream, Dare To Walk In The Visions Of Your Heart – Part Two

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