Dare To Dream, Dare To Walk In The Visions Of Your Heart – Part Two

Fashioned And Equipped For His Manifest Glory

Beloved, each person is fashioned with an ability to dream and create and you are no exception. Each person is fashioned for and fit for good purpose and good works. To prove it, you have been given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee. He will lead you, guide you and bring you into all revelation and truth. The Holy Spirit will stir up the thoughts and desires of My heart already in you. For you do contain the thoughts and intents of My heart.

There is no difference between you or any other individually unique person who has done both the great and the small. I say small because men often grade on a scale I never use. I look at your heart and when it is obedient to do as it is prompted a smile can be as grand…as great as the building of Solomon’s temple. I know it is hard to grasp, but never the less, it is true.

Therefore, do you desire to write a book? Then write a paragraph. Do sense the longing to see others healed? Then step out and pray for the sick. Do you long to see eager minds absorb the truth…to learn? Then become a teacher. Do you desire to build great buildings? Then become an architect or help the underprivileged build houses. Do you desire to see babies saved from the cruelty of abortion? Then volunteer at a pregnancy center. The list of opportunities can go on and on according to the many facets of who I am in you and those I love. Be free to express yourself and your personality. After all I made both and both are good.

Come into a time…come to a time of residing in green pastures as David did. Come and see what it is I do in this day and hour. Come and be with Me. When you do the dreams and desires of your heart will become vivid and they will pull you like a magnet to fulfill all I have planned. Revel in the beauty of who I say you are. People are not attracted to sour grapes but they are attracted to sweet honey.

Mediate on these words in the days to come and I promise you it will build a growing anticipation to dare to carry out all the desires of your heart. Dare to dream…dare to do?

Revelation And The Tearing Of Veils

Like the opening curtain of a play, I will unfold your dreams one fold at a time. After all, I am an expert at unfolding dreams or renting veils (Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45).

Just ask Joseph, David about dreams…ask Mark or Luke about veils being torn into. Just as the veil in the Holy of Holies was removed giving access to all men, the power of My shed blood tares asunder the lies and deceptions of the enemy.

In the blink of an eye and with just one moment in the presence of My light and glory all things are accomplished. One moment is more than enough and can fill a lifetime with desire for more. Son…daughter…I am ever present with hands outstretched and heart extended toward you. My words are ever increasing and without partiality. I am giving Myself to you in a whole new way today.

I do so to empower you and reveal to reveal to you the sheer beauty and worth of your life in Me. I enable you to be about My business in the earth. My people perish for lack of vision…knowledge…revelation (Proverbs 29:18).

My people perish for lack of dreamers who have the courage to release all I have given them. When you release all the dreams of your heart destiny and purpose unfold in such a way that the lives of men are affected for the good. Come look beyond what you have known or believed. Come and step into hope beyond the veil into the presence of My dreaming heart…into the presence of redemptive revelation to receive that which will not perish (Proverbs 29:18).

The Enemy Shall Come One Way But Flee In Seven

Many cannot see the unseen and stumble in the dark, aimless and hopelessness with no destination in sight. Who will light the way? Who will see? Who will hear what the Spirit is saying and not harden their heart or walk in unbelief? Whose dreams will unfold and encompass those I long to capture within the folds of My presence…those I wish to pull into the secret places of My heart. Beloved, let it be you. Do not doubt all you are called to be no matter the scale whether it be big or small. Just be obedient and I will back you up.

Why…because the enemy broadsides so many, and they are thrown unprepared into the fight. But I say to you this day, you shall confront the enemies of your soul and the enemies of the souls of others with and in My power. When you do this the enemy shall know much dismay…the enemy shall fear the shining forth of My glory in and through you.

Every enemy shall tremble at the sound of My name coming from your lips for you will know Me in a way unknown in all your days. They shall flee as you come into the lives of those I send you to with My Word…a Word in due season…a Word at just the right time.

I am releasing the power of deliverance, to overcome what has plagued your life. I am cutting off the bands of wickedness from you with the revelation’s knife. You cannot conquer a land and set other’s free when you, yourself are in chains and captivity regardless of how large or small the issue. . This cannot be and shall not be, for I have come to turn night to day and death to resurrection.

Therefore, keep yourself in intimate communion with Me and you will be aware of all the schemes, snares of the enemy and the issues of your own heart. I will be quick. I will be swift to deliver you from every offense as you walk in humility and forgiveness. Why? Because I love you and You are the one I have chosen…yes, you. For this is the day My sent ones get freed and my Seers see.

Prison Doors Open And Eternal Life In Christ Is Revealed

Beloved, your constant and ongoing liberation will cause the multitudes to come unto Me. As you overcome, you acquire the keys you could have not received any other way…keys to bring others out. In overcoming you find the route to and from My secret place for you.

In this day Seers will point the way as never before, for before My Bride stands a new door. Passion is about to be released as you resurrect into the New. I will be with you in what your hearts and lives pursue in Me. I alone determine the outcome as you come into agreement with Me. I am the Alpha and the Omega…the beginning and the end…and all that is in the middle. I am sovereign! Who can argue and win their case against the awesome power of who I am. Though men rail against Me and think they have succeeded because of what seems to be tiny advancements, it shall not be so. I always have the last word…the last Word.

When I move…when I speak…when I determine…when I arrange, you will be entangled in a divine entanglement of My will and purpose for your life. You will be consumed with my fire and zeal. When the world looks at you, what will they see? They will see you reflecting My Kingdom. What they see will appeal to them. What they see will draw them into Me.

Be My dreamer and dream big with Me. Dare to see tremendous outcome and victory out of even the smallest obedience and response to the desires of your heart for the Kingdom. Dare to believe. Dare to think beyond limited thoughts confined behind the bars of visible circumstances and

I Have Raised You From Among The Dead While You Are Yet Living

Beloved, do not fret or entertain dismay in anything I have called you to do, for I Jesus, the Breaker, have already prepared your way (Micah 2:13). All you must do is follow in the footsteps of My dreaming heart for your life. All you must do is dare to believe and you shall see the glory of the Lord.

All the pain and rejection of this life…all you have suffered and endured will be worth it all. For the nails driven deep into My flesh prepared the way for your salvation and for your call. Who you are and the dreams of your heart are non-negotiable as far as I am concerned. They are written on the walls of destiny with My blood.

The enemy has been after what is within you. Why? He still longs to bring defeat to Me and counts it a joy to use you in the process. This is nothing new. One thing He seems to forget. I have already won and so have you. Cling to Me…hide in Me and be resurrected from the dead while you are yet living. I am here to make it so.

The devil…the father of all lies had already lost for I, Jesus, dwell in you and I am breaking through. And like Me you shall display My Kingdom and My Glory on the earth. But first, you have to endure till the end and overcome in the darkness and depths of the earth…overcome in the midst of your situations and circumstances.

You shall walk in a continual birthing and the treasure you are shall be unearthed moment by moment. The greatest of signs and wonders shall appear announcing to all with a loud voice of victory that My Kingdom has come and My Kingdom is ever near. Yes, I raise you out from among the dead things of this life while you are yet living. Cling to Me…let your life be found in Me and Me alone…in doing this all things shall be added unto you. Never put the cart before the horse or think your works can make way for you. I am the Waymaker and the imparter of dreams, visions and calling. I have called you and I call you, My Beloved Dreamer who holds the thoughts, intents and dreams of My heart. Therefore, be of good cheer for I have indeed overcome for you, in you and will do so through you. Come.

Prayer Of Supplication And Declaration

Father, it is an awesome wonder to think You have called me to be with You…to dream as You dream, to love as You love, and to be as You created me to be. I thank you for the privilege of fulfilling Your purpose, in me. I will step out in faith to accomplish all You have put in my heart.

Thank You Holy Spirit for being my guarantee, my helper, and my comforter and for encouraging me to do all I am called to do. You are perfect love…and Your love cast out all my fear as I surrender my worries and concerns to you. Reveal Your perfect love to me on a moment by moment basis and I will be completely whole and unafraid.

Because of Your great love, I enter into a whole new adventure with freedom to express myself according to the personality You have created me to be. I am who I am and it is good.

As I abide in You, I rest in green pastures while seeing the dreams and desires of my heart become vivid landscapes before me. Truly I can I rejoice by faith in all that You are doing even before it is completed. I revel in the beauty of who You say I am, and I rejoice in the joy of my salvation. I dare to dream as I worship and praise You in the grace, mercy and intimacy of Your presence.

Lord, I exalt Your mighty name and praise You forever. I declare Your goodness in the land of the living and thank you for the unfolding of my life and dreams You have shared with me. Thank You for making a way where there was no way by paying the price at Calvary. You rent the veil and made a way for me to enter the Holy of Holies where Your presence dwells. It is there that I find joy. It is there, in Your presence that I may dream Your dreams and see Your visions. Thank You for being ever present with Your heart extended to me. I receive Your power to be about Your business here on earth. I choose to release all the dreams of my heart and praise You for my destiny and Your purpose as they unfold day by day. May the dreams of my heart and Your heart be released in such a way as to enrich the lives of men and women until they are affected for the good for all eternity.

Oh Lord, how I have longed for this day…this day of unfolding dreams where I am encompassed in the vast regions of Your endless heart. There is no way I can praise You enough for my freedom purchased with the color RED. I shout Your praises as I struggle to see through the tears of joy for the time has come for my deliverance. I speak Your name and the enemy trembles…Jesus…Jesus…Jesus…what a beautiful name…it is the name I love…Jesus.

Jesus, thank you for setting me free. Thank you for dealing with my enemies. I truly humble myself before You as I also forgive and pray for my enemies You are my Defender…my Strong Tower…my God in whom I trust. Because of Your Word to me, I know I am called; therefore, I step out in faith to be obedient in every way to do Your will. I will light up the darkness. I will hear what the Spirit is saying and follow Your leading and set the captives free. Thank You for the power of deliverance. Thank You for resurrection power manifesting in my life. I will keep myself in intimate communion with You because I love You. Thank You for loving me and choosing me. I am one who sees and I am Your sent one to be about my Father’s business.

Lord, I am forever grateful to You my God and my Deliverer! Thank You for liberation made possible by all You sacrificed. You and only You could open the prison doors of my heart. Thank You for giving me keys to the secret place where I can be with You.

I will go forth and help others to be set free that they too can come into Your presence and experience the joy of freedom. I come into agreement with You and praise You for the outcome of all that I am doing in advance. Come Holy Spirit and consume me with the fire and zeal of the Holy One. Come and I will be changed and when the world looks at me they will see You. My greatest desire is to reflect You in all that I am and all that I do so that others will be drawn to You. I dare to believe I am all You have said I am regardless of my own thoughts, circumstances or the words of men. I dare to think…to believe beyond all limitations and declare this day and forever all things are possible for You are my God.

Father…Papa…Daddy… My heart cries with wonder and amazement…it cries out sighs of love and joy, as I humble myself before You and Your mighty love. You are so wonderful to have invited me to come and be with You for eternity through the sacrifice of one You love so much. You are indeed my Gift-giver…my Beautiful One full of mercy and grace. How I love You with a heart of exalted adoration.

Please forgive me for all the times I have been negligent in reciprocating love…for all the times I have found other things more worthy of my time than You. I call You my Treasure…my Pearl of Great Price and I will cling to You and You alone. I embrace the thoughts and intents of Your heart and I am changed.

Thank you for sharing Your heart, Your dreams, and Your plans. There are not words powerful enough to give the honor due Your name. I can never praise You enough as I thank you for revealing to me Your purpose in my life. I desire with all that is within me to birth all You desire to birth through me. Therefore, I praise You for the resurrection power now being manifested in my life. Surely You have called me out from all that is dead while I am yet living. You are the Waymaker…You are my Waymaker and I follow after You now and all of eternity. Amen
Reflect and Journal
By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:3 Amplified)

Now He Who has fashioned us [preparing and making us fit] for this very thing is God, Who also has given us the [Holy] Spirit as a guarantee [of the fulfillment of His promise] (2 Corinthians 5:5 Amplified)

1. Set aside a time to meditate on the word of the Lord concerning who He says you are.

2. Write a plan, a call to action, to step into the dream God has given you.

3. Remind yourself you are fee to express yourself and your personality that God has given you.

4. Write a list of your strengths, unique qualities and talents that will assist you in fulfilling your dreams.

5. Take time to meditate on the reality of your value and worth to the Lord.

6. Write down the thoughts that are revealed to you concerning the way the Lord sees your worth and value.

7. People perish for a lack of knowledge. What knowledge is the Lord revealing to you concerning your dreams and purpose related to being about His business?

8. Do you have the courage to dare to dream and share the vision God desires to display through you? If your answer is yes, write a new commitment to the Lord declaring your willingness. If your answer is no, what is holding you back…lack of self-worth, bad past experiences, the negative words of men and so on?

9. Seek the Lord and prepare for battle by meditating on a particular Word He has spoken to you.

10. Receive the power to confront your enemies under His direction and in His timing.

11. Ask yourself are you truly in a place of humility and forgiveness? If not, who do you need to forgive, perhaps even your own self.

12. Give thanks as the power of the Lord sets you free, therefore helping you set other captives free.

13. What prison doors are keeping you from being free to be all that God is calling you to be?

14. Are you willing to walk out of the prison cell…to walk out of its security and familiarity once you know the doors are open? They are open you know.

15. Once free, are you willing to help set others free by allowing God to shine brightly through you in the manner He has made you? How do you feel you are called to set the captives free using the gifting and personality He gave you?

16. Write a paragraph describing the prison doors that have been opened and your response to the freedom being offered to you.

17. Spend time just praising God for all that He is doing in your life right now and if you can’t seem to find anything start by praising Him for who He is and your eyes will be opened to gratefulness. You do have salvation to be thankful for.

18. Recognize the tests, trials and temptations you are facing are attempts to get you to give up your dreams from the Lord. Don’t believe the lie of the enemy…for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the Lord. If not so, we would not need Jesus. Receive forgiveness and stand in the power of His might to do according to all He has called you to do. Don’t take steps backward…go forward.

19. Make a determination to endure to the end and overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.

20. Take time to write down what your testimony is giving thanks for all that God has done for you and is doing for you now.

Dare To Dream – Dare To Walk In The Visions Of Your Heart, Part One


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  1. What a timely word from YHWH! This is exactly what I needed to hear.
    Thank you so much for being an obedient servant of the Lord, Brenda! God has gifted you with incredible power, and it is so refreshing to see someone using that power for building up and not tearing down. God bless you!

  2. This word is so intimate, I could hear God speaking so clearly about my call into the earth. I know understand that the desires and dreams that were placed in my heart were from God and this is my inheritance of his Kingdom on Earth. I stumbled onto this website now knowing in all that it was Gods leading. I pray that your ministry, God channeling through you will manifest more and more that the people of God can indeed hear what his spirit is speaking through you. I thank you and God be the the Glory!! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!

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