Tag: Revelation

Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part Two

 Righteousness, Peace And Joy In The Holy Spirit Arise and obey. Arise and go. Arise and shine. Arise and receive your blessing…your inheritance…your deliverance…your breakthrough. Arise and shift into the new day I have called. Once again I remind you to quit looking back and start pressing forward. Forgive and let go. Repent and forgive.…


The Prophetic Demystified – Part I

If you look it up in the dictionary prophecy can mean to tell of a future event in order to reveal the will of a deity or be seen as a prediction, a foretelling, foresight or insight. The act of predicting or foretelling is most often what scares or at the very least concerns many believers. Either they discard the value and legitimacy of prophecy or leave it up to someone more qualified or gifted.

Prophecy is often looked at as something the so called “national or local church leaders” engage in and can be seen as something reserved for a select gifted few. It can be seen as something operating on a grand scale in regard to nations and/or governments with little relation to everyday life and experiences. Prophecy is also seen as something a Prophet visiting a local church or conference might engage in. This is indeed true, but prophecy is much more than that.


Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part One

Be impressed “Upon” by Me. Let not the fingerprints of others upon your life supersede the fingerprint of life I have laid indelibly upon your heart…you are imprinted into the very palm of My hand (Isaiah 49:16).


Dare To Dream, Dare To Walk In The Visions Of Your Heart – Part Two

Beloved, each person is fashioned with an ability to dream and create and you are no exception. Each person is fashioned for and fit for good purpose and good works. To prove it, you have been given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee. He will lead you, guide you and bring you into all revelation and truth. Holy Spirit will stir up the thoughts and desires of My heart already in you. For you do contain the thoughts and intents of My heart.

There is no difference between you or any other individually unique person who has done both the great and the small. I say small because men often grade on a scale I never use. I look at your heart and when it is obedient to do as it is prompted a smile can be as grand…as great as the building of Solomon’s temple. I know it is hard to grasp, but never the less, it is true.


Dare To Dream – Dare To Walk In The Visions Of Your Heart, Part One

Beloved, dreams are often birthed in the darkest of hours or times of intimacy often unseen by others. Therefore, be encouraged this day. Put your ears to My heart and listen to what my Spirit is saying. Do not give up when pressure exerts itself against you. Do not give in to the tactics, lies and deceitful persuasions of the enemy. Be of good courage and dream with an understanding that I am with you to fulfill the visions of your heart.


You Are Seated In Heavenly Places

I am removing veils of obstruction, ripping them asunder in your own thoughts and doctrine in order to reveal many hidden truths. The blood of My son, Jesus removed the veil between you and Me (Hebrews 10:19-21). All deceptive veils of the enemy were destroyed. They only have power over you or in you if don’t believe or know who you are in Me. When you know who I am, you believe My Word and all things are possible, for My Word is true . . . full of power to set the captives free.


Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory

Take confidence in who that you are in Me for I chose you…picked you out for My very own before the foundations of the world to be blameless, above reproach before Me in love. How I do love you…ahh…how I adore you this very moment. Receive My Beloved…just receive (Ephesians 1:4).


Who Do You Say That I Am

Am I am love longing to be poured out? Am I am love longing to walk in the heat of your life to bring the breath of My cool garden to you regardless (regardless of what?)? Or am I someone you find it necessary to hide from in fear I might see your nakedness? Beloved, I do not see your nakedness. I see Jesus. I know you know this in some ways; but, I want you to have a complete revelation of Christ in you as being all I see. Knowing Christ in you is the hope of glory.


Winds Of Wisdom and Revelation

Vision rides on the wings of My wind. You shall not perish nor falter in the days ahead. I am taking My fingertips and inserting them into the recesses of your heart in order to open the eyes of your understanding. With each sharp as steel, yet brush-like movement I am cutting away, all …