Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory

Word of the Day

You have My favor this day and I am stretching out My scepter out to you, Ask of Me and I will answer. Deep within you My abiding Presence is rising up that you might hear with unmistakable clarity…that you might know deeply and be ever mindful of My enduring love which speaks ever so clearly to you and all those I love.

O’ to know and have revelation of who I am in you and who you are in Me. I am indeed the hope of glory in you (Colossians 1:27; Galatians 2:20). I am the incorruptible seed of life and I am in you to live and abide forever and ever and ever without end (1 Peter 1:23).

Be not afraid or concerned, for regardless of whether you feel or experience My Presence I am still abiding in You. I do not come and make My home in the ones I love only to leave or forsake them and this includes you. All of My sons feel disconnected or afraid some time or another. When this happens, it is important to renew your mind in me…to take your thoughts captive to My Word and to listen for the whispers of My heart to you. In doing this the enemy…the father of all lies will flee as My Word takes root to spring upward in you.

Take confidence in who that you are in Me for I chose you…picked you out for My very own before the foundations of the world to be blameless, above reproach before Me in love. How I do love you…ahh…how I adore you this very moment. Receive My Beloved…just receive (Ephesians 1:4).

To whom God was pleased to make known how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ within and among you, the Hope of [realizing the] glory (Colossians 1:27)

You have been regenerated (born again), not from a mortal origin (seed, sperm), but from one that is immortal by the ever living and lasting Word of God (1 Peter 1:23 Amplified)


Lord, Your love and faithfulness never leave me and endure to the very end no matter what I go through. Because of this, I submit my heart…submit my very life to You with a steadfast hope and faith in the goodness of Your name. I praise You for I have favor in Your sight, for I am Your favorite one (Proverbs 3). My only heart’s desire is to know You more and to have the confidence to ask You for the things I need and desire without fear.

I will not cower and be fearful, but come boldly to the Throne of Grace and find help in my time of need. Thank you for Your abiding Presence which dwells in me and covers my life. Your Word says, “My sheep hear My voice.” Therefore I declare my heart is not hardened and my ears are open to Your words.

May I sense Your Presence and hear your voice with unmistakable clarity. May I be encompassed in Your everlasting depths to know the reality of Your revelation and truth in ways I have never known before. Open my eyes…open the eyes of my heart and let me see the revelation of who You truly are and who I am in You. Thank You for choosing me to be holy and blameless in Your sight. What an awesome privilege to be picked by You, for many are called but few are chosen (Matt.20:16). Amen

Reflect and Journal

  1. A call to action has been given by the Father. Ask of Me and I will answer. Do you know what you want? Are you willing to boldly come to the throne of God and make your requests be made know to Him? What are your most pressing needs?
  2. Write a list of things you have desired to ask God about but were afraid to ask.
  3. There will be times you may feel afraid or not sense the Presence of the Lord. Write down times when you experienced His Presence or knew you heard the voice of the Lord so you can refer back to it when you are feeling disconnected or afraid.
  4. Take time to meditate on the Word of God to renew your mind, and listen to the whispers of the Lord as He shares His heart with your heart. Praise Him for His love for you. For truly He chose you for His purpose and loves you with perfect love. What is He saying?
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