Tag: Strength

Arise With Eagles Wings And Be Renewed With Strength, Expectation And Hope

Beloved, do you want supernatural strength and energy? I hope so, for it is what I have already given you and long for you to appropriate. As My child, you are called to walk in the supernatural for your citizenship is in heaven not here on earth. You are no longer of the earth. You are a whole new being…one who is loved and seated with Me already.


Help Comes From The Lord

Come sit under the apple tree with Me…come and savor the sweet crisp taste of My Presence. Did you know apples help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure and have been considered the “King of Fruits.” The juice of apples can even regulate heart burn. Do you feel the pressure of the times and circumstances? Do you have spiritual heart burn? Like apples in the natural heal on a natural level, time in My Presence heals both the natural and the spiritual. Selah (Meditate)


Christ In You, The Ever-Present, Unchanging & Overcoming God, Part One

Be not afraid or concerned, for regardless of whether you feel or experience My Presence I am still abiding in You. I do not come and make My home in the ones I love only to leave or forsake them and this includes you. All of My sons feel disconnected or afraid some time or another. When this happens, it is important to renew your mind in me…to take your thoughts captive to My Word and to listen for the whispers of My heart to you. In doing this the enemy…the father of all lies will flee as My Word takes root to spring upward in you.


Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory

Take confidence in who that you are in Me for I chose you…picked you out for My very own before the foundations of the world to be blameless, above reproach before Me in love. How I do love you…ahh…how I adore you this very moment. Receive My Beloved…just receive (Ephesians 1:4).


Eagle’s Wings And A Ceaseless Supply Of Oil

Problems will appear so much less…so much less threatening and intimidating when you see them from My perspective. When you come up and see as I see, you will understand why the Psalms say I laugh at My enemies…that I laugh at the wicked (Psalms 37:13). They are so small compared to Me and so are your enemies regardless of what or who they may be.


Greater Is He Who Is In You

Beloved, you are never separated from Me. In order for separation to happen, I would have to leave…to come and go depending on your actions or attitudes. I would have to be only a fair-weather friend. That would not be much to die for now would it? Where would your security be if I were only a fair-weather friend? How could I set you in a large place or be your strong tower (2 Samuel 22:20)? I am unchanging, immovable and invincible to the very end (Isaiah 41:4).


My Strength And Power Are Perfected In Your Weakness

I see how you fight it out to see the light when all seems dark. I am always with you and even a small flickering light is all you need to create a glow in the darkness. You are My salt and light in this world (Matthew 5:13a). I illumine your darkness and make you …


Bands Of Love And Everlasting Kindness

Sometimes when you are with Me, you may not hear Me speak for while. Don’t interpret My silence as distance. It is not anything like that. It’s just that you take My breath away, for you are so beautiful to Me. It is a time when I am savouring each moment spent with you…a time when I am gazing on you with a deep abiding love in My eyes.


Acting Nobly, Doing Right & Appointed Seasons Of Reaping

Beloved, I see how tired you sometimes get and how everything can seem too much for you; but, I have you covered. In fact, I have strength to spare, for I do not grow weary. I do indeed have enough strength to go around. Come, you need to learn to rest in Me in a whole new way. It doesn’t mean you have to sit still and not do anything. It doesn’t mean feeling weak equals being weak. It just means you need to be like David and encourage yourself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). Encourage yourself in Me and rest by letting Me work through you. Sometimes you equate waiting with weakness or inability to do. This should not be. Waiting is a gift which in the long run protects you from unseen dangers and prepares you with wisdom in the meantime.


My All Sufficient Grace Triumphs In Your Weakness

Listen to My voice. Hear it say, “My grace is sufficient for you this day and every day after. My favor and loving kindness…and My mercy are sufficient to enable you to stand against any opposition…even opposition from within your own thinking”. (2 Corinthians 12:9) So many times you focus on your weakness somehow thinking it surprises or dismays Me. Actually the way I think is quite contrary to such thinking. I think only on what is pure, lovely and upright.