God Whispers, I Emerge, Wisdom Flows

Word of the Day

As you leave the Holy Ground of humble adoration and prayer to continue your daily concerns and face new challenges, you receive My anointing. You are stronger to face the realities of life. Should you have to walk your path in the middle of scorching heat, in the fiery path of adversity, you will not be burned. Patience and trust always pay off and are highly rewarded. Through these experiences, you will have the bread of love and compassion for those going through their own adverse situations. Wisdom born of your own circumstances will feed others and bring life (Proverbs 18:4).

Your creative emergence is blessed by the sweet moments we spend and will spend together. Nothing is wasted. I will multiply every aspect of your life. That is My promise. I am now opening unusual opportunities and giving you unusual favors. I am pouring out to you and your loved ones the economy of grace. What seemed difficult and impossible will come to manifest.

I give you the gift of spontaneity in the midst of your creative emergence. I will unlock many hidden potentials the enemy has blinded your eye to. I will blot out from your memories doubts, insecurities, hurts, and there will be complete healing in all areas of your life. I will bring about economic revival and lasting divine prosperity like a river that never goes dry.

I will pour out My blessings to you, and your long-awaited financial breakthrough is happening NOW! I just want to remind you of our covenant. You are just a steward and channel of whatever I will pour into you. I remind you to stay as simple as you are, deeply grounded in My words. You are to be a living witness for My Kingdom to take over the earth (1 Peter 2:21). Go on, my dear precious one. The journey is on.


I arise from sitting at Your feet. I arise from the place where my tears wet the ground around Your feet. I arise to walk in humble obedience to all I have received, in humble obedience to all You have given. I draw and healing my strength from You. I receive grace for myself and I stand in on behalf of my family to receive much mercy and grace.

Every area of my life will respond to Your healing touch, even to the deepest subconscious thoughts and memories. I relinquish them all, seen and unseen, known and unknown, by faith. My life will flow forth within Your economy and not according to what I see. I am Your living witness and I emerge in to fullness. Rivers of life flow from You to me and out of me. I will never grow dry. I am green pastures and still waters to those around me. I journey with You.

Reflect and Journal

“The words of a [discreet and wise] man’s mouth are like deep waters [plenteous and difficult to fathom], and the fountain of skillful and godly Wisdom is like a gushing stream [sparkling, fresh, pure, and life-giving]” (Prov 18:4 Amplified)”For even to this were you called [it is inseparable from your vocation]. For Christ also suffered for you, leaving you [His personal] example, so that you should follow in His footsteps” (1 Peter 2:21 Amplified)

1. What areas personally and financially do you need provision in? Are there areas of doubt and unbelief you have confessed to in these areas? If so, quickly repent and move on. He is standing with His hand out to bless you.

2. Reflect on the specific words of declaration He has made in this devotion. Respond in agreement and walk out the wisdom He has already given to you. There is always someone who knows less about certain things than you do. Ask Father to lead you to His hungry, needy sons and daughters.


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