Tag: Sacrifice

Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part Two

 Righteousness, Peace And Joy In The Holy Spirit Arise and obey. Arise and go. Arise and shine. Arise and receive your blessing…your inheritance…your deliverance…your breakthrough. Arise and shift into the new day I have called. Once again I remind you to quit looking back and start pressing forward. Forgive and let go. Repent and forgive.…


Give It All, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Personal revelation is usually the practice field for building our character. ‘Giving all’ seems to be a revelation that requires a lifetime of practice without ever reaching a conclusion. Every day of giving is a new day of testing the emotions for the purpose of overcoming the flesh.


Kairos Timing Of The Lord, Part One

Be impressed “Upon” by Me. Let not the fingerprints of others upon your life supersede the fingerprint of life I have laid indelibly upon your heart…you are imprinted into the very palm of My hand (Isaiah 49:16).


Behold, To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice

What do I require of you in this instance? I require obedience. Why? Obedience saves so much time and heartache. Yes, I can redeem the time and restore the years the locust has eaten and I do. However, it would be best if it was not necessary for obedience is definitely better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).