Tag: Joy

You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water Part 1

Beloved, you are a fountain that goes down into the deep regions of My heart. My heart flows forth from the fountain of your life. My living water bubbles up over the rock of My precious Son Jesus who dwells in you. Like an underground spring, I will eventually make joy and living water bubble to the surface in all areas of your life. As I do this, I will play the communion of our hearts like a skilled musician, for My springs of joy are in you (Psalms 87:7)


Dark But Lovely

Can this be? Tall grasses move in the breeze, whispering His name, brushing like kisses across my hands. Water-brooks murmur with every ripple, every bubble, effervescing wonders of His countenance. Wafting in dream-like essence across corridors of my heart, visions dance a dance of wooing love, enticing me. Does He not know? My face darkened…


Melody of Tears, Joy Comes In The Morning

flowing droplets of promised delight, dispensing
cleansing, pulling moisture, effervescent trails
washing removing sadness with rays shining
ascending with waves, pulsating, overflowing

cleansing, pulling moisture, effervescent trails
among narrow passages, releasing, sparkling
ascending with waves, pulsating, overflowing
through cavernous openings of translucent color


My Significant One

Majestic mountains declare My strength while the sounds of waterfalls demonstrate the power of My singing heart as they echo My voice through the atmosphere. Yes, Beloved, I have a singing heart and it sings over you many songs of the ages. My heart sings songs of ancient days when you existed in the depths of My eternal heart waiting to manifest in the natural. I have carried you forever and ever in the depths of My being in a cradle of love and anticipation. Not only have I carried you in my heart, but I have loved you always from the beginning of all that has ever been or ever will be.


You Are My Five Star General And I Have Plans For You

Joy says to you this morning, “I am your strength. I am the joy of your salvation, so don’t focus on your lack (Psalms 95:1; Psalms 118:15). Focus with a grateful heart on all the Lord has done in bygone days. Focus on the promises He has given you with a heart of faith. Feast on His acts of goodness, and look to the future with anticipation and desperation for more.”


Take The Excursion Of A Lifetime And Vacation In God’s Heart

Come and go with Me, my child, into the very depths of glory beyond the veil into My beauty…into My Presence where you will be transformed. You are anxious about much that can’t be changed by worrying; it can only be changed by prayer and abiding in My habitation of worship and the Word (Philippians 4:6).


The Planting Of The Lord

Stop kicking against and complaining about any of your circumstances but instead look for My hand at work in the midst of them. I will always be with you and help you through no matter what happens to you. Have I not told you that in this world you will have trouble? Everyone does


Oaks Of Righteousness

Therefore, with great confidence, take time to hear My thoughts on who you are. You will no longer be ashamed in any way, shape or form. Stand tall, strong and secure for your roots go down deep into My love (Ephesians 3:17-18).


Righteousness, Peace And Joy In The Holy Spirit

Arise and obey. Arise and go. Arise and shine. Arise and receive your blessing…your inheritance…your deliverance…your breakthrough. Arise and shift into the new day I have called.

Once again I remind you to quit looking back and start pressing forward. Forgive and let go. Repent and forgive. Forgive your own selves and look to Me. Set your face like flint and be amazed as paradigms shift. The light is coming on in the room of your heart.