The Planting Of The Lord

Word of the Lord

Introducing Wendy Thomas
Before you read this week’s devotions, I would like to take the time to introduce you to my friend Wendy Thomas. She is an amazing teacher and minister of the Word. She lives in England and has a ministry to the downtrodden and hurting. Her greatest desire is for others to truly know and have a revelation of the Father’s heart love. Out of this desire and call on her life, she has published a  Bible study/devotional series called Knowing God As Father. I have developed a deep and abiding relationship with Wendy over the last two years. She has become a trusted and cherished friend whom, I know without a doubt, she hears God in a very personal and profound that shares the heart of the Father. I have asked her to contribute at least once a month to Journals.

It has always been my desire to multiply myself. I will be co-authoring some letters with Wendy for a couple of months, at which time she will be submitting her own. Wendy already walks in the gift of journaling God’s heart is now stepping out to do so in a Journals of the Heart format. I know she will be a blessing to you and it would be so kind for those of you who are registered at Journals to leave her some feedback in the comment section provided at the end of each letter, teaching or devotion.
Beloved, do you not know that I chose the place where and when you would be born (Psalms 139)? Your times have always been in My hand and you were in My thoughts from the beginning of creation. Just as plants are put in exactly the right place with all the conditions necessary for them to grow and bloom, so I planted you in the right place, at the right time, and in the right circumstances to help you grow…grow into the person and giver of Life I have always called you to be.

This may not always be in easy circumstances or where you would have chosen to be; but, there is one thing for sure, My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts. I am a master at working all things together for good. I know and always will know exactly what is needed for you to grow and bear fruit.

Stop kicking against and complaining about any of your circumstances but instead look for My hand at work in the midst of them. I will always be with you and help you through no matter what happens to you. Have I not told you that in this world you will have trouble? Everyone does. It is the response which matters most. Response has the power to open and close doors…build or tear down walls. Selah (mediate and think on this).

What matters most though is this, I will be with you in every storm and provide the way out where there seems to be no way. As you learn to be flexible and bend in the storms of life, you will stay strong and be left standing. A young tree tied too tightly to the stake does not learn to bend in the wind and becomes rigid. When loosed from its stake the tree can break at the slightest wind. It is the wind which brings flexibility and strength to the tree. Selah.

Beloved child, together we can do all things, for nothing is impossible with Me. I will not give you more than you can bear. I am your rock…your shelter and I will keep you safe in the storms of life and not let you be overwhelmed. Will you accept this offer of My heart? Will you let Me live My life of mercy and grace to you and through you?

Just as trees need sun and rain to grow, so do you. You need times of ease and difficulty to promote strong, healthy growth. How would you know you could overcome if there was nothing to overcome? How would you have faith if there was nothing to have faith for?

Beloved, I will give you My peace in the midst of the difficulties if only you will rest in My arms and trust Me to show the way ahead. As people see you at peace they will wonder and ask how you can be so calm and assured in the midst of such an uncertain world. This will give you opportunity to tell them of Me. Your life will give substance to the saying “the proof is in the pudding”. You will truly be a demonstration of My splendor and attract others to Me. You truly are an oak of righteousness standing strong and secure by streams of living water. You display My splendor as you move and live and have your being in Me. You can do all things in Me and are far stronger than you think. Together we will overcome all adverse situations. So, do not be afraid but, be full of courage and see what I will accomplish.

To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion–to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit–that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.(Isaiah 61:3 Amplified)

Heavenly Father, please help me to see Your hand at work in all My circumstances the bad as well as the good. Please help me to rely on You and rest in Your arms at all times. Thank You that nothing happens to me without Your knowledge and that You are constantly looking after me. Thank You that You will never leave me and that You are My strong tower. Help me to run to You when things are difficult and wait to see how You work things out instead of worrying and trying to fix them myself. Please help me to have a deeper level of trust in You as I go through my life. Amen.

 Reflect and Journal

  1. How do you feel when you realize God chose when and where you would be born? Talk to him about that. Repent of anytime you have disdained your life in some fashion or other. If you have ever disagreed with God and thought your life worthless or that it hasn’t mattered take time to ask for forgiveness. Rededicate your life to Him for His purposes and His love.
  2. Can you see God’s hand in your life in difficult times? Ask him to show you where He is at work.
  3. What does it mean to you personally to be an oak of righteousness? Do you see yourself that way? Take some time to just talk to Him about it…express your doubts…you misgivings about your own self. He already knows what you think anyway. Might as well tell Him so you can clear the air. Agree with His assessment of you…which by the way will always be good. It is always best to believe the good report and not the evil one. Just look at Joshua. His life and accomplishments are proof enough. Yes, you are just as awesome as he was…for all God’s might men and women were just that…men and women just like us. How comforting.
  1. Hi Brenda, thinking of you today and wondering how things are going as far as receiving help for your financial help for this ministry. I hope good. This is absolutely the best website that I have ever learned from. Have you got the things in the spiral print yet, like I said even though you said free, I will be happy to try to buy. Seriously. I want to bless you. If my ship was to come in you would be the ministry i gave to beyond my own first I will go as I want to read more. Love, Sister Hayden

  2. Hi, i just wanted to say THANK YOU for being so beautifully lead of the Lord. These words encouraged me greatly today when i was feeling very negative and down. It lifted me out of it and was indeed a ‘word in season’. Thank you so much to Brenda and Wendy, i find your words from the Lord wonderful and so needed. May the Lord bless and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you both! Love Josie

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