You Are My Five Star General And I Have Plans For You

Beloved in Christ

We pray that as you rise today God will meet you with the opening of your eyes. We pray you will hear the rustle of the angel’s wings standing over you, watching out for you. We pray you will smell the fragrance of our Savior as His essence moves around you. We pray Holy Spirit will fill you so full of happiness and joy this day you will burst with joy, hope and faith.

Know this; Jesus is right at your side. Your Father is watching over you, and what causes you concern and distress doesn’t even cause a wrinkle on His brow. Stop for a minute and close your eyes. Listen as Jesus is whispers in your ear…I am very near…Feel the warmth of His touch as He places His hand upon your shoulder, guiding you by His Spirit. We pray this letter of love form Him nourishes your heart and soul.

The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength

As you rose this morning I was present at your side, at the opening of your eyes. Angels attend Me, and their wings rustle as they stand over you, watching out for every aspect of your life and heart. The very fragrance of who I am is stirred by their wings and infiltrates the atmosphere of your home and family. Joy is arising from the very depths of your being and wants to be shouted forth in grateful praise.

Joy says to you this morning, “I am your strength. I am the joy of your salvation, so don’t focus on your lack (Psalms 95:1; Psalms 118:15). Focus with a grateful heart on all the Lord has done in bygone days. Focus on the promises He has given you with a heart of faith. Feast on His acts of goodness, and look to the future with anticipation and desperation for more.”

Satisfaction and desperation can live hand in hand, crowding out all attitudes of ungratefulness and lack. Live in the throes of divine tension and be amazed. It has not yet entered into your heart all I have planned for you, but it will (1 Corinthians 2:9). Like I said, “Live in divine tension, and prepare yourself to be amazed.”

Instrument Of Healing And Restoration

Do not fret, My child. The enemy only has an inkling of the plans I have for you. He can only speculate and fret about the people you are going to touch, and bring to Me. The healing and restoration you give to the hearts of My people whom I send to you dismay him, and he does not want this to happen.

Therefore, he makes every attempt to stop you, for he knows you are a great part of ushering in My Kingdom in all of its fullness. There is going to be a last great revival, and you, My child, are a player in bringing this about. I have many of My children out there who are called by My Name, who are called of Me, but they have been greatly wounded. I want you to go to My bruised reeds (Isaiah42:3).

I am using you to bring healing and restoration to them (Isaiah 61). I am using you to heal My wounded hearts so they can rise in the light of My glory and walk out their destiny. Yes, so they can take part in this revival, this new movement in the earth. Rise to the challenge, and know you are prepared in every way. Don’t look back! A new day has dawned, and new revelation is raining into the very fabric of your life. Oh, the plans I have for you. They are truly amazing in every way.

Angels Of Mercy And Support

I have sent, and I am sending, people into your life who will love you through all things. They have and will play a part in keeping you restored. They are an inner circle of people who will wipe your tears and laugh with you in triumph. They will hold your arms up in battle when you are weary. They will dance with you in your victories (Romans 12:15). They are your angels of mercy and support. Be mindful to do the same for them and others.

I do not want you to fear about those things going on about you. You are my Mighty Warrior. The enemy trembles when you lift up your hands, for he knows the calling and anointing I have placed upon you. Don’t you worry about what others may be saying around you. Some of it is fear, and some of it is jealousy. Just keep your eyes on Me.

Beloved, you are a five star general in My army. I have chosen you to lead many in the Way. I have chosen you to receive plans and strategies to dismantle the enemy in this day. It is not complicated. If I only tell you to say one simple word of declaration, it will be enough, for the power of who I am is behind it and will vanquish your foes, My foes. One step at a time is all I ask of you. Listen and obey. Be wise as to good and evil (Romans 16:19; 1 Samuel 15:22).

Today I am promoting you. Come up higher in your own estimation of who I say you are. Come up higher and hear my heart for this generation, for the nations.

Mustard Seed Faith

As you worship Me this morning, shutting out the world around you, I will come. Close your eyes, and enter into the Spirit. Enter in expecting Me to usher you into My presence. I arrived here before you, and I am waiting with excitement to meet you. Grab a pen and paper, for I am going to place some golden nuggets of truth in you today, some mustard seeds of incredible potential, eternal seeds destined to bear much fruit.

Remember the mustard seed, the smallest seed of all, and what it can grow into (Mark 4:30-32). If a natural seed can grow into such a marvelous thing, how much more will the eternal seeds from heaven grow in you. Sometimes you think your soil is bad, but I am here to tell you today, “The soil of your salvation is good soil and can grow anything. It is rooted in love, love flowing down from Calvary” (Ephesians 3:17).

There is no greater love, no more fertile ground, than soil saturated by My blood. When I give you a word of encouragement, a word of instruction, a word or prophecy, consciously place it in the good soil of salvation within your heart, your spirit. This assures growth. Nurture the Word I give you by speaking it, agreeing with it, and declaring it (Job 22:28).

Now take time to worship Me, listen and write down words I give you. They are the seeds of life that will bear much fruit today and in the days to come.

Arise And Praise The Lord For He Is Good

Arise from your place of worship this morning, and stand with the living creatures before My throne. Give glory and honor to My name (Revelation 4:9). Let nothing distract or disturb you in this. Give Me the first fruits of your day today and every day (Deuteronomy 18:4). Amazing things will happen if you do.

Come to Me first with your problems, worries and concerns – before you ever whisper them to another soul. This is something you must train yourself in. Many times you hear the words of men, and they vary to such a large degree that confusion can come. Come to Me first, and then let the witness of two or more confirm what I have deposited in your heart (Proverbs 15:22).

Arise from your place of worship today, and shout a shout of victory for your time has come. The more you praise, the more you confess what I have said to you, the more seeds planted in you will grow until they consume the very essence of your life.

Yes, I am standing with you, by you and in you today. Angels are attending you in every way. Mercy and goodness follow you and are overtaking you in all you do (Psalms 23:6). Today is the best day of your life for it is a day I have made and planned for. Worship Me, and listen. I will tell you all the thoughts and intents of My heart for this day and every day after (1 Corinthians 2:16). Arise! Walk with Me for I am good and My love endures forever.


As I rise this day Father, I choose to revel in Your words of instruction and encouraging love. You are amazing in Your relentless, pursuit of love. I stand in awe. Your joy permeates me to the depth of my being and I am changed. My heart is the habitation of good soil bought by Your precious blood. I am rooted and grounded in Your love and step up to the challenges offered to me. I will tend the seeds and the dreams You have planted in my heart, therefore I will grow and many will find healing from their woundedness as I share the life planted in me.

I will come to You daily and give the first fruits of my life at the altar of Your mighty love. I rejoice in those sent to hold up my hands, to rejoice with me, to weep with me and I will draw from treasures planted in them. My heart holds Your thoughts, Your intents. I walk in Your plans which are ever revealing themselves as I focus on You. I rest in You, arise in You and walk with You today. Amen

Reflect and Journal

But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [[a]who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed] (1 Cor 2:9 Amplified)

1. Have you been looking at things from a place of lack instead of having a heart of gratefulness? Confess and readjust your focus.

2. What areas have you seen God move on your behalf and yet still desire so much more. Start thanking Him and cry out for more.

3. In what ways have you been discouraged or worried about Gods plans for you or given into the enemies threats of incompetence and stopped short.

4. Confess your doubt and unbelief. Accept His challenge for many are waiting to drink from the revelation He has rained and is raining down

5. Acknowledge those in prayer that He has brought into your life. Give praise and honor for all they have done. Thank Him for those to come.

6. Take time to lift up your hands in His presence as a statement of victory over the harassment of the enemy.

7. Spend some intimate time with Him and listen for His commands, then be obedient to do as He asks.

8. Spend some time in intimate worship and listen. When He speaks no matter how big or small the word may seem, write it down. Nurture the seed and be amazed.

9. Is it your habit to pick up the phone, send an email about the happenings in your life before you go to Him? Do you seek the advice of others first and then go to Him? If so, confess, repent and go to Him first. Give Him the first fruits of everything.

10. What seeds are growing inside your heart? Reflect on any issues of doubt or unbelief towards them.

11. Offer them up with a heart of faith and listen.

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  1. Beautiful…..thank you for being OPEN to what God would have you to say to HIS people……This love letter spoke VOLUMES to my spirit! Thank you!

  2. Hi poonk7I

    Welcome to the site! You are a beautiful addition to journalsoftheheart family. How wonderful it will be to have you journey with us in serving our Lord…

  3. When I read the part of going to the bruised reeds and bringing restoration, it just rang true in my spirit. for years I have been pulled to bring healing to those in ministry around me, not that I didn’t want to evangelize, but I would see people come into the family wounded and stay that way. My gift of teaching and edification would come into play, they would get patched up, and off they went back to do what they were called to do.

    I didn’t really know what my part of the kingdom was until I read this. It all became clear to me. I understand my part in the body now, as I believe it is an important one. over 17000 ministers leave the ministry every year because of their wounded hearts! I now understand why God gave me the name of my ministry, Lydia’s Legacy. Lydia provided for the needs of the brethren out of her financial abundance. May I provide for the brethren out of the abundance of Heart of Jesus in me so that they to may go out and change the world for Christ!

    Thank you, my friends. rarely do people truly understand what they are meant to do and God used you to put all the pieces together for me.

    love in Him,

  4. Yes, I look forward to winning souls to Christ!!! I really want to be a winning vessel of Almighty God. I want Christ Jesus to use me in ministering to His people in whatever state they may be going through. Even through the songs He allows me to sing, His words, or teaching, encouragements to the hurting and the down trodden, the castout and the castaways. I really want the people to see Christ in me and in the things Christ do or say through me. I feel like that seed that Christ speaks about when He said, except a seed falls to the ground and die, it cannot bring forth. but if it falls to the ground and dies, it brings forth great fruit. you sometimes tells me about Moses and what God had called him to do, well, every since I gave my life to Christ in 1983, it has always been my desirer to be used by God to deliver his people. so many of us are captivate by man and the enemy, is seems as though some of us has been bewitched and our minds has been programed by men and their doctrine and has forgotten about the truth of the gospel. The Lord showed me in a dream about this tall tree that reached up to the sky, the tree stood strong and tall, the leaves were gone, (like no protection or covering for the fruits) the limbs were wide stretched, and the fruits were hanging on the limbs, but the fruits were dry and dead,the tree were able to stand tall and strong because of the root, the fruits were hanging on to the limbs, none had fell to the ground, the limbs were dry but strong because they were drawing sap from the root. the tree were the church, the limbs were the people of God, and the fruits were the fruits of the spirit, the root, is CHRIST!!!! and in another dream, Christ showed me a cemetery, it was filled with headstones and slats, and I asked Christ what do that mean? He said, the headstones was the natural head of the church, (ministers.) and the slats were the body of Christ, the cemetery were the earth, and Christ reminded me of the book of Isaiah concerning the dry bones, but I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that these dry bones can live. He showed me another dream where there were all kinds of trucks and cars and any kind of vehicle you can name were driving in the sky with men in and on them, and again, I asked, Lord, what does that mean? He said, it symbolizes the principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places and that we will soon see these things come to pass before our very eyes. well, Christ just didn’t stop there, H showed me Himself in a form of a human and He was standing on a great white cloud with His arms outstretched, He showed me a very long!!!!! mahogany shinny table which were prepared, it was like the Lord caused the heaven to roll back just far enough for me to see that prepared table, and His disciples were standing around this table and I remember seeing Abraham, and I woke up. He also showed me where my friend and I was on the freeway or interstate headed home and while we were on our way home, I saw the church being caught up in the air to be with the Lord. it was a number that no man could number but He allowed me to see this in my sleep. no, I wasn’t left behind. After all of that, I saw men, women, and children getting caught up to heaven through windows, there were a line or rod that elevated the people straight into heaven, Pastors and ministers were helping the ladies out of the windows and I was one of them, I could hear the angels talk amongst themselves out loud saying, this one, (they were speaking of me) she has really had it hard, they really gave her a hard time but she were determine and she fought her way through with prayer and tears, loving the unlovable and helping where she could, and as I was being elevated into the third heaven, I said, Lord!!!!!!!! thank you Jesus!!!! you helped me to make it in!!!! I said, Jesus!!!!!!!! I made it and He said, yes, you did. and He woke me up. Its my desire to hear Christ say, well done my good and faithful servant, well done. please keep me in your prayers because I need Christ, you and your prayers.

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