Tag: Garden

You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water Part 1

Beloved, you are a fountain that goes down into the deep regions of My heart. My heart flows forth from the fountain of your life. My living water bubbles up over the rock of My precious Son Jesus who dwells in you. Like an underground spring, I will eventually make joy and living water bubble to the surface in all areas of your life. As I do this, I will play the communion of our hearts like a skilled musician, for My springs of joy are in you (Psalms 87:7)


Watered Garden of My Love

Yes, like the leaves of a mighty tree rooted by streams of living water, you will absorb the pains and sufferings of yearning souls, and in the process, you will exhale the exciting news of deliverance (Psalm 1:3). Like a parched land, your soil will eagerly absorb the rain, and it will flourish until the harvest is ready. All will be consumed into my hope of salvation as your life demonstrates itself as a living example.


Field Of Fruitfulness

All of creation waits for your revealing (Romans 8:19). Even as I have urged you to be patience with the weak, to encourage the faint hearted, I also want you to do these things for your own self. Have patience. Have My patience. Incline your self to Me for I hear your cry (Psalms 40:1).


Breath Of Life And The Eternal Conversations Of Heaven, Part II

Beloved, can you hear me calling you aside to sit with me…to walk with Me? I have come knocking on the door of your garden. Will you hesitate to answer? Will you be convinced to wait as the burdens of the world try and settle on you with weariness of heart? Have you already given your best to something else? No matter. Come anyway. Come and let Me come to give you rest, for you are Mine.


I Set Before You an Open Gate

I have set before you this day an open gate into an enclosed garden. Its walls are strong and sturdy having heights unable to be scaled by outside forces. Its gate, like intricately wrought iron work, is inscribed with My Word of Truth. The land where you stand is barren compared to what awaits you inside the gate—compared to what awaits you inside My heart. The threshold is a thin line called choice and I am at the door. I am the door, swung wide open before you.


You Are My Rose Of Sharon, My Lily Of The Valley

In the natural some Roses of Sharon are trained to grow in what is called an “espalier” style which means it grows on a single plane along a wall or a fence. In doing this, the Rose of Sharon is not allowed to deviate from the given path set for it by the master gardener so that a trellis of great beauty is formed. They are prized because of their ability to withstand heat and bloom when nothing else is in bloom all the while being quite drought-tolerant. The gardener is told not to give up on a Rose of Sharon thinking it might be dead just because it hasn’t leafed out in early summer because it often leafs out and blooms late.


Beware Of Little Foxes

My precious branch, subtle little foxes come into your life with the intent of robbing our abiding relationship. You must be on constant guard and the best way to do this is to abide in Me moment by moment. It isn’t hard. Just to think on My name or speak it is enough. After all, My name is above all names. My name is above all things. Therefore, when you struggle with the necessities of life and long to be with Me, just cry out or even whisper My name and see what I will do


Walk With Me In The Garden Of My Heart

Block out all other distractions and relax in the comfortable quietness of My Presence. Speak my name. Softly call on me saying, “My Father.” Allow repetition of My name to create a place of warmth in the depth of your heart. As you do this, know I am aware of your every need and desire…know I have forgiven your every sin. I am here with you right now as deep calls to deep, connecting our hearts in a place of communion too deep for words.


Seeds, Weeds And Gardens

My precious child, at times you have allowed the enemy to sow seeds (weeds) of pain and lies in your garden. Because of the lies, you have built fences around these weeds as if they were cherished. This should not be so! Clinging to weeds brings death! If you let Me, I will pull down those fences and pull up all the weeds based on lies, deceptions, hurt and wrong mindsets. After all, I am the Master Gardner and am well able to pull up the weeds root and all, leaving nothing to spring up again.


Oak Trees, Streams Of Water And The Oil Of Joy

I am granting consolation and the oil of joy to the mournful places of your heart. I am draping you with beauty. I am calling forth expressive praise which has the power to transform. You are lofty, strong and magnificent to Me. O’ that should know how much I love you. I have written so many words of love that if spoken in a continuous stream they would have the power to transform deserts into oceans. You are distinguished and stand with uprightness…with right standing in Me…completely accepted in the Beloved (Isaiah 61:3).