Tag: Living Water

You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water, Part Two

The only thing capable of stopping the beauty of My redeeming, resurrecting power to make all things new is your unwillingness to repent and accept what I have done on your behalf. Do not believe that I will condemn and therefore walk in self-condemnation, guilt and shame. Doing this makes you self-centered and not God centered. Beloved, I sympathize with your weakness and endured every temptation. With this in mind, keep your heart clean and let go of every stone of self-condemnation. Let My fountain flow through you unhindered.


You Are The Fountain Of The Lord – A Well Of Living Water Part 1

Beloved, you are a fountain that goes down into the deep regions of My heart. My heart flows forth from the fountain of your life. My living water bubbles up over the rock of My precious Son Jesus who dwells in you. Like an underground spring, I will eventually make joy and living water bubble to the surface in all areas of your life. As I do this, I will play the communion of our hearts like a skilled musician, for My springs of joy are in you (Psalms 87:7)


Inhaling The Sweetness Of The Lord

Beloved, My instructions for you this day are this; INHALE MY SWEETNESS! Inhale the very essence of who I am. To do so will take only a few moments of time with Me…a few moments away from the busyness of your life. Make the sacrifice. I promise you it will be worthwhile. I know sometimes you need a little help…a few inspirational ideas so; I have chosen to give you some examples in order to stir your heart.


I Turn Your Rocky Places Into Pools And Fountains Of Water

Beloved, they may even be side issues relating to many big matters at hand or a past which seems to be catching up to you. The past is the past and all you can do is repent and speak My Word of restoration and deliverance over it. Do not revisit the past. Press on to higher more stable ground. I will lead you to a large place where you can prevail if only you believe Me. This is where trust comes in.


Seed Time, Harvest And A Persistent Heart

Beloved, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore, it is imperative to be in My Word and to be with Me in times of intimacy where you do nothing but breathe Me in with concentrated focus. For what you sow, that and that only, will you reap (Galatians 6:7).


Springs, Living Water And The Thirst Quencher

I am like a cold glass of water on a hot day or the freshness of the rain when it comes to nourish the earth and all things on it! My blessings…all of them have already been given to you and are waiting for you to acknowledge that fact and receive them. They are waiting in Heaven as a gift already given (Ephesians 1:3). They are ready to be poured out upon you…ready to flow up out of the springs of living waters inside of you (John 7:38). Can you smell them? Can you taste them?…


Taste And See That The Lord Is Good

Beloved, I am here. You haven’t far to look. Just reach out right now and you’ll touch the hem of My garment (Luke 8:44). I can fulfill the impossible. My love for you can and will always conquer the impossible. Do not fret about anything that seems impossible to you for there is no such word in My vocabulary! Rest in Me and I’ll fill you with unimaginable peace and joy. Taste, see and be filled with joy. Breathe and be filled with refreshing peace. Do these things and let Me direct your paths, so I may fulfill your heart’s ever desire! Breathe, taste, and be fulfilled with My glory.


Inhale My Sweetness

Go ahead! Take a chance and breathe Me in. Do so knowing I am forever near you. Receive by faith and know I am infusing you with My essence so that everywhere you go others will stop, inhale and experience Me even though they may not know Me (2 Corinthians 2:14-15). Come and enjoy My fragrance just as I enjoy yours. Breathe Me in by consciously acknowledging each breath as such thereby, experiencing an infusion which can never be taken away


My Springs Of Joy Are In You

Be willing to let Me dig through and route out all hindrances to a perfect flow of My river in and through you. Yes, let the fountain of My presence bring forth fountains of life…bring forth the hidden things of My heart saved just for this day and time…saved just for you (Isaiah 48:6).


The Transforming Fragrant Aromas Of Christ

Yes, breathing Me in needs to become as natural to you as breathing in the normal scents of everyday life. In fact, My aroma should be allowed by you to overrule all offending odors of unforgiveness, offenses, accusations, blame, criticism, fear, rejection, abandonment, anxiety, hopelessness, feeling unloved or unwanted, feeling insufficient or not up to the task. Instead, walk in the aroma of a love which holds no offense nor keeps account of any wrong (Ephesians 5:2; 1 Corinthians 13:5).