Seed Time, Harvest And A Persistent Heart

Word of the Day
Beloved, I am the Lord God…your Lord and God who loves you with unlimited passion and desire. I and I alone am to be the heart of your dreams…the heart of dreams only I can fulfill. I am the Soil, the Light, the Sound and I am the one and only Living Water. Every aspect of living well is housed in Me.

When you come aside with Me on a concentrated and intimate level to let Me breathe in you, then all aspects of soil, light, sound and living water are released in just the right places to bring victory, revelation, strength, freedom, healing and so much more.

Come and continue to breathe Me in until you have formed an unalterable habit. I promise to quench your deepest desires and calm your deepest fears. And when I come and you realize how much fear or any other destructive behavior you really have, I want you to renounce it, repent and replace it with the truth of My Word. You must do this on purpose and by design regardless of how you feel.

Beloved, don’t validate any lies your negative emotions might try and convince you of. Know the law of seed time and harvest will not fail to produce regardless of what you plant either good or bad (Genesis 8:22). Choose good and in time your persistent nurturing of what I have breathed into you will produce a good harvest.

Do not let the enemy deceive you into believing it does not matter what you plant which equals what you think, say and do (Galatians 6:7). What you plant matters, for the law of sowing and reaping is related to all you do, think and say. Every thought is a seed and produces something either good or bad. Everything visible and invisible are products of seeds of some kind. Even the devil’s own seed thoughts led him to rebellion against Me. His rebellion came first in the form of thought, then words and actions.

Beloved, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore, it is imperative to be in My Word and to be with Me in times of intimacy where you do nothing but breathe Me in with concentrated focus. For what you sow, that and that only, will you reap (Galatians 6:7). You can best forsake all wrong thinking, saying and doing by renouncing, repenting and replacing all contrary things with the truth. This is called renewing your mind where whole new ways of thinking, talking and acting will become the way you live and breathe. In other words, you will automatically do according to the renewed aspects of your mind and not your old behaviors. Remember, renounce, repent and replace for I have all the soil, light, sound and water you need. Come breathe them all in.

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22 Amplified)

Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. (Galatians 6:7 Amplified)

Lord, please continue to pour Yourself with abundance in and through my life, for my heart belongs to You and You alone. Jesus, I come and abide under the shadow of Your wings and I bless You with the kisses of my Words of love and adoration. I adore You, my King…my Most Lovely One. You are my heart’s desire and I adore you.

May my heart grow in understanding and revelation until all is made new. Grow me and guide me on the path You’ve set before me. I am so thankful for Your everlasting love which draws me…woo me into intimate times with You. I can’t express the gratitude I have during for the times when Your love refreshes and strengthens me. Your love poured out is water for the dry and weary places. Your love poured causes me to rejoice in all things.

Lord, my time with You fills me with such joy and knowledge. May I always speak Your truth over my life and the lives of others. Show me what to bind in my life that is not of You and to fill it with what Your word says about me. I choose not to live my life according to my feelings because they are deceiving at times and do not line up with the Word.

Help me to be patient and stand firm in speaking Your Word and walking obedience to it out of love and devotion…not out of obligation. Your Word will never cease to produce what You have ordained it to do. Your Word in my heart will not return void. I choose and declare I will not dwell on any thoughts that are not of You or the truth of Your word because in time these ungodly thoughts will become action. Every action and thought are seeds which produce fruit. Holy Spirit, show me any bad seed I have planted which has resulted or will result in bad fruit and wrong beliefs. Forgive me when I don’t wash myself daily with Your Word. Draw me into Your Word daily so that I am continually renewing my mind with Your truth and not the feelings and thoughts of this world. Amen

Reflect and Journal

  1. Do you take time to spend with God? Have you done so today? If not, now is the time.
  2. How much time do you give Him? You could give Him a lot of time out of obligation or you could give Him all the moments without condemnation. Selah (stop and think or meditate on this).
  3. Who do you lean on for strength and guidance? Is it your own wisdom, your friends (which is good in balance) or anything else which does not give preference to God’s Word and character?
  4. Do you have anxiety and fear in your life? Have you held onto these and not given them to the Lord or not forgiven those who cause it?
  5. It’s a sin to be anxious and fearful, have you asked God for forgiveness?
  6. Do you go by your feelings or what God’s Word says?
  7. How much time do you spend in His Word?
  8. Do you renew your mind before you begin your day or at the end of the day after you’ve filled it with the world? It is good to do it at the end of the day and the beginning…and all in between. Filling your mind with Him at the end of the day gives you sweet sleep and plants seeds that grow while you rest.
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