I Once Again Trust

Prayer Decree
Lord, I choose today to once again trust in Your faithfulness…choose to trust in the goodness of Your heart regardless of what I face in these days and times. Time is indeed subject to You for You are way bigger than life.

So many times I tend to put You within the confines of time, situations and circumstance, but You are above them all…in fact You are outside of time itself.

Teach me to walk with Your faith…Your hope…Your love and I will indeed overcome. I never want to gauge an outcome based on my own judgment of what is possible or impossible. Instead, I surrender to the Truth and not a lie based on doubt and unbelief…based on past mistakes or struggles.

May I never forget the wonderful works You have done in my life as I stand before the Red Seas of my own walk out of bondage…out of the wilderness…out of the past into the prosperous land of milk and honey You have for me. May I never presume how all Your plans for me will unfold. May I forever trust only what You share with my heart. Should I doubt or presume, I might miss the very best. Therefore, I thank you for interceding on my behalf and for the marvelous victories which are and will be flowing as You hold me in the palm of Your hand.

Today, I declare all negative thoughts which lead to doubt and unbelief to lose their hold on my heart and mind. I embrace comfort in knowing You are ever-interceding for me and the purposes of my life. I confess I am prosperous in every way according to who you made me to be. All is truly “finished.” Amen.

Brenda Craig 2017

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