Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly Kisses

As I soak in His Presence and tune my heart to the beating of His heart, I am amazed. In the blink of an eye, as I stop for this moment in time to be in His Presence I go from being so busy to experiencing the beautiful tangible glory of Him. The air pulsates with His essence both divine and mystical. I sense His love to such a degree my heart weeps at His beauty and His grace.

As I sit here in His Presence, I think about how we the body of Christ kind of go to and fro so many times looking for and words instead of simply sitting in His Presence…sitting in His Word while letting Holy Spirit teach us. After all, He who is in union with Christ is one in spirit with Him. We have the thoughts and intents of His hear They are within us as a part of us, waiting to float up…. bubble up into our conscious thoughts.

Therefore, we should trust His instincts, His promptings, His whispers, His warnings that we hear as we bask in His ever-adoring love, for He will not lead us astray.

As I soak this is what I saw and hear the Lord saying!

I see this beautiful picture of metamorphosis and butterflies. Here in His presence with His Word opened up to the pages of His heart all these butterflies, beautifully dressed in His Living Color, started flying out of the pages.

They are floating up and kissing my face… landing on me with the pollen of His forgiveness, healing, peace, love, transformation, peace, wisdom, knowledge, kindness, joy, glory and every other aspect of Him that I need in the very moment that I am with Him.
Ah, I hear Jesus say I am enough. I have every answer that you need.

My blood…yes, My dunamis, resurrection power gives you freedom from everything back to Adam. When you come to Me and sense something, hear something, see something it is the Kairos moment I’m ready to kiss what you are sensing or experiencing with the truth of My Word. I do so in the power of My blood and in the power of My resurrection. I am fanning the pages of My word…even the Word hid and stored your heart.

What is it on your heart at this moment? What do you need? Come and hold it up in the midst of Me and My Word.

Trust what I speak to you. Trust what you hear Me say. When I speak to you it will not be with condemnation, but with grace and wisdom. Therefore, if you sense condemnation, immediately without a second thought take the thought captive and cast it away, for the butterflies of transforming change are here right now waiting to be released. They are waiting to float up and kiss you with the kisses of My heart. Selah!


Brenda Craig 2017

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