

Blackberries, Thorns and Sweet Cream

God’s Mercy – Blackberries, Thorns, and Sweet Cream A couple of days ago, in the early morning light of a misty, rainy day, I stood with amazed elation in the midst of my small raised garden. I felt like Jack in the Beanstalk had been at work. No, there was no golden egg, but. .…


Letting Go – A Key To Intimacy With The Lord – Part One

Letting go is sometimes the hardest thing we have to do. Holding on to things can offer a sense of security even though the things we hold on to may inhibit our growth in Christ or actually be harmful to us in ways we may not fully discern. The old saying about the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result) is very true when it comes to laying things down to walk with the Lord whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light.


Ants In My Coffee

The flecks in my cup looked like ants; therefore, they must be ants. In fact, I almost poured the cream out before I decided to take a closer look. If I had done so, I would have wasted some good cream and delayed my first drink (which is always the best) by having to start the process one more time.


And The Rain Said?

Hunger…thirst…what do they mean? What does it mean to hunger and thirst for the Lord…to hunger after righteousness? These were thoughts, questions floating through my conscious mind this morning amid the warm bubbles and steamy air of my hot tub. Heavy dew like moisture permeated everything while sips of cream colored liquid warmed my throat, satisfying my need to evict the cobwebs left behind by a night of dreams. Ah yes…dreams I wish I could remember. Maybe they were dreams of rain…sweet heavenly rain.


Communion – Broken Bread & Poured Out Wine, A Place Of Healing, Intercession And Grace

Consider the verse in John 20:23 and take Him at His Word. Will you stand in the gap for the forgiveness and the release of another’s sin? Will you be one who comes boldly before the throne of grace to receive mercy in time of need for yourself and others? Will you be one who dares to go outside the confines of religious communion and enter into spiritual communion where the wine and bread multiply when it is put in the hands of a repentant giving heart? Will you be broken bread and poured out wine in the life of another. Will you be one who takes communion with such a heart as to become communion in a dying world?


The Cathedral Of The Heart

There is some uproar in the body of Christ to day when anyone uses the term meditation, because it is linked in the minds of many people with new age, Buddhism or Hinduism. But the fact is Meditation, is NOT new age, they stole it from us. The Jew’s and Christians have been meditating for over 4,000 years.


The Pointed Finger And The Pointed Tongue Verses Grace

We look at others and wonder why they can’t seem to overcome areas of struggle in their lives while at the same time we are fraught with our own inability to achieve victory in our own areas of weakness. We wonder why others can’t seem to see what we see or be as righteous as we are and yet we need glasses of our own. To put it in a nutshell, we forsake grace and set ourselves up as a judge who has the ability to somehow discern and evaluate the motives of another man’s heart which only the Lord can truly see. Sure we can see outward manifestations or what we call symptoms; but, are they the full indicator? Not necessarily. I know the Word says we shall know them by their fruit. Notice the word is know them, not judge or speak evil of them. Knowing should lead to prayer and intercession, not judgment least we be judged.


Are You A Friend Indeed To The Body Of Christ?

Consider this; friendship is elastic like in nature and has the ability to expand and stretch itself around anything that comes its way giving no matter to race, economic standing, denomination and sees the church as the body of Christ without respect to person or condition.


Journals Of The Heart, A Dream Come True

In The Beginning My journey to where I am now began somewhere in 2004, not discounting a whole life of preparation. Although I have written poetry since childhood, never wrote articles compiled my thoughts into any other form until around this time. Spurred on by a series of trials which left us without a church…


Promises Kept, A Cardinal In The Garden

Secondly, some have even wondered…questioned… how I would dare take the Scripture and do with it as I do…how I can take something so reverent and share it in such conversational form. I believe the Lord is a conversational God with an intense desire to fellowship with us in simple yet profound ways according to the way He has made us. I also believe one cannot plummet the depths of God’s Word any more than one can dive to bottom of the deepest reaches of the oceans…but it is fun trying.