The Eternal Cotton Candy Ballet

an infinite being stretches out across bars of boundless time
pulling open wide, heavy curtains of dark velvet
encased in eternal mysteries, fashioned before the finite
fully enraptured, He delights among formations of incense

pulling open wide, heavy curtains of dark velvet
soaking in pools of light, irresistible attraction converges
fully enraptured, He delights among formations of incense
as swirling, twirling wafts of cotton candy infusions dance

soaking in pools of light, irresistible attraction converges
spreading wings, casting shadows of eternal promise
as swirling, twirling wafts of cotton candy infusions dance
soluble in His eternal essence, beyond earthly bounds

spreading wings, casting shadows of eternal promise
catapulting shapes and forms through hallowed holes
soluble in His eternal essence, beyond earthly bounds
weaving together molecular, structured impressions

catapulting shapes and forms through hallowed holes
into predestined cavities of intentional acceptance
weaving together molecular, structured impressions
congealed from the combination of essence and sound

into predestined cavities of intentional acceptance
infinite mysteries forming into intricate structure
congealed from the combination of essence and sound
with fluid life from behind curtains of deepest velvet

infinite mysteries forming into intricate structure
fleshing out cotton candy infusions of dance
with fluid life from behind curtains of deepest velvet
wafting oxygen injects through tunnels of expansion

fleshing out cotton candy infusions of dance
transporting infinite essence through boundless time
wafting oxygen injects through tunnels of expansion
irresistible desires envelope, inhabiting eternal mysteries

transporting infinite essence through boundless time
forming out of earthy space, habitations of light
irresistible desires envelope, inhabiting eternal mysteries
dwelling in the heart of One – enraptured before finite time

forming out of earthy space, habitations of light
molecular structure gives way, compelled into solid form
dwelling in the heart of One – enraptured before finite time
creating a likeness, an image, a being of His own kind

molecular structure gives way, compelled into solid form
breaths of predetermined acceptance express vocal delight
creating a likeness, and image, a being of His own kind
images of communion rise out of dusty, structured space

breaths of predetermined acceptance express vocal delight
stirred by His incense, oxygen released speaks its first form
images of communion rise out of dusty, structured space
mixture is now complete between finite and the divine

stirred by His incense, oxygen released speaks its first form
velvet curtains drawn reveal the eternal mystery of the dance
mixture is now complete between finite and divine
cotton candy infusions flesh out complex beauty – Man

velvet curtains drawn reveal the eternal mystery of the dance
essences of Zoë creating, pulsating, filling, a living – Soul
cotton candy infusions flesh out complex beauty – Man
structured dust, essence of life, spirit of Him – Now Triune

essences of Zoë creating, pulsating, filling a living – Soul
salvation spreads newborn wings, casting its eternal shadow
structured dust, essence of life, spirit of Him – Now Triune
dancing, enraptured with One – producing souls of like kind

salvation spreads newborn wings, casting its eternal shadow
once encased in eternal mysteries fashioned before the finite
dancing, enraptured with One – producing souls of like kind
an infinite being, stretching out across bars of boundless time

the soul goes on…dancing an eternal ballet
enraptured, producing like kind
for the One enraptured before finite

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