Face To Face, Heart To Heart

My most beloved one, most beloved bride dressed in the red of His sacrifice, I… your Abba, am always in a constant state of awareness of you…a conscious realization and perception of you. My oneness with you never changes. It is a state of being. Simply put, whether you are always aware of it or not, I am in you and you are in Me. My heart beats within your very being. Ah, what a precious thought…what a glorious state of being…our two hearts as one. Selah

Even this very moment, I am here to open the eyes of your heart so you can know, see, and experience all I Am to you more clearly.

Close your eyes and rest your thoughts and envision yourself standing right in front of Me face to face, heart to heart. Hear my heart beat for you. Like a soft drum it beats for you…My heart beats in you.

Experience My joy resonating through you in the midst of My beating heart. See the beautiful picture I am painting. See Me gazing at you, as you are gazing at Me. In the awe of this moment, realize there is no shame…no guilt…only love. You are My unashamed in the very beauty of My presence…in the very beating of My heart.

My love…. Know this and know it well. I am absolutely in unabashedly in love with you. Therefore, take My hand and let Me pull you close enough that your heart can hear My heart beat songs born out of My desires and plans for you.

Let your heart see this image as I speak these words to you. Let your heart hear my heart beating out the notes of your life ever so softly.

Open your heart completely for an impartation is here to fill and enable you to come up higher…to grow in your relationship with Me. Yes, I am breaking your current mindsets and shattering boundaries that keep you from knowing the fullness of Me. I am shattering all that keeps you earth bound with the very beating of My heart.

Beloved, My Word is the translation of My beating heart for you. Yes, stand here in front of Me and gaze deeper than is your standard practice. Gaze deeper than what people have taught you or said about Me. There are more depths than you can imagine…so much to explore…the water is deep and wide…eternal to eternal we abide…we live…yes, we move and have our being together.

One more time, let Me tell you, My eyes…My heart hold nothing but deep abiding love for you. The depths of glory, revelation, and plans have no end, for you are eternal. Your life is more than the sum of your days on this earth. Your life goes on with Me forever…on and on forever. Yes, let forever sink in to the depths of your being. Let forever beat within you heart like a sonnet of promise…ever wooing you…every calling you unto Me…two hearts as one…yours and Mine. How I love you beautiful bride dressed in the red of His sacrifice.

When you look closely enough to gaze, you will be enraptured, enthralled, and changed by what you see…by what you hear. See the dreams and visions…see plans…. hopes…see all healing…all desires, and so much more that have not been realized or manifested yet. I want you to see them and have courage. They have not yet manifested into your reality, but they will. They are reality to Me and have already happened in My plan for you.

In this wondrous Holy Spirit, windswept place with Me there is joy unspeakable and revelation undeniable. Here with Me you forget all life’s negatives and embrace all the possibilities of our relationship. All that does not agree with the beauty of who I say you are gets swept away. My breath blows away the all the dead leaves of yesteryear. I remove them and scatter them to return no more. My heart beats and the winds stir at My command…stirring…beating…stirring…. beating …ah…Here in My Presence, as you gaze at Me and I gaze at you, the past way of thinking dissipates into thin air and becomes nothing. Hindrances are removed and new resolve is born. All is forgiven and you are set completely free.

Beloved, in our communal moment of eternal of time and space as you stand with Me face to face, love is emanating…love is flowing from Me to you and from you to Me. We are in agreement. Love is infusing you most beautiful bride and joy of My heart. Pause…ah…pause…hear and see…know it is so.

Abide here often for this is your true home. Shut out the world, My Love. The more you do, the more transformation will take place. Being with Me often will literally change you to the point you will be able to experience our communion and intimacy without having to purpose to do so. In other words, you will be so accustomed to breathing the air of My presence…the air of My habitation…so accustomed to moving to the beating of MY heart that other things will no longer hold their power to keep you earthbound.

Yes, come precious and most beloved bride. Let Me show all creative giftings…all provisions…all manifestations of glory I hold in My heart for you. Let Me unveil all I am until your life ebbs and flows from this habitation as naturally as the waves of the sea. Ah…. hear My heart beat…..

Abba Father
Brenda Craig 2017

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