I Kiss You With The Kisses Of My Word

My beloved one, as certain as the sun rises in the sky, so is My love for you. With the dawning of day, My heart beats with excitement at the prospect of spending each and every moment with you. Through the night, I keep guard and watch over you, anticipating all the plans and thoughts I want to share with you (Psalms 32:8). Yes, through the night My heart beats with the expectancy of tender moments between us.

As your eyes flutter with wakefulness, remembrances of our past moments together captivate My heart and increase My desire to communicate, to share. I can’t wait till the sun rises to have communion with you, so I pour dreams and visions into your spirit during the night hours while you rest.

Though you sleep, your spirit is awake and I place things within to encourage you at the dawning of your day. Sometimes you aren’t aware of them, but nevertheless, they are there, encouraging, building hope and giving strength when you need it most. Being with you is My favorite thing to do
Beloved, we exist for each other. Neither is complete without the other. Fellowship in a place of deep abiding love is the greatest of all aspirations. To know Me as you are known is the ultimate goal. In the process of knowing Me, I will reveal all I created you to be and do.

I kiss you with the kisses of My Word, enabling revelation and understanding to come Wisdom is here to embrace you in her cloaks of divine protection and perception—opening the eyes of your heart to an awakening of love and revelation you haven’t experienced before.

Don’t consider the love you have for Me enough. Crave and long for more and you shall be satisfied. I am here today to satisfy your greatest longings in relation to our union, our communion together. New manna to eat and new wine to drink are given to you today. Dew is settling on your heart and all is softening – enabling you to believe. Seek, receive and grow in My love today.

Join Me In A Time Of Prayer To Affirm What The Lord Has Spoken

Lord, you make my heart beat with anticipation of spending time with You. You woo me, call me and I come. I look to You the mountain from whence my help comes, not only my help but also the desire to love and be loved. Help me to remember all the moments we have spent together – all the things You have done for me. I live and move and have my being in You. Abiding fellowship is my greatest desire and I know You will fulfill Your covenant to never leave nor forsake me. I receive Your wisdom and it covers me. Every hard place in my heart is being softened by dew of love cascading from Your heart. I receive and I grow in love. Amen

Now A Time Of Reflection

  1. Have you ever thought of Him sitting beside you, waiting with excitement for you to wake up…. waiting to share thoughts that have been abiding in His heart for all eternity? Thoughts stored up just for you. Reflect on this.
  2. His Word are the kisses of His mouth in your life. Each Word imparts an eternal essence of who He is and who He says you are. In the physical, the kiss of a loved one imparts love and life. In the spiritual, His Word does the same, releasing joy, love, healing and reconciliation. Have you ever thought of His Word in this manner? Reflect on the beauty and behold His Word in a different way.
  3. Have you allowed the Word to kiss your heart and life lately? If so, write a note of gratefulness to Him. If not, take some time to reflect on a favorite scripture and let Him release the joy of it like the many sweet kisses of a child. Have child-like faith and experience Him as joy.

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! [she cries. Then, realizing that Solomon has arrived and has heard her speech, she turns to him and adds] For your love is better than wine! (Song of Songs 1:2

Copyright 2017

Devotional By  by Brenda Craig
Music and Voice Over by Hal Leath

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