Like A Deer Pants For Water

Prayer Decree
Lord, I thirst for you like a deer pants for water in a dry and weary land. Deer are known to thirst for water when in a dangerous situation, and as a result, head for the nearest water source. Fear makes them thirsty and serves a protection from harm. They are known to swim out into the water and immerse themselves to hide and avoid being prey. Like a deer in the midst of struggle or fear, I run to you and immerse myself in the living waters of Your Presence where no foe can stand. Lord, You are my hiding place, my thirst quencher and the very air I breathe. You are the one I long for with a passionate heart.

Therefore, I choose to follow You. I choose to pray one more prayer, to sing one more song…to breathe one more breath of Your Presence, to turn one more corner and not give up regardless of what I see or feel. I choose to believe the promises You have given me both in the Word and spoken to by you to my own heart or by others. I choose to say yes and amen to all I discern as coming from You.

I declare I am not one who gives in to a tired and weary spirit. I do not succumb or submit myself to failure, fear, ridicule, shame, guilt, lies or threats of the enemy, or any other tactic he uses in my life to dissuade and discourage me. I say disappointment has no power over me and no path is too difficult, sharp or narrow to navigate, for I walk not according to might or power but by the power of Your spirit. I am not afraid to sing and declare, for I am one who sings on this side of the Red Sea. Victory is my portion and is assured in Christ.

Today, I open my mouth and it is filled. Today, I open my heart to receive and it responds…it sings a new song…it sings the song the Lord is singing over me. No other song will my heart listen to…no other song will it sing, for all is well with my soul.

Today, I reject and declare I am not one who fills the needs of my heart and life with unprofitable things which do not lead to life, but instead, lead to death. I repent of all past fulfillment which has been based on earthly or worldly things and choose to practice meeting the thirst and longings of my heart in Christ and Christ alone. Nothing else can or will satisfy me.

The light of the Lord is illuminating all darkness…all wrong ways of thinking which lead to ungodly fulfillment and setting me free to be immersed in the Lord at all times. My thirst is quenched and my heart is a shining light in the world around me. I am walking the path prepared for me and I shall succeed. Lord, I come into Your Presence this very moment to sing…to pray…to breathe. I simply come. Amen.

Brenda Craig 2017

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