Pathways Of Eternity

2 Prophetic Art Interpretations by Mira van Niekerk and Rabih Toni Slim 
Prophetic Interpretation by Mira van Niekerk 2018

How beautiful are your thoughts to Me. 
I see so many facets to each heart.
Definitely a person who dreams a lot…a seer but of a very creative nature. An artist; a writer but not just an ordinary writer. A writer of many colorful stories, possibly the journals of all your dreams written down. Each page of your books are a splash of heavenly colors. I even think you’ve been transported to heaven a number of times because the colors expressed here are throne room colors. The colors around the throne like that of a rainbow.
I sense that you have also been in the heavenly realms and have dreamt of being like an astronaut flying through space expressed by different color many dimensional tunnels. You dream A LOT. 
I see you in vibrant colors like Joseph’s technicolor dream coat. When you walk into a space people sit up and take note. 
I see many tunnels here and one specifically looks as though there is fire at the end of it. I sense you have been through fiery times. But through all the vibrancy and creativity I see you having such fun being creative. It brings you great joy and delight and it makes the world a whole lot brighter for other people. I just want to encourage you; to say that ABBA thinks that you are just the greatest. He just loves hanging out with you, because when you create with the Holy Spirit it brings such overwhelming love and joy to Him. 
He dances over you with joy. You are more precious than the many precious jewels in this love note. 
You have such fun creating things, dreaming and being with Jesus and He just adores you. 
I have that song which goes “come away with me, it’s gonna be wild, 
It’s gonna be great, it’s gonna be full of Me ”
That describes your adventurous, creative dreams and creative nature. 
Have fun with Jesus. He just loves you so much. 

Prophetic Interpretation by Rabih Toni Slim 2018
Come with Me
in a journey
to the thousand waves
in a thousand ways,
through eternity
where you will always find Me.

For i am the God whose voice is like a thunder which is an explosion of lights breaking through the skies like waves, reverberating in space with mighty sounds and frequencies. Like a thousand waters I declare My glory over the heavens..

My voice turns into light waves
shifting the deepest parts of space
That’s what I declared in Genesis
I spoke and let there be light
and light came defining the cosmos
and all its premises..

Come with Me through the infinite numbers of gates and possibilities, leading each one to the other, in an intertwined labyrinth crossing from one portal to the other, each one hiding a deep secret, and a treasure in one of the corners…

Each one opening to a new dimension and leading to a distant part of space that no probe can get to. But through My heart you can see the unseen and access the Mysteries of the unknown..

It’s through Love that everything that has ever been, came to existence, and all the galaxies and the stars even if they might seem linearly distant can be reached through Me, through the frequencies of My passion for you to delight your eyes and fill you with joy and awe over what i have created for you to see..

I have created for you a large room of wonder, a window to the most beautiful things that has ever existed and like i said to Daniel in 33:3, you can call upon Me and i will tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know.

For when you come and commune with me in My presence, you tap into the frequencies of creation and the veil is torn, the fabric of space-time is distorted and you escape the continuum at that moment, as you travel the wonders of everything outside of space-time constraints because they both came from Me.

I am the beginner and finisher of everything, nothing has ever existed except through Me, I created even your curiosity with a deep void inside that I can only fill. You can never get satisfied on your own and everything you will ever see in this world will only fill you for a time before you get even more hungry for all that I have.

Come to My well and drink fully, for the well is deep and the waters go underground in endless streams, carrying you to hidden places where you find the most precious gems of revelation and treasures beyond what your mind can ever imagine.

Life with Me is full of endless flavors, endless atmospheres, endless joys. as many infinite colors as you can get by mixing different basic ones, that’s how many lifetimes I could have created for you, that’s how many possibilities were at hand.

But precious one, in this life you are limited by space and time, you are here to fulfill a defined purpose, and not that I mind you enjoying every little moment with as many possible things as you can get, but things were taken away to protect you, things were deferred for another time. I loved you enough to guard you against deception, against idolatry and becoming obsessed with things… I simply wanted you to be free because there’s much more for you inside of Me.

Don’t be satisfied with the crumbs on the outside, that’s why I allow some difficult situations… so that you won’t get comfortable in your limitations. I want for you to be great in this earth… grow. I have for you so much more!! You haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what I have for you.

When I told you about the ancient paths of righteousness, they weren’t only physical paths, they are roadways and portals inside and through My heart that unlock for you things beyond what you can ever imagine.

For in Corinthians 2:9 the scripture says, no eye has seen, nor ear heard, not entered into the mind or heart of man, what God prepared for those who love Him… Those are prepared not only for eternity, but you can access them even on this heart as you come to My presence and move My heart, for resonance happens when two objects are beating with the same frequency, so when your heart resonates with mind, we shall beat together and think together and that’s what it means that you shall have My own mind, the mind of Christ..

Beloved it wasn’t a coincidence that your biological heart is made of valves that open and close, your set of four valves or so that channel blood between your arteries and ventricles were designed in the image of mine, just like you were created in My own image. Those valves are doorways and at the right timing they release the oxygen to the entire body. That’s the heart I beat with to release to you refreshing at the right time, carrying away the toxins while reviving your being.

My heart is much more than that for everything that exists came to be through My passion and My love. Creation altogether beats up inside of Me before it becomes life, on earth. Those vibrant colors you see in nature are My emotions. Those sounds in you and the animals are My voice scattered to different wavelengths just like the colors scatter through a crystal prism.

Come and get lost in Me, as you get carried to the most beautiful diversified places where no eye has seen the colors and vast wonders I have created for you… nor has ear heard the thousand waters symphony or the sounds and frequencies never before tasted on this earth…those which have not entered into the mind or heart of man…yes, the most captivating things that God has prepared for the ones who love Him and that He loves.


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