With Love From Psalm 23 – Part Three

The Preparation

I have and I am continually going before you to prepare the way, just like a good shepherd in the natural goes before the sheep to scout out green pastures, clean water, and eradicate enemies. Beloved it is my desire to lead you to large places and high planes among the mountains of relationship with Me (Psalms 118:5 Psalms 18:19). I have furnished all you will ever need. I have set everything in order.

I do not send you ahead of Me and I never will. I loved first, gave first, suffered first, sacrificed first, died first, rose first and ascended first in order to prepare your way. The Father sent Me and I willingly came to scout out and to make a way to bring you to the high plains of relationship once again.

A good shepherd scouts out the mountains for plains or tables of fresh green pasture to feed his sheep. I do the same. David knew this about Me because He was a shepherd. He went before them to find the best pasture, provide water and destroy the enemy. I have done the same. Yes, I have gone before you and rid the pasture of your enemy. I vanquished him, took his power, his authority and I gave it to you. Now that you are at My table it is My job to protect you as a shepherd would his sheep while they feast on what he has provided.

Look at it this way. As you feast on My pasture (My Word) and digest it, you are strengthened in faith. And, what did I say about faith the size of a mustard seed? Yes, you know. It is a faith seemingly small beyond measure yet able to overcome the world and the evil one.

I have given you My Word to take captive and overcome the poisonous thoughts planted by the enemy (2 Corinthians 10:5). He wishes to plant tares in your heart and mind, and I say, ?NO!? You must take all thoughts captive. Remember, I went before you to prepare a way, stripping him of his power. Do not let him fool you. All is done by the Spirit and not by might and power (Zechariah 4:6). I am making some crooked paths straight and rough paths smooth (Luke 3:5). Don?t leave the table, the pasture found only in the high places with Me, before you have feasted on all I want to give you.

Know this! My Word is your pasture. I am the Living Water and the enemy has been destroyed. Give him no more place for your Waymaker is here today to prepare the way.

The Table

I have set a table before you today. Speak well and choose life and not death (Proverbs 18:21). Choose courage and not fear (Joshua 1:9). Many are the things I have for you to do. The pasture of My Word is arrayed with much daily bread, much fresh manna. Preparations were made for your table beloved before there was time. I went before you, and with great care, I planned a way for you no other can walk. It is your special gift, your special portion of My heart to walk out. All the ingredients are on the table I have prepared.

Come in and sup with Me and I will sup with you and your whole life will be a banqueting table (Psalms 69:22, Song of Solomon 2:4, Revelations 3:20.)

You need not fear what is going on around you when you are with Me. While you are about My business I am about yours. There is no other way. Living water flows from Me creating springs of fresh revelation for you to drink from. I do not want you drinking yesterday?s water or eating yesterday?s manna. Come drink without cost (Revelations 22:17).

My table is a place void of fear and heaviness. It is a place to receive your fill. Today is a time to taste and see that I am good in a whole new way. Each taste of Me in the days to come will eradicate one by one, each and every bad aftertaste in your heart and mind. All things left over from the enemies table is being cleaned out of your life. I am leading you to the mountain where I have prepared a new place, a new experience, a new table to eat from.

There are things about Me you do not know. There are little enclosed pastures yet to be grazed. I have hidden them away just for you and only you. Some things I give you are meant to share and share you will.

Others, well, they are just between you and Me. Even so, they will bring about a fruit in your life. The transformation born of this personal revelation and what it accomplishes in your life will feed many. They will not see you, but they will see Me.

This is the nature of My table, high on the mountain, prepared just for you. I am knocking anew today. Let Me come in and sup with you and you with Me. Your pasture waits.

In the Presence of My Enemies

The table I prepare for you is in a place where most people might not want their table to be. Your table is placed before your enemy in a place easily viewed by him. I display my eternal victory in and through you.

I came and did the Father’s will.  I ate from the Father’s table in the presence of My enemies to overcome on your behalf. I suffered much, endured many struggles, and every temptation on your behalf. I did this all smack dab in the presence of those who hated Me and I won. So have you.

I have set a table for you in this world as a grand display of My love, a grand display of your favor among the enemies camp. Remember, you are not of this world and are seated already in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Your table is already seated where I am. Now all you have to do is feast and do what you see Me doing.

Who is your enemy: fear, distress, oppression, lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, the pride of life, anger, malice, selfishness, hatred, hopelessness, lies and deceit etc? These things seek to bind you up, draw your attention away from My table, and convince you there is no possible way to live life more abundant.

I was manifest to destroy the works of the evil one and so are you. In order to do this, you must walk in the spirit and use My Word(1 John 3:8). Focus on Me and don’t for a second take your eyes of Me or the Word. It is your manna, your bread. Ah…yes, it is your favor, your strength, your hope and your sure guarantee that I am greater in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Stay close under the shelter of My wings, My Word and do not wander from My secure embrace.

I am taking you to some gourmet pastures in the days to come and I do not want you to miss it by wandering on the fringes of your purpose and calling. When you are close to Me things are safer, clearer, and full of light. While you eat at the table I have prepared for you, I will protect you from the enemy. I announce My great love for you by displaying your great favor with signs and wonders in the presence of all your enemies.

Arise and see the teeth of the wicked shattered (Psalms 3:7). See the horse and rider thrown into the sea (Exodus 15:1). How it delights Me to see you walk upon the heights of My pasture, eat contentedly while displaying My power and authority among the presence of your enemies. Come and be filled…

You Anoint My Head with Oil

Beloved, I have told you to be in the world but not of the world (John 15:19). It rains on the just and the unjust. Living in the world puts one at the mercy of certain risk, temptations, and onslaughts. I took this in to account when I prepared a table for you, a pasture to eat from. Many are your afflictions, your temptations but I deliver you out of them all (Psalms 34:19). Nothing can come your way that I have not seen or provide a way out of. I promised you power from on high and I gave it to you.

Just as oil is used on sheep to keep away irritating and potentially life threatening insects, so the indwelling and overshadowing of Holy Spirit is shall be to you. Remember, all is done not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit. Everything begins with a thought in the mind. This is why I have told you to take thoughts captive and to think on what is pure, upright and lovely (Philippians 4:8).

My Word is life-giving oil. Holy Spirit pours understanding and revelation of the Word over you, and in you. And like oil on a sheep’s head it puts at bay tormenting thoughts and lies of the enemy. My Word is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12). It renews your mind and causes you to think like Me and not according to the enemies tormenting thoughts (Romans 12:2). In doing this your cup overflows.

A picnic is a wonderful thing to have on a beautiful summer day. All is perfect, all is well and the food is a feast fit for a king. While engrossed in food and fellowship, unbeknownst to you, insects invade, little ants; they march their way right into your feast. Irritation and scrambling to put everything up and out of the way robs your peace. This is so with the enemy.

Do not let yourself become unaware just because the pasture is green. Fill yourself daily with My presence. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit at salvation and endued with power at the Baptism of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). However, you must choose to stay filled. Oil yourself consistently through repentance and communion with Holy Spirit. Do not grieve Him. Repent if you do.

Beloved, the time has come to pour out a new measure of the Spirit into your life. Time has come to anoint you with oil in a whole new way. All those little things the enemy has sent, those little thoughts about your lack of worth, adequacy and importance to the Kingdom are coming to an end. I am anointing you with a whole new understanding of your identity. You shall not lack and I mean it.

I anoint you with sweet fragrant oil today. I am pouring it fresh to invigorate your heart and your life. I am softening your heart to My way of thinking and doing in areas you thought you were OK in. The Balm of Gilead is being poured into many relationships in your life. Healing and restoration is come. I anoint your head, your mind, and your thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, with liberating oil. Come and picnic with Me. The ground is clear.

My Cup Over Flows

I have come to give you life and life more abundant (John 10:10). I do not give you an ordinary life, nor do I intend for you to live with only a meager portion of Me. I am the cup overflowing to you and out of you. You are My cup; a vessel filled with My living water. You are in Me and I am in you. I am living water and so are you. When you abide in Me and I in you, rivers of living water are activated. They flow out of your belly, out of your spirit, overflowing into your own personal relationship with Me and into the lives of those around you.

Your cup is your cup and yours alone. No one else has anything compared to yours. It is the cup I have given you, different from anyone else?s. Each person?s cup is unique, formed and shaped for the glory of God. Each cup may serve a different unique expression of service, yet the same they are given no partiality one way or the other with Me. I am willing and desire to use each and every one. I desire to overflow the rim of each and every one. It is for whoso ever will. Are you willing to be “who so ever will?”

I have given you every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm (Ephesians 1:3). I have crowned your years with fatness, made you a little lower than the angels, and given you a love that endures forever (Psalms 65). I have made all things known to you by the Spirit. All things the Father has given to Me, I have already given to you (John 16:12-16).

Who has ever given Me anything first? No one! All things exist for Me, to Me and through Me. All things originate with Me and come from Me (Romans 11:35-36). All things end in Me. I am the beginning and end of all things.

The cup I have given you and made you to be originates with Me, comes from Me, and is formed to express My glory in the earth. You are literally a cup (a beautiful heart vessel) to contain, and dispense the Living Water held inside. Your heart, your mind is My cup and holds the thoughts, feelings, purposes and intents of My heart (1 Corinthians 2:9-17). I have given you the Holy Spirit and He will lead and guide you into all truth and show you all things. He will share with you bread fresh from the Father?s table and enable you to over flow (John 16:13).

Therefore, it is imperative for you to seek Me first and let all things be added to you; pressed down, shaken together and overflowing (Matthew 6:33). I am your Good Shepherd and I am removing all things clogging the free flowing river inside the cup of your life. Come; take a much needed fresh drink from Me.

When the woman at the well drank from the living water I offered her, a whole town benefited from the overflow. Why not you? What is stopping you? All things have been given to you. Would I give you all things, overflow your cup and then say, ?Someday?? Not hardly! The time is here. Drink deep!…


The Lord has gone before me and prepared a way. He has prepared a large place in which I can stand. I stand in this large place today under the banner of my Beloved. He went before me before I ever knew Him. He knew me and made a way, enabling me to fulfill all His plans and purposes for me. I am seated at His banqueting table and His banner over me is love. All He does for me, He does in the presence of my enemies, thereby, declaring His great love and favor in my life. He was and is manifest to destroy the works of the evil one in my life and those He has sent me to.

I walk in the Spirit and my head is anointed with fragrant oil. As I take my thoughts captive I experience more and more oil pouring into and through me. His goodness to me is unending and I walk in favor with God and man. My cup overflows with many blessings. I am fearfully and wonderfully fashioned, formed and created to hold the very presence of the Lord. I am His habitation and rivers of living water flow from me as the beautiful cup He has made me to be sits at His feet to receive. I am not a resistor but I am a receiver. All His fullness is in me. My cup overflows. Amen

Reflect and Journal

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over (Psalms 23:5 Amplified)

 1. Looking back, can you see how He has gone before to prepare the way and enable you to be where you are today? Contemplate with a heart of gratefulness all He has done?

2. What areas do you need direction in today? Do you have paths which seem unclear and in need of guidance. Reflect on them as you feast on His Word. Write down any impressions or thoughts.

3. What areas or situations in your life still leave you with an aftertaste of failure or defeat, thereby robbing from your future?

4. What does it mean to you personally when He says He wants to sup with you anew and make your whole life a banqueting table?

5. He is taking you to some gourmet pastures of love and revelation. What does this mean to you and how will you respond?

6. In what areas do you need courage?

7. What things have been exposed in your life and are therefore subject to manifest the presence of the Son of God. He wants you to come in to agreement with Him and see the schemes destroyed your life?

8. What lies has the enemy tried to get you to believe? Take the thoughts captive and let the balm of His Word replace the enemy?s lies.

9. Have you felt without worth or inadequate in any way? He wants you to repent and receive His anointing for a whole new understanding of your identity.

10. What relationships do you have in need of healing? Name them and receive His Word.

11. He created you as a unique cup (vessel) to hold His presence, His glory, His anointing. How does this or should this change the way you live and what you believe?

12. What areas of doubt and unbelief do you need filled with His presence, His life-giving water?

13. Are you a ?who so ever will? kind of person with determined attitude. If not, what is stopping you?

With Love From Psalm 23 – Part One

With Love From Psalm 23 – Part Two

With Love From Psalm 23 – Part Four


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