Soil Of Your Heart

Word of the Day
Beloved, there are many dry bones in the lives of My children. There are hopes and dreams seemingly dead and gone. What dry bones are in your life today? What promises have you let go of? When a seed is planted in moist, rich soil it dies and produces an abundant crop. At the same time it is dying, it is living. Let this give you hope.

When seeds are thrown out on top of hard ground…when they are thrown among the briars or rocks they do not produce…. Subjected to the elements they dry up and are suffocated of all life. And, like feathers in the wind, they blow away. Like bones in a desert they are covered by the sands of time (Matthew 13:21-23).

Likewise in the spirit, your seed can be swept away by the cares, worries and failures of this life (Mark 4:18-20). Seeds die an unnatural death from neglect, disease and lack of nourishment. Unbelief is like a deadly virus causing the seeds of faith I have planted in you to come to an untimely death making fruition unattainable.

However, all things are possible with Me. The breath of My mouth breathes forth resurrection power and has preeminence over everything both living and dead. Therefore, confess your unbelief…confess your feelings of unworthiness. Let go of past failures and give Me all your seeds…all your dreams. In doing this resurrection power will come and you will be enabled to live a life of fulfilled dreams—a life of faith (Romans 4:20).

I want you to know your value in the deepest parts of your heart and mind, so today is the day of resurrected dreams. You are My good soil. Let Me plough the earth of your heart. Let Me water it with My rain of love and nourishment, thereby, creating a more receptive and fertile soil. Dare to let go of unbelief and broken dreams and trust Me to breathe new life into the core of their being…into the core of your being (Mark 9:24). Be rooted and grounded in Love (Ephesians 3:17). I am here and will not leave. All will be accomplished. Have faith…

”Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24 NASB)

“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God,” (Romans 4:20 Amplified)
Lord, there are many dreams of my heart I have let go of or simply forgotten. They have become buried in the sands of time…buried within the deep places of my heart. And though I have forgotten them, You have not and my heart rejoices. Yes, my heart rejoices in Your enduring love and commitment to the purpose and destiny you have planned for me. Many worries and circumstances of this life have attempted to bring unbelief to the core of who I am. Doubt and unbelief have proclaimed with a very loud voice on many occasions but Your whispers are louder than the shouts of the enemy.

Please forgive me where I have not nourished the seeds…the promises You have given me in days gone by. Forgive me for having fear or seeing myself as unworthy somehow to carry out Your plans for me. If I were unworthy You would have never given them to me in the first place. I agree with You and say, “Come! Come into the deep places of my heart and plough my fallow ground with truth. Release resurrection power until all is well. Breathe on me and I shall truly live to fulfill all that has ever been planned for me. Come!” Amen.

Reflect and Journal

  1. What seeds of faith have you neglected, let go of through unbelief, unworthiness or for any other reason?
  2. What worries or circumstances have robbed the moisture out of your hopes and dreams? What do you think He is trying to tell you personally in relation to them?
  3. Do you believe one bad apple (one dry bone) per say has the power to take away from the beauty He has made you to be in this life?
  4. Confess. Let go of your unbelief and let Him stir the soil of your heart with faith. Once you have confessed your unbelief, take time to listen to Him. He has words of resurrection power to speak into your situation regardless of how big or small it might seem to be to you.
  1. Make my heart a good soil for Your words to grow, to nurture, and to echo to the ends of the world through this website. I pray that whatever I share will be a blessing to others. Bless the gifting You have generously given me so that the good news of Your Salvation will reach to the farthest corner of the world.

    Thank you for the advance technology. You are day by day continuously creating!

  2. 1. I’ve let my life become a groundwork for cleaning and organizing my house because of floor tile work done. I did not keep up with my writing, as I know I should. I felt emptied out of all that I was going through…plus the roughness of the workmen rather “irked me.”
    2. As stated above so much “busyness” and not enough creativeness. He keeps telling me to start my writing and I….fall behind which I do regret.
    3. I keep saying that I will find the time and keep putting off reading the past scribbles I have on paper and transforming them into poems. My poems are inspirational and do honor my Father and Savior.
    4. Now with having cataract surgery in 2 days, I feel “let down” and yet He may be helping me so I can settle down….and write. I do feel He is guiding me to creativeness in a bigger way than before. Now to listen closely…..

  3. Thanks a ton for posting this! It spoke to my heart at just the right time! I can’t thank you enough for the blessing that you are…God bless and have a nice day….Love, Anubha.

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