The Waters Edge With Soaking Music

Beloved, move forward to the water’s edge…to the precipice of faith enacted. Do not turn around…do not turn back. Come for I speak to you… body, soul and spirit. I speak and release life into you today.

Right here at the water’s edge I meet you. Close your eyes for just a moment. See and feel your feet in the wet sand. Feel the water rush over you…hear the water whisper, be not afraid…come in. Hear the sound of the water…. hear the waves and wind…hear the glorious beckoning…hear Me saying come in.

Even though the way of deliverance is hidden from our visible sight, don’t give up. … A thing…a way… is only hidden until it is revealed. Just because it is hidden doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It will open up at just the right time. I have encompassed you and even though you can see the enemy behind you, he cannot break through barriers I set up to protect you.

Yes, the waters are parting. This day I have made a way for you on dry ground. Who can contend with My way? Silly question! Right?

I the Lord decree and speak judgment on all intending to harm or hurt you…against all coming to rob you of My divine purpose and against all oppression…against all fear… against all the words and deeds of men. I do this for you and all you care about and love. … After all, I perfect all that concerns you.

I speak to peace to your storms through My Word spoken from your heart…from your mouth. Let not your mouth be silent…let your mouth in agreement speak with what I say….I rise up in your boat out here in the deep…I hold up your hands even as Arron did for Moses….and in battle you will prevail.

Therefore…Keep your heart pure… keep it full of mercy… full of forgiveness and let a soft answer turn away wrath. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty!
Yes, beloved…when you call on Me, I come. As a matter of fact, … I am here right now….
With waters rushing across you…wooing you into the deep…. I am…right now, contending for all you are called to be and do. I am contending for who you already are. You may not see it. Others may not see it and believe it. Nevertheless, it is true. I say it and it is settled in the heavens.

Take a deep slow breath and think on that. See Me ever contending for you…fighting for you. See me defending your precious heart. See me at the water’s edge. See me in our boat.

All of your concerns…all that happens to you, good or bad are in Me with you. Neither your struggles nor joys are outside of your position in Me. They are with you in Me at all times.

Now for a time to pause…a time to see…

Can you see me?

I can hear your heart say yes. Let you heart rest here for a moment. Let your thoughts linger on the beauty of My presence

Ah… My beloved…now you see Me Now you know I am always in your boat…always with you in the deep.

Know this truth and never feel isolated when the chips are down or the struggle seems beyond any reason. Learn to abide in this truth when the pit seems to be home for I am just as present there as I am in the heights of joyous overcoming.

Beloved, I implore you; do not hold in your heart any accusing, negative, or discouraging words others speak or have spoken…. or even your own thoughts or words if they do not line up with who you are in Me…if they do not line up with My Word. Hold only My truth in your heart.

Be ever aware of the words you speak about yourself. Speak only what I say. Go ahead and use MY name like a fly swatter …. swatting a fly.

Ha! What seems big and insurmountable is as simple to Me as you swatting a fly. Yes, indeed you must have the right equipment. It is hard to swat a fly with your hand, in your own strength, for surely it will escape. Beloved, you have the Word…. the most powerful fly swatter in all existence. … You have My Name…the mighty name Jesus where you live…. love…move…and have your being.

Beloved, do not answer to the call of any word or thought which are not in agreement with who I say you are. Do not defend yourself to the words of men that accuse or condemn you. Walk un-offended! Walk in a heart of forgiveness and let Me defend you. I know exactly what to do…for I am the defender of your heart.

If you were in a crowded room and someone simply shouted out someone else’s name, you would not answer. You would not even recognize it! Let it be the same when it comes to the accuser, no matter the form or manner in which he comes. Don’t answer. Quote My Word! Just set your answer machine to… “talk to Jesus.”

Yes, come forward to the water’s edge and let the waves of My beautiful anointing…My great deliverance…the waves of My presence…the waves of joy…the waves of hope…the waves of destiny I have ordained to carry you forward…to lap gently at your feet…at your heart. Let them lap until you are submerged in endless possibilities…. submerged in endless joy.

Ah…. you are indeed submerged in Me; therefore, move forward. The water will part. There is dry ground to cross…there are oceans to cross. I am for you. I am your defender.
Come My Beloved, take My hand…. come and get your feet wet. The water is fine. Selah!

Love Jesus

The waters [of the Red Sea] saw You, O God; The waters saw You, they were in anguish; The deeps also trembled. The clouds poured down water; The skies sent out a sound [of rumbling thunder]; Your arrows (lightning) flashed here and there. The voice of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; The lightnings illumined the world; The earth trembled and shook. Your way [of escape for Your people] was through the sea, And Your paths through the great waters, And Your footprints were not traceable. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron [to the promised goal]. Psalm 77:18-20 Amplified

Brenda Craig 2017

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