Meditations By John Dean


Will My Real Father Please Stand Up? Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Growing up in East Texas during the late ‘40s and early ‘50s provided a great opportunity for a young man like me to meet many special men who would have a profound impact on my life. The background of these men ranged from the educated to the illiterate, from the successful business man to the hard working man who spent long back breaking hours in the woods cutting logs with a cross cut saw.



One Sunday morning I sent our ministry helpers downtown to pick up a van load of drunks and street people for the morning service. After a while the back door of the church opened and my helpers were dragging a drunken bleeding man into the building. The man’s name was Johnny. He was the third generation in his family who slept under a bridge in Houston. The reason Johnny was bleeding and crying was because when he saw the mission van coming to pick up people, he fell on his face in the middle of the street as he tried to run away. His face looked as if it had been run through a meat grinder, and his nose was badly broken. He was in such pain that he was weeping out loud.


Who Is Your Daddy? Meditations By Apostle John Dean

The church of today seems to be filled with spiritual orphans. Many have natural parents, but they still feel fatherless. If the question was asked “Who is your Daddy” many would have to say I don’t know? Perhaps this is why Paul said, “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.”


Did You Bring the Money? Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Some lessons we learn seem to be just for that particular moment while others lessons are for a lifetime. In the case of our text, “God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus,” there is a life lesson we must keep on learning. Sad to say, we have to keep on reminding ourselves that God is our supply.


How Do You Eat Your Corn?, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

A few months ago, after preaching the Sunday morning message in a small East Texas church…I went to a home for lunch with some of my dear friends. Everyone in that family is a master cook, so you can imagine how the table was filled with all of those country delicacies. Even though the table was large, the extended family was even larger and more so with my family joining in.


Abraham, Isaac, and? Meditations By Apostle John Dean

If the first born is the son of special blessings, then it would behoove us to ask, what makes the first, first? Whatever the answer to that question is, it has a direct relationship to all of us today who are on this side of the cross. It is obvious this picture begins to clear up as we look at it in light of what Jesus did for us on the cross. It is not by birth that we are made first born but by rebirth.


Hi, I’m John, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

When I first started ministering, I functioned as an evangelist. Some Sundays I would be out and other Sundays I would be home. On one particular Sunday when I was to be at home, I felt impressed that the Lord wanted me to go to another city and minister there, because someone was in need. That city was about an hour or so away from my home.