The Good Shepherd Comes Through The Front Door

Word of the Day
Beloved, I never enter by any other means than the front door. I am full of righteous character and truth, forgiveness, grace, mercy. Clothed in love is My calling card. I am the one with the authority and power to make change in your life. I have already defeated that old serpent the devil. He only has right of entry as we said before, if there are breaches he can access.

Does this mean if there are no breaches, he will leave you or anyone else alone? NO! But it does mean, just like with Me, he will try. If he cannot get you to acquiesce he will return for a more opportune time. If he is not looking for breaches, he is trying to create them by getting you to open the door to his lies instead of My truth.

I do not use backroom tactics, manipulation or exploit you in any way to get you to where you need to be. My kindness leads to repentance and I wash you with the cleansing water of the Word (Romans 2:4; Ephesians 5:26).

Where the enemy comes to do evil, I come to do good. What do I do? What good am I doing on your behalf right now and forever more…every second of the day? The list is as innumerable as the sands of the sea shore. Just as My thoughts toward you cannot be numbered, neither can the desire of My heart to do good on your behalf.

Today, I am at the door of your life…your sheepfold and I am doing some specific things. I am standing at the door of your heart with gifts in hand…gifts I have already purchased…gifts that already belong to you. All you need to do is agree with a big yes and amen.

  • To those who are weak and sick at heart, I am binding up your brokenness and giving you strength. Do not fear; put your hope in Me and not any formula. Formulas are OK to use but they must be founded in and flow from intimacy with Me. I am here to heal your heart.
  • To those who are in need of sustenance, I am the provision for when I give to you, you then in turn have that with which to bless another. Give as it has been given. The rewards are great.
  • To him who is hard of heart, I have come with the oil of My Presence to soften the ground that it might be pliable enough for the stones of unforgiveness and bitterness to be removed. Submit to Me by forgiving, resist the devil and he will flee.
  • To the prosperous, joyful, rejoicing one, I have come with a cup that you might fill it and give it away. To the ones filled with hope and faith, I have come to present those who are downcast to you that they might in turn find their way to out of the pit to stand in a large place.
  • To those who are lonely or suffering abuse, I have come to pull you into My embrace…to send ministering angels to act on your behalf. Only, you must forgive. It is the high road of surrender. Don’t try and defend your own heart. Let Me. I do a much better job.
  • To those who dream, I have come to fulfill the desires of your heart and co-labor with you to bring to full term the dream planted by Me in the first place. Water your dream with the Word of faith I have given you. Speak hope and protection over your dream. I am with you.

There are so many things I have come to do for and with you. I am knocking on the door of your heart. Will you come and sup with Me?

But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep (John 10:2 Amplified)

Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me (John 14:6 Amplified)

Lord, You are the way, the truth and the life…You are my way…my truth and my life. I open my heart up to you without fear…without a single doubt as to Your goodness. I embrace the covering of truth, forgiveness, grace, and mercy all clothed in the love You have given me. I snuggle into the safe and secret places of your heart. I will not be dismayed or afraid. I am secure in You. I know the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but You have come to give me life and life abundant. I receive Your kindness which leads me to repentance. You do not bully me, manipulate or intimidate me into change.

Today you are at the door of my heart just like every other day. You never forsake or leave me. Here you are standing at the door with gifts in hand and I choose to receive them…to receive the freedom they afford me…the newness of life they give me.

I declare where I am weak, You are strong in me. My brokenness is made whole in You. I have all the sustenance I need for You are my provider and my provision. Because of this, I am one with much to give and bless others with both physically and spiritually. The hard places in my heart brought on by the experiences and situations of life are now being softened by the oil of Your presence. All the stony places are being exposed and can be removed. I am one who chooses to walk in joy with a rejoicing heart filled with faith and hope. Just because things are hard does not mean You are not good. Every lonely place is filled by Your whispers of love and adoration. My dreams are being manifest with each passing moment as I co-labor with the Lord to bring about the God given desires of my heart.

The Lord is knocking on the door of my heart. He is calling me into His presence to dine with Him in the secret place known only to us. I am responding right now to the calling of my name. I choose to enter into intimacy with Him moment by moment. He is truly the Good Shepherd of my heart. Amen.

Reflect and Journal

  1. How has the Lord been the Way, the Truth or the Life to you recently? Be specific.
  2. In what way do you need Him to be the Way, the Truth or the Life to you right now?
  3. The Lord is at your door with gifts in hand. What do you need the most from Him?
  4. Do you have areas of brokenness; unforgiveness…have you been weak or sick at heart? He is with you to heal your heart. Write your need and listen.
  5. What provision do you need?
  6. Are you aware of any hard places in your heart where you just can’t seem to think well about God, yourself or others?
  7. Do you need Him to pull you into His embrace in some area of your life? If so, where? Now take time to acknowledge He cares and rest in His presence…listen for His voice and believe Him when He whispers love words to you.
  8. What dreams birthed in your heart by God have you let go of? Why do you think you let go of them? Was it fear, lack of confidence, the accusations of the enemy through the words of men, or any other reason? Remember and write down the original vision He gave you and water the dream in your heart.
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