As The Shepherd Leads The Sheep Follow

Word of the Day

Beloved, in the natural the shepherd would go behind his sheep and drive them out into the pastures. He would compel them to go. I only compel by wooing your heart…by leading the way.

Know this, I do not drive you…I lead you…I bring you out by the one and only way, through and in Me. I have already gone before you to prepare a way…to prepare a place meant just for you…suited just for you. Do not be compelled to follow the law for it is a hard taskmaster and will drive you to perform. Follow Me…follow grace and you will fulfill all in love.

I know all My sheep by name and I know you. I know your character, your likes and dislikes, your hopes dreams and desires. I know what makes you tick…what floats your boat…what note makes you sing…what makes you cry…what makes your heart soft. I know you down to your very essence and have planned a path for you to walk on…a pasture from which to graze meant for you and only you.

I go before you and am the first to encounter any danger ahead. When danger does come, the practice of listening to My voice will make you secure. Listening to My voice and becoming as familiar with it as I am with you, will enable you to follow Me through or around danger without fear. Knowing I know you by name and am madly in love with you will make you feel safe regardless of how the storms rage and the tempest howls.

I lead and you follow. It is the only safe way to navigate the storms of life and experience joy in the midst of suffering. It is the only way to remain in the secret place…to remain in the wake of My goodness…to remain in the shadow of My wings.

I walk on before you and you follow because you are attuned to the sound of My voice (John 10:4). How does this come about…how does familiarity with My voice to the point of blind trust come about? Through time and experience…by listening and taking it for granted I want to talk to you…taking it for granted I want to lead you without condemnation…by realizing you can come to Me with anything and I will still whisper to you and call you by name.

Beloved, if you will listen carefully for just a moment no matter where you are right now or what you are doing, you will hear the whisper of My voice in your ear. Maybe it isn’t a long eloquent thing you hear…maybe it isn’t a sonnet or a prayer and maybe it isn’t a song being sung over you. Maybe it is just one word, one sound or one impression. No matter what it is, if it comes from Me it is enough. Lay your expectations down and listen. I am whispering I love you and so much more. Selah (stop and think about this).

When he has brought his own sheep outside, he walks on before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice (John 10:4)

He will feed His flock like a shepherd: He will gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young (Isaiah 40:11 Amplified)

Lord, Your heart is kind and full of plans for good…plans for a future and a hope. Your heart of love leads me to green pastures. Never do you drive me like a master might drive a slave. The law is a hard driving taskmaster; but, You are a master of grace in all things, at all times. The beauty of grace frees me and births a love that compels me to follow you…to follow the Word. My heart delights in how You know and are concerned about each and every unique part of my personality. It is amazing how you pay attention to my likes and dislikes. My hopes and dreams are important to you…so important You co-labor with me to fulfill them. Open my heart to see how much You love me right this moment, right where I am.

No danger is too fearful…no mountain too hard to climb…no circumstance too hard to endure…no valley to low when I follow you. You are my shelter and security in the storms of life. You are my hope for the future. You are the one I love. Condemnation is not my portion…forgiveness and restoration is. My heart rejoices in You and my eyes behold you. My ears are open to the sound of Your voice. Today is a whole new day to rest in Your Presence. I give You the freedom to speak to me using all my senses in any way You please as I rest under the shadow of Your wings. I draw near. Amen.

Reflect and Journal

  1. In what ways do you feel driven in your walk with the Lord? Do you feel like you are always trying to fill a square somehow…trying to perform correctly according to a list of do this and don’t do that? If so, it is following the law and not grace. He leads, you follow and when you don’t hit the mark there His grace whispering in your heart, “I love you. Let me do it through you. You don’t have to perform for me. Just love me and it will work out.”
  2. Contemplate the Good Shepherd going before you. He has already been where you are going and knows the way. Nothing surprises the Lord…nothing. He has an answer and the key is opening your heart to hear and to listen. Where do you feel left out in the storm, so to speak? Are you in a situation or have a circumstance where it seems you are all alone. Open the door of your heart and invite Him in with confidence. After all, He is the shepherd and wants to shepherd you through every moment of your life.
  3. Are you familiar with His voice? Can you recognize it in an instant? It is important to be with Him regularly. This can be done moment by moment if you are willing to let go of preconceived ideas of what being with Him means. It is not a religious activity. It is experiencing life and sharing your thoughts on and about it with Him at all times. I give you permission to in a sense talk to yourself about Him. It builds relationship and a sense of presence which will come into full bloom in your life. Lay down your preconceived expectations of how He speaks and enjoy life.
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