My Love Endures Forever

You are a Temple of My Abiding Presence

My Beloved, you are the very delight of My existence, the joy of My innermost being. You are My temple, the home where I abide (1 Cor 6:19). I live in and through you. You are My dwelling place. There is no other place I would rather be. You are My favorite one.

I want you to hear and receive My declaration of love for you today. I want you to journey into the innermost places of My heart and hear My thoughts about you. I think of you constantly, without interruption. So many thoughts…So much love… There is no place you can go (Psalms 139:7-9). There is nothing you can do or not do to keep My thoughts at bay. My heart is always springing forth like an eternal fountain. Drink deeply from this fountain and your image of yourself will change. Your perception of your own image will become the same Mine.

Let me touch your eyes, your ears. I am enabling you to behold yourself with My sight, as your ears hear the conversations of love spoken about you in heavenly realms. Yes, you are increasing from one state of glory to another and you will view Me in all My fullness.

Every time your thoughts rest upon Me and My goodness, My faithfulness, I am filled with glee. You must know I am pleased with your thoughts toward Me this day and every day (Psalms 104:33-34). I am going to show you in the days to come just how much I love you. Have an expectant heart.

You Heart is in My Hand

Today I am reaching out My feathers, My wings and gathering you close to My heart, deep within the immeasurable recesses of My love for you. I am bringing you so close, close enough to hear My heartbeat, pulsing as it beats out the rhythm of your life. My desire is for you and you alone. Today, like all other days, is filled with new mercies (Lam 3:22-24). The old has passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17). The new is come, not might come or will come, but is come. I am an ever present God. I am always in the present tense. I am a God of the “is” and the “has”.

As I look at the reflection of light in your eyes I see the beauty of the sun rising in the sky. I see the depth of its setting displayed in deepening hues of color flashing a personification of beauty beyond compare. When you rise up in the secret place, speaking My name into the situations of life, I hear an exhilarating deafening sound, like the Niagara, as it plummets over the cliffs. It ascends with power to My throne. There is power, anointing and protection in the secret place. There is security here for I shield you all the day, all the night. My adorning gaze is ever on you (Deuteronomy 33:12).

Therefore, relax and take a deep breath and exhale all the weight of the world. Take some time to come aside with Me today. Come a little closer and let Me place My hand around your heart. Let Me write upon it (Isaiah 59:21). I am here right now to do so. Come!

Ever Present, Ever Adoring

I am ever present with you, no matter what you may be experiencing or feeling. I am present in all your trouble (Psalms 46:1) I am not bound by your emotions or situations. I am Your ever adoring and loving Father who delights in you every moment of your life (1 John 3:1). I particularly enjoy your times of quiet rest. Your times of respite are very precious to Me and enable Me to speak in ways I otherwise could not.

I take great pleasure in watching you relax: it is like gentle winds blowing across fields of grain waiting for the harvest. Many times I lead you beside still waters and cause you to lie down in green pastures bringing peace and replenishment to your soul, your spirit. I love for you to rest. Take some time to do so.

During these times I fill you and prepare you. Sometimes you get anxious during times of rest, feeling you should be busy. There is no need to do so. Remember, I often went away to rest and to pray. Our Father rested on the seventh day. Why not you?

When you rest, I am at work preparing ground for the release of seed I have planted in you, all the while placing new things into the depths your heart, into good soil. I am always doing a new thing. I never rely on old manna and neither should you. Look up, look out to the horizon and see your fields ripe for harvest. I have planned new manna to fill your life each and every day. Remember, rest is a good thing My beloved. Even now My wind is blowing, anticipating its journey through your heart. Won’t you join Me?

Renew Your Mind

There is always enough. Today, I am handing you a new portion of victory in areas where you have seen defeat, in areas where you have dreamed and not seen victory. You see, when you are enfolded, encapsulated within the wings of My presence nothing else but victory is possible. Everything is possible to those who believe. I will impart faith to you as you feel My feathers, My wings brush against your skin. I am close; close enough to envelope you in My love which flows unlimited from the very core of my being. My breath is upon you. You have captured My heart.

Let these words sink deep into you conscious mind through meditation and declaration. Through this process they will make their way to the deepest recesses of your subconscious thoughts and perceptions. Let My words of love reprogram your thinking about who and what you are to Me, who and what you were created to be. Today is a day of growth, beginning a whole new season of increase in your life. Today is a day to be renewed in your mind (Romans 12:2)

Stagnate waters are being replaced with fragrant living waters and refreshing pools of healing. Old ways are replaced by new ways. Seem impossible? It isn’t. I have declared it so. You must reject the lies of the enemy who wishes to counteract everything I have said to you and purposely take every negative, unbelieving or contrary thought captive. I cannot do this for you. You must choose to do your part.
I speak, you agree. I speak, you decree and he flees. I speak, you agree and …Wow! Come under the protection of My wings and let us fly away into a whole new adventure where new beauty and growth abound. Come!

Enduring Love

I am moving in your life in sometimes indiscernible ways, line upon line, precept upon precept, and from one degree of glory to another (2 Cor 3:18). Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. There is more going on behind the scenes than you could ever imagine. This is where faith comes in, faith to believe I mean and do what I say. I am not a man that I should lie (Nehemiah, 23:19). I would not say all I have said to you and not do it. Trust in My character, in My faithfulness, in My love which endures forever.

Did you know endure means to experience pain or hardship or disagreeable things without giving up, the ability survive or the ability to continue over long periods of time in the face a trials and tribulations (definition partially based on the Encarta Dictionary).

Does your love endure? Does it bear up under trials, abide, endure, suffer, have fortitude, and persevere? Mine does. Is your love patient? Mine is. I have a vested interest in enduring; My blood, and I have given it for and to you. Believe Me for yourself and be like Me for others.

Just remember this; all of creation groans, even longs for the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). Creation in all of its beauty, in all of its magnificence, stretching out across the earth and heavens can’t compare to your beauty. Nothing can compare to the unfolding of your destiny. Your value is so great there is no way to calculate its worth other than to state the obvious. Your worth is calculated by what I gave; everything. Why would I cease loving you, changing you, working for you, adoring you now? It can never be.

Yes, creation longs to see you in all your fullness. The trees of the field are clapping their hands, rejoicing as they dance a dance of jubilant praise in celebration of your emerging personification of My image.
Beloved, I will not let it be denied. I will not let My own heart be denied. Arise My beautiful one. Arise and shine in the splendor planned for you before the foundations of the world. You are the apple of My eye, My beautiful, radiant one- right where you are- right now.


I am always in Your thoughts, always on Your mind. My heart rejoices within the fountain of Your ever flowing love. I come at Your bidding Lord into the secret place, under the shelter of Your wings where my heart is held in Your faithful hand. Old things in my life are passing away as I embrace the Word and my mind is renewed. Your name upon my lips is releasing power into every aspect of my life.

I am hidden in the Lord and He is ever present with me. The winds of the Spirit are blowing through my heart bringing change and rest to my soul. I cast down every anxious, worrisome, unbelieving thought and take them captive according to the Word. I am entering a new season and time of rest, agreement and declaration. My enemy is fleeing. I am being released into a whole new way of thinking and doing. I personify the image of Christ in all I do and in all I am. I am lover of the Lord who has great worth. I am emerging. I am radiant. I am loved.

Reflect and Journal

There shall be heard again] the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing as they bring sacrifices of thanksgiving into the house of the Lord, Give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good; for His mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever! For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and return to be as it was at first, says the Lord.(Jer 33:11 Amplified)

1. Are there any areas of your life where you feel far from His presence?

2. What lies has the enemy used to convince you of this in any way?

3. Confess these things as lies, embrace His declarations, and record the thoughts about the beauty of who you are to Him.

4. What situation or circumstance has been bothering you, harassing you, intimidating you, or threatening your peace? Take time to reflect and speak the name of Jesus with a heart of faith. Release the power of adoration and prayer into the midst of everything concerning you.

5. Relax and consciously take a deep breath of His presence and exhale the weight of the world. Send some time in worship and quiet to receive an infilling as He holds your heart in His hand.

6. Is there anything, be they emotions, circumstances, people or anything else seeking to convince you that you have somehow limited His abilities in your life?

7. Is it hard for you to rest and what do you think might happen if you take the time to do so?

8. Take some time today to listen to some worship, rest quietly in His presence and hear His voice. Record His thoughts.

9. What areas of your life and heart have you seen defeat leading to discouragement and lack of faith? This is a new day, a new time and a new way.

10. What lies of the enemy must you reject to move on?

11. What words has He spoken to you in the past you need to agree with?

12. What words is He speaking to you today?

13. What have you felt incapable of enduring? Receive His enduring and patient nature today. Close your eyes and let go of your own inabilities and by faith, receive His.

14. His heart will not be denied when it comes to who He called you to be starting today. It is not a far off `thing; You are called right now where you are. Reflect on His refusal to let go of His plans for you.

15. You are radiant and beautiful to Him Let this sink deep and respond with your own Love Letter.

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