Support From Zion

Word of the Day
Beloved in all things I have spoken to your heart, you have My support (Psalms 20:1-3). My support, My dedication to you, keeps you from falling into the trap of disillusionment and gives you the necessary things without relinquishing or giving away ground gained in previous victories.

I refresh you in the midst of all circumstances, in the midst of any situation if you let me. When I refresh in the midst of support; you are invigorated and replenished with the ability to stand in faith with joy (Psalms 23:3). I uphold and restore every portion of your life with My mighty, outstretched hand, strengthening and reinforcing resolve, producing a steadfast spirit in you.

Apply all I have spoken you as I tell you. Not all at once. Listen for My voice saying go this way or that way (John 10:27). Be like Me and do only as the Father says and does (John 5:19) If you only hear and do what He says moment by moment, or day by day all will be well. Don’t be anxious and try to fix everything at once. Come aside and I will tell you, step by step what to do. My progression is perfect, even it seems slow to you sometimes.

Obedience is the key. It is so much better than sacrifice (Isaiah 1:11). Quicker too, if you want to know the truth about it. No backtracking, no two steps back and then one forward when you keep an even and steady pace with Me. I am losing your feet, shod with the gospel of good news you are hiding in your heart to take you on a precise path of destiny.

Beloved today is the day of a whole new journey and focus. Yes, today you must see Me high and lifted up in the sanctuary of your heart and life, ready to help (Isaiah 6:1). Put all your little frustrations into My hands, and the big ones will be easier. Give all disappointments to Me this very moment, and see My glory manifest in your life. After all, it is what I do best. Perceive the new thing I am doing and be glad (Isaiah 43:19).

He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him–not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake (Psalms 23:3 Amplified)

MAY THE Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob set you up on high [and defend you]; Send you help from the sanctuary and support, refresh, and strengthen you from Zion; Remember all your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah [pause, and think of that]! (Psalms 20:1-3 Amplified)

I receive Your support, your refreshing and Your invigorating strength into the very depths of my being and thinking. I am restored and I am being restored even this very moment. I am replenished to rise to greater heights of service to You. I take Your outstretched hand and I arise from where I have been to where You are.

I am an obedient hearted one, quick to listen, soft spoken and slow to anger. I am a hearer and doer of the Word. Today I hear Your voice and I will not follow the instincts of my flesh no matter how loud it speaks. I am patient and wait to do all You say to me moment by moment. I hear, see and do only what You are doing. Today I begin a whole new journey for You have taken my frustrations and disappointments. In exchange You have given me a new thing, a new heart, a new way. I am nestled, I am engrave in the palm of Your hand. There is no place I would rather be. I am secure in You. Amen

Reflect and Journal:
1. He is sending refreshment and support from His Sanctuary this very moment. Respond to Him. Open up your heart and receive no matter what you think, hear to the contrary or what you might be feeling. He is here.

2. What do you perceive He is doing right now? What is the new thing in your life?

1 Comment
  1. 1. He is my ALL. He loves me unconditionally. I baste in the Light and in His Word. I can conceive of no greater joy or love, than what He directs to me, His beloved child. I am awed.

    2. He is smiling and giving me a tap on the shoulder….go child and be all that you can be in My Name. Create new poems in honor of Me. Always rely on Me in all you do. Be sincere. Be loving. Be forgiving in the tempest of the world. He makes all things new in my life, with a loving touch, a smile, joy, strength, and the knowledge that He has conveyed to me to survive in the world. I am not of this world. I am HIS.

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