Come Journey With Me

Word of the Day

Beloved, I am inviting you on a journey in these upcoming days. You have been on journeys with Me before but this is different. I want to touch some unattended places within your heart. Do not fear for this is a journey of discovery and truth. It is time to go a little deeper and discover how you see yourself sometimes. It is time to walk in more revelation than you have had in the past. It is time to be encapsulated in the joy of who you are in Me. Who are you? You are My beloved child of Zion. You are king and priest. You are My dwelling place and My kingdom is within you. So, open the eyes of your heart to see deeper than you have seen before. Think of it as a promotion in the discovery of your identity in Me.

Look! Your King is coming on a donkey. I am coming. I am here on a donkey, walking humbly and gently down the path of your life. It is the path right in front of you where your feet step day by day. It is the path where you struggle or overcome day by day. Depending on whether you walk in victory or give in to struggle does not determine the coming of My presence. The ever and always determinate factor is love. If it weren’t so, who could know Me…be with Me.

Do you see Me? I see you. Do you hear Me? Do you hear the soft touch of My feet as they resound with purpose on the road to the depths of your heart? Yes, I am getting closer to some hidden things in your heart. Remember; I am gentle and humble of heart.

Don’t hide your eyes or look down My beloved for I am ravished for you. Don’t turn your ear from the approaching sound of My footsteps as I come upon the doors of your heart…the barricades guarding the forbidden places within. I am coming to sup with you…all of you.

Look! I have come for you, to take you on a journey—a journey of resurrection—a journey of new discovery. Will you ride with Me regardless of what you think you know? Will you take My hand and come with Me regardless of what you think you have learned about Me. I have come into the midst of your life with an invitation to transform and change your image of Me to a greater degree—to change your image of yourself in a more complete and whole way.

What you so often struggle with are mere reflections of what you believe about yourself and what you believe about Me. I want to take you on a journey of intimate pursuit. I want to speak ever so kindly to you and bring you to a greater place of intimacy with Me. Come for you are indeed My passionate quest. I am reaching down. Take My hand and come up here.

“Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold your King is coming to you, Lowly, and sitting on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey. So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them” (Matthew 21:5-6 NKJV)

I see you Jesus. I can see You in my heart. I hear your soft voice calling me. There are many times in my life where I have struggled to understand Your great love for me. Often times I have let words and attitudes of men distort the truth. I turn from this misconception and will not entertain even one thought to the tiniest degree. I choose to believe the truth.

Let my heart hear Your voice always. Let me see You as You stand before me. I have taken other journeys with You on many occasions and yet my stomach flutters at the thought of this one. A reciprocal intimate pursuit is the desire of Your heart. You are with me in my struggles, my failure and my victories. I am so thankful that you are not a fair weather friend.

I turn my face in Your direction with anticipation. I hear Your footsteps gently coming down the path of my life. Open my heart that I may hear all You have to say. Open my ears so I can hear Your kind words. Help me to always look into the depth of Your eyes of love no matter what I may feel or think…no matter what You might show me about myself. I give you free reign to remove any barriers separating us from this great work You are coming to do in my heart. Yes, I choose to look…I choose to take the chance and see what You see. I come and journey with you.

Reflect and Journal

  1. What are some of the areas of your life where you know you don’t see yourself the same way the Lord does?
  2. When you do this, find what the Bible says in reference to these misconceptions about yourself. Write them down side by side and reflect on the difference.
  3. What journey of resurrection is He calling you to come with Him to experience more fullness in every area of your life? Sometimes one area can so cloud others that you can’t see your successes. It is like one bad apple or just a little bit of leaven added to your perception and the enemy’s lies. It is a deadly combo. Reflect deeply. Have some Selah (meditation-reflection) time with Him and ask Him to show you specifically what it is He wishes to get to the bottom of…to the root of.
  4. What does intimate pursuit mean to you?
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