The Lion Of Judah And The Fresh Bread Of Heaven

Hear Me Roar

I am the Lion of Judah and I am inviting you to ride with Me…for only in riding with Me will you be safe. There are many things ahead you cannot see or even begin to contemplate. There are caves and open fields. There are deserts and lush gardens. All landscapes…all circumstances, regardless of how lush or barren they may be have predators that look for unattended ones to come by their way.

Many feel safe among the beautiful surroundings of a lush garden and are often lulled into deception and apathy, for they feel nothing could possibly harm them there. Did I not tell the children of Israel to beware when they came into the land of milk and honey? One of the most dangerous foes in the land of plenty is forgetfulness…forgetfulness in relation to all I have done for you and where you have come from which often leads to a place of self-sufficiency.

Be careful to remember this; without Me all things would not…could not be. Take time to remember where you have come from and all I have done with a thankful heart.

To those of you who find yourself in the valley of the shadow of death…to those of you who find yourself in a place of desperate need longing for the fulfillment of your promises…come and ride with Me. Bury your face in the Mane of My Presence and be not afraid. You must praise Me and as you praise Me I “ROAR”. Do not believe that just because you might not feel Me or sense Me means I am not with you. I never leave nor do I forsake. Today, I, the Lion of Judah bid you come and ride with Me for I am roaring over your life.

Jesus, The Living Bread

Beloved, you must take some time to examine your own heart and life. Is it graced with thankfulness and a grateful heart? Has murmuring and complaining entered into your garden. Murmuring did not work for the good when it came to Miriam and Aaron and it will not work for the good on your part.

Now I do work all things together for your good and eventually you will learn and receive the benefit. However, it would be best for you to reap from the lessons they learned and not have to sit outside the camp due to self-induced circumstances which could be completely avoided by having a heart of thanksgiving and praise.

Therefore, if you have found yourself bemoaning and complaining take time to come aside with Me and confess…take time to repent…take time to receive. It only takes a moment to confess, repent and let go. Once you let go, take the time to receive, for I do not give stones in the place of bread. I give life and life only (John 10:10).

Beloved, I am the bread of Heaven…the living eternal bread. I am always fresh…always giving life no matter the circumstance or environment. My life giving is not determined by anything other than by the fact that I Am and always will be the eternal bread which came down from Heaven…which causes you, like Me, to live forever…to live forever in the here and now as well as in eternity. Eternity is now.

Yes, I am present with you right now with fresh bread and you must let go of the old stale pieces in order to embrace and hold the fresh Manna of Heaven I am offering you. What do you say?

Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work

Beloved, thankfulness of heart and a grateful attitude has much power to combat the lulling of prosperity and success. Being thankful keeps you from taking credit for your own accomplishments and brings a heart of contentment and peace in the troughs of trying and sometime debilitating circumstances or situations. Not only does thankfulness keep you afloat in stormy weather but it also keeps you from being full of your own self. It enables you to know which side your bread is buttered on.

Beloved, you must stick close at hand and ride with me…travel with Me. You must acclimate yourself to following the cloud by day and the fire by night and never be deceived or lulled into a complacent and undiscerning place by the environment around you whether it appear good or bad.

As I told you before, a lush environment can often be deceptive if you are not walking with a grateful and contented heart. For many times the bite of unseen things has more power to destroy than the things you can see. When you see things up front and personal you know for the most part how to change, how to move, when to flee or make any necessary adjustments along the way.

What hides in invisible realms are a whole different matter for they are such things as complacency, apathy and refusal to believe difficult things can happen to good people. Have you not heard about the trying of your faith and the fruit of patience (James 1:2-4)? It takes both the lush and the barren to complete the perfection of a thing just as all the seasons work together for the good when it comes to harvest time. Therefore, let patience have its perfect work and you will be found lacking in nothing.

 Patience And Rest Birth Perfect Timing

Beloved, I am releasing to you have indepth discernment which is capable of seeing as a special ops solider would see with night vision goggles. It may take a bit of time to adjust your focus as you are not used to seeing at such a level. Often the time it takes to discern or see depends on your response to My voice and your willingness to seek and inquire of Me

You can learn much from a lion and how he behaves in his natural habitat. Lions in the natural have instinct and ability to hide, stalk and observe their prey with great patience and so shall you when it comes to the enemy of your soul as you ride with Me…as you abide in Me. Lions are calculating and are never in a hurry to pounce on their prey. Patience prevails for the most part over hunger and the lion’s reward is great; a full and satisfied stomach.

Time well used is of the utmost importance. Moving too soon or too late will result a missed meal…or should I say…a missed opportunity and the thing they needed…the thing you need the most will have eluded you. It is better to discern, listen and wait than to assume you can jump ahead of My timing. This kind of assumption causes you to go around the mountain one more time.

Something else lions do and know; they know how to rest among the reeds and grasses. All the while they are resting they also have their eyes to the horizon with an eagle eye to guard over their lionesses…guard over their territory. Those who wait on Me have their strength renewed. Waiting does not mean inactivity or simply doing nothing.

Resting in Me is an actionable stance which brings revelation and a sense of timing. Take some time to come among the reeds and grasses of My presence. The wind of My Spirit will blow through your heart and release love, peace and joy…what a recipe for fresh bread. Are you hungry? Come and eat.

Rest In The Grass Of My Presence But Don’t Let It Grow Under Your Feet

I, the Lion of Judah, like a lion in the natural, take guard over you and as you learn to ride with Me…abide in Me…as you learn to rest among the reeds and grasses of My presence without fear or anxiety…as you rest in the good and bad times of your life, your steps will be My steps.

In this place of abiding, you too, like the lion, will have eyes to see the horizon with discernment and understanding, always being prepared for what comes if you actually see it or not.

Not all is seen in advance. There are surprises and what you learn by riding with Me…abiding in Me will fill your lamp with fresh oil…fresh bread from Heaven is that you will prevail…your faith will persevere and patience will come for the next thing on the horizon.

Resting in the grasses of My presence in the heart of the day brings strength but is not meant to be your eternal habitation. Resting in the heat of the day teaches you patience as you seek answers in reference to circumstances, unforeseen situations and decisions to be made.

Remember, you reap what you sow…sow rest and you will reap a resting heart of patience as you wait on Me and learn to ride at My pace. You will learn when stay and when to move so the grass doesn’t grow under your feet.

Good character is and will be the hallmark of your life. Even now I’m filling you with the ever fresh bread of understanding, revelation, discipline, passion, patience, wonder, beauty, kindness…filling you with the fresh bread of temperance, patient godliness, brotherly kindness and most of all…I am filling you with My love which will demonstrate its self in gallant charity.

Yes, resting in the heat of the day often seems contrary to the way of this life where busyness is the order of the day. So take time to do the very opposite and come ride with Me…abide with Me and rest with Me among the sweetly swaying grasses of My presence until every portion of your being has been touched by Me.

Prayer of Supplication And Declaration

Lord, I glorify You for You are worthy, worthy to open the book. You are the great Lion of the tribe of Judah. Thank You for inviting me to ride with You. For truly in You and in You alone am I safe. Therefore, I desire to abandon all I have trusted in and cling to You.

Help me to walk consistently in Your discernment, as I feed on Your word, that I would not deceive myself and fall into apathy. Protect me from being lulled into deception, thinking nothing could possibly harm me where I am. I understand that we live in a corrupt and evil world, and predators are looking for those they can attack. You are my Deliverer, my Rock, and my Fortress.

I will not forget what You have already done for me, or where I have come from. Truly You have rescued me from the kingdom of darkness and brought me into the Kingdom of Light. I will praise You for all eternity with a thankful heart. I will bury my face in the mane of Your presence, fearing no one or anything for You are with me. Thank You that You never leave me nor forsake me, even if I cannot feel You or sense You at times. Today Lord, I come to ride with You and praise You. I will thank You forever; Roar over my life.

Purify my heart and cleanse me of any unrighteous thoughts which lead to murmuring and complaining. I give You all my praise and thanksgiving for the continual work You are doing in me. Thank You Lord that I am Your workmanship, and therefore I can trust in the complete work You are doing in me.

I give You all thanks for that which You alone can do, for I know that without You I can do nothing. I repent of any thoughts and actions I have engaged in which try and draw me away from a thankful heart. I praise You for the reality of You are; the Living Bread sacrifice and given to me. I receive You and the fresh manna of Heaven with a thankful heart as I release the old stale bread I have clung to for so long. Thank You for the fresh Manna of Heaven…fresh manna only You can provide.

I give You thanks Lord, for I know You are my all and all. I acknowledge You in all I do, and I praise You for You establish my thoughts. Godliness with contentment is great gain and I have great gain in You. I thank You for the ability to be content in the midst of trials and tribulations with the faith that You are with me in the storms of life as well as in the good times.

Lord I can count it all joy, no matter what the circumstance I face for I know You never leave me nor forsake me. I will follow where You lead, as we travel this journey called life. Teach me to follow Your ways, cloud by day or fire by night. As I follow You, increase my discernment to be aware of the unseen things that would desire to bite and devour me. Give me the wisdom to know how to deal with all that You reveal to me. I let patience have its perfect work in me, praising You in the midst of the trying of my faith, knowing in the end I will lack nothing.

Father, I thank You for eyes to see all that I need to see. I praise You for my renewed vision it this day and hour. Help me to adjust my focus quickly to see at a new level. Increase my discernment to its highest capacity. Change my willingness and ability that I may respond quickly to Your voice.

As I abide in You and ride with You, my instincts will be increased to discern every enemy of my soul. Learning from the observations of a lion, I see how timing and patience is of utmost importance. I will listen and wait on Your leading to proceed where in times past I have jumped ahead of Your timing. I wait on You Lord and I rest.

Thank You for teaching me what it means to rest in You, and that rest is actionable. Although a lion rests it is ever alert to everything around it. Lord, thank You for helping me to come among the reeds and grasses of Your presence as I enter into Your rest and experience Your love, peace and joy

Thank You Lord for being my Savior and for being the Lion of Judah that always guards over me. I can never praise You enough. You are my refuge and my strength. In Your presence there is everlasting joy. As I abide in You, I have eyes to see with discernment and understanding so I am prepared for whatever comes. Thank You for the confidence to know that I will prevail because I abide in You. Help me to set aside all the busyness that is continually draining me, and help me stop and rest in You. Truly I reap what I sow, therefore help me Lord to sow rest as I enter into the joy of You Lord. Amen

Reflect and Journal

Then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into it;, and one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.” (Revelation 5:4-5 NASB)

1. Describe what you may think a predator is, and how this could relate to you in your life.

2. Ask yourself “Have I been lulled into deception and apathy, thinking nothing could possibly harm me”? Take time to seek the Lord and ask Him to reveal to you if there are hidden areas that unknown predators are lurking you may be unaware of. Give Him thanks as your God given discernment begins to reveal any area that you may not have seen before.

3. Take time to reflect on all the wonderful things the Lord has done for you in the past, and where He has brought you from. If needed, confess and repent from any thoughts of self-sufficiency that you may have been entertaining as you acknowledge the Lord’s work in you with a thankful heart.

4. Finally, accept the Lord’s invitation to ride with Him, and enjoy His safety. Knowing as you are with the Lord, praising Him he ROARS over your life, where no foe can come near.

5. Take time to examine your heart asking yourself honestly if you are walking in a place of gratefulness and thanksgiving; or have you found yourself falling into the trap of murmuring and complaining?

6. Recognize what area or areas you have been tempted to complain about and write them down. Ask the Lord to help you to see them in a different light, to see those areas as He sees them.

7. Take time to confess and repent as the Lord reveals the insights you have asked for. Then, give thanks for the new outlook and praise God for the change of heart in you. Receive the joy and forgiveness the Lord has provided for you as well as His blessings of freedom to stop murmuring and complaining.

8. Take time to enjoy spending time in His presence. Remember to partake from His fresh Manna from Heaven, forever fresh, forever for you to embrace for now and throughout eternity. Remember: Eternity is now.

9. Write down the benefits you believe there are for being grateful and having a thankful heart.

10. What are the dangers of taking credit for your own accomplishments?

11. Ask yourself if you are truly willing to acclimate yourself to follow the Lord, cloud by day, and fire by night so to speak. Are you really willing to travel with the Lord? If so, write what you think that might require of you to let go of.

12. Write what you think are the hidden or invisible things that could be a hindrance to your ability to follow the Lord and travel where He leads.

13. What adjustments may you need to make to be able to focus with the new goggles of discernment from the Lord?

14. Can you see the comparison of a lion’s life, and that to which you are called? How does the scripture relate concerning being sober and alert, and the warning about the enemy of your soul who comes like a lion seeking whom he may devour?

15. What steps do you need to take (action) to better discern, listen and wait rather than jump ahead of God’s timing in your life?

16. What results can come when you truly wait on the Lord and rest in Him?

17. List areas in your life that may need to be adjusted so that you can enter into the resting place with the Lord.

18. Spend some time seeking the Lord and ask Him to reveal to you areas that you may be resistant to set aside all hindrances to your ability to rest.

19. What external and internal noises may be distracting you from entering into the quiet places, those things or thoughts which have the ability to keep you from sowing rest within?

20. Ask yourself, “Can you let go of that which may hinder your rest time with Him”? Why or why not.

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