My Yoke Is Easy And My Burden Is Light

Word of the Day

Beloved, take some time and come into My Presence with a heart of thanksgiving and lay everything at My feet. Do not hold on to anything or come with preconceived ideas about how I will or will not respond. Acknowledge My ever-abiding Presence and simply talk to Me like you would a good friend. Tell Me anything you wish…tell Me if you’re sad, happy, or angry.

There are some unresolved things on your heart which are in need of My tender care. The yoke of their presence is too heavy for you. I wish for you to experience the lightness of My yoke in exchange for the heaviness of your concerns.

Yes, lay everything at My feet…all your desires, dreams, people, family, hopes and aspirations and let Me breathe My life and purpose on them while you are talking to Me. Imagine it being that simple…that easy. Why? Because it is.

What a freedom…what a wonder to behold. While you are talking (praying) I am working. While you are letting go, I am picking up. Keep it simple…keep it informal…just continue to talk or should I say “chat” with Me and you will hear Me while I work. Selah.

Therefore, turn from looking at your wants and needs to give undivided focus to Me for I am the “Wellspring” of wisdom and life. I will not look in another direction. My heart is for you and you alone. My gaze is on you and you alone. You have my undivided attention. You, like Queen Ester, are simply beautiful beyond comparison. There is no separation from Me for My blood gives you all the access you need.

The only preparation needed on your part is confession of any blockage or hindrance between us and willingness to accept, to receive My forgiveness and My invitation. It is for you to confess, disabling the enemy of your soul and his murmurings. Let go; I already have…
[There shall be heard again] the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing as they bring sacrifices of thanksgiving into the house of the Lord, Give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good; for His mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever! For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and return to be as it was at first, says the Lord. (Jeremiah 33:11 Amplified)

For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good–not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne. (Matthew 11:30 Amplified)

Lord, I come to You wanting nothing but to be in Your Presence. Right now, I lay everything at Your feet, as I worship YOU. I will not hold onto anything or anyone. I only desire to be in awe of You as I enter into Your Presence with praise and thanksgiving. I am so thankful I can come boldly to Your throne of grace, and yet have the privilege of talking to you as my best friend. I cannot at times comprehend how You can call me friend but I choose to agree until my entire being comes into alignment with who You say I am; Your friend.

You are truly a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I can tell You any and everything,. I can hide nothing from You anyway. I will not shy away from the unresolved issues of my heart and I thank You for showing them to me in merciful and kind ways…for washing my heart with Your life-giving Word until all unprofitable things fade away in the light of Your glory and grace.

Lord, I take Your yoke upon me, for all the other stuff is too heavy for me to handle. I lay everything down at Your feet, trusting that You already know everything anyway. I will praise You for breathing Your life and purpose on all that I surrender to Your care. Nothing is ever lost in You…only gained. Therefore, I turn my eyes fully upon Your lovely face giving You my undivided attention from this point on. I let go of all that concerns me for truly You care for me.

Reflect and Journal

  1. Spend some uninterrupted time in the Presence of the Lord letting go of all preconceived ideas and plans for your life, as you surrender to His plans for you. Take time to just enjoy Him for who He is…take time to marvel on His goodness with an audible voice. Express yourself.
  2. Think about how you can turn from looking at your wants and needs to look at the Lord’s desires for you. Write down what your wants and needs are that may be taking your focus off God and onto your needs.
  3. Have you surrendered unresolved things in your heart to God’s care? Write out a statement of faith praising God for the manifestation of healing and restoration concerning those areas.
  4. Is there any area in your life where you need to confess any blockage or hindrance that gives place to the enemy and keeps God from intervening? Spend some time confessing in a heart of true repentance before the Lord. God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all of our unrighteousness. God’s goodness leads us to repentance and those whom the Lord sets free are free indeed.
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