Tag: Encouragement

A Promise Given, A Promise Kept – God, The Original & Ultimate Promise Keeper

Beloved, I am not excusing the practice of breaking promises or not living up to covenant; but, I am saying that men are men and just like you they fail…they miss the mark. This is where grace and a true understanding of provision come in to save the day. This is where knowing one’s value to the King of Kings can make or break the day…can determine if it is filled with joy and trust or if it is filled with anxiety, self-doubt or even worse…having a heart filled with offense, bitterness and resentment at the one who failed to keep their promise…who failed to keep their covenant.


Jesus, The Door To The Sheepfold Of Your Life, Your Heart

Beloved, I am the door to the sheepfold. I am the door by which all men must enter. If one does not enter through Me, “The Door”; then, he is a thief and a liar. He is the enemy of the soul. I want you to see this in a personal way and not just as the whole sheepfold or the whole church. Today I am speaking to you as the sheepfold and I am the door…the entrance to all you are or ever will be.


I Chose You First

The enemy wants to exaggerate your weakness and make you forget I take the foolish things of the world to confound the wise…to confound even your own wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:27). Yes, the enemy prefers for you to concentrate on your own self and what you consider to be your lack…to focus on your failures…your mistakes; not your successes. You have succeeded more than you have failed and must learn to see the glass half full and not half empty.


My Yoke Is Easy And My Burden Is Light

Therefore, turn from looking at your wants and needs to give undivided focus to Me for I am the “Wellspring” of wisdom and life. I will not look in another direction. My heart is for you and you alone. My gaze is on you and you alone. You have my undivided attention. You, like Queen Ester, are simply beautiful beyond comparison. There is no separation from Me for My blood gives you all the access you need.