New Mercies, Every Moment Has A Morning

It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

But I will sing of Your mighty strength and power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning; for You have been to me a defense (a fortress and a high tower) and a refuge in the day of my distress. (Psalms 59:16 Amplified)

O satisfy us with Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning [now, before we are older], that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. (Psalms 90:14 Amplified)
This morning I received a response email from someone who comes to Journals and SWAP that I have been corresponding with. The person asked me to pray for them so they could understand what it really means to be comforted by God. I thought about this a bit and when I went to reply to the email thoughts in reference to His mercies being new every morning flowed from my keyboard. I want to share just a few of those thoughts and how they can be received on a daily basis.

In the Amplified Bible new mercies are referred to as mercy and loving-kindness which reminds me of how His kindness leads to repentance and how we are washed with the water of His Word…His Word which fails not.

Sometimes our expectations get in the way…we think things should happen this way or that based on what we have experienced growing up or in relationships or in accordance with what we have been taught in reference to religion or the traditions of men. These things become our belief systems…our strongholds against the simple truth of the Gospel; we are loved and we are the habitation of Christ…Christ in us the hope of glory who lives out His nature in and then through us.

I am learning this lesson…allowing the revelation of who He is in me to unfold as Holy Spirit reveals Christ to me. And, in the process I love God, love myself and love others by receiving His loving-kindness whether it is encouragement, exhortation or correction. In doing this He in turn can live through me in practical life changing ways.

What does all this have to do with new mercies and loving-kindness…everything? New mercies come out of relationship and intimacy with God on a moment by moment basis as He feeds us our daily bread. He is always feeding but we are not always eating.

In order to take advantage of all He has to offer on a personal level and receive daily bread or new mercies we must know the Seed Christ in us…to know He, inside of us, is all we need to qualify as unconditionally loved sons of God worthy of receiving from Him regardless of where we are in the processes or seasons of life.

God is not limited by time, season or process. The only limitation is when what He gives us falls on deaf ears or an unreceiving heart ruled by apathy, doubt and unbelief. Even then all we have to do is turn in His direction to find grace and mercy in our time of need. Truly He is closer than a breath away…for He is Christ in us. Wow…a true Selah moment if there ever was one.

Beloved, you must remember, process does not disqualify us. It only means we are a work in progress. He loves process and is right there ready and willing to give us new mercies and loving-kindness enabling us to do one of the seemingly hardest things we are asked to do; Love Our Selves. Sure we forgive others but often we leave the forgiveness of self unattended. When we do this it is almost impossible to truly receive His loving-kindness for fear guilt and shame block the way.

Sometimes mercy does not always look like what we think it should. It comes in many forms: an encouraging or exhorting phone call from a friend, a spiritual message given by someone…as a still small voice or a loud sounding trumpet.

Mercies may come as a sense of peace when resting in Him…as small seemingly insignificant thoughts which we need to grasp a hold of and believe or through a Scripture we hear or read…through a message or through the beauty of nature…yes, and even through a storm.

Mercies may come when you are listening to a song and feel your heart being tugged at to receive its words as truth in your life… or as words of victory, comfort, obedience, hope, correction, instruction…whatever they might be.

To give reference as to how many ways there are to receive the mercies, comfort and loving- kindness of God on a daily basis is impossible. They are as varied as the people He has created. However, I think you get the point.

His thoughts toward us are beyond measure, therefore; we should without fear and with great pleasure endeavor to find them out on a moment by moment basis. Doing so will save us a lot of grief all while illuminating the path ahead of us.

Once we have received a new mercy, a comfort or a new expression of His loving-kindness we must do what Psalms 59:16 (noted above) instructs us to do. We must sing, speak, declare or whatever He tells us to do in response to the new mercies He gives. When we do, faith comes and we are encouraged to press on all the while putting the past behind us.

Every mercy we receive takes us further in the process and we would be foolish to look back at where we were. No matter how small the step we take is, we are still further along than we were before. How comforting is that…very?

In conclusion, take the time to be with Him in whatever way you are being led to do so. Listen and receive the things He gives you…the new mercies He longs to feed you and let them penetrate your soul man. Know your born again spirit is already perfect in Him, loved by Him and longs to flow like rivers of living water into your mind, will and emotions until you know Him as He knows you.

Yes, His mercies are new every morning…every moment…for every moment in time has its own morning. Selah

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  1. Indeed Brenda, God’s mercy endures every moment. After reading today’s devotional my heart could not stop praising God for his mercy and goodness towards me. One of my favorite scriptures in the bible is Habakkuk 3:17-19. No matter what my situation may be in life I will continue to praise and serve the lord for his love that he has endowed upon me. God is truly merciful. To God alone be all the glory! Have a blessed day and may God continue to inspire you always. Amen!

  2. Very inspiring, God mercy endures forever. I will give thanks and praises to Him all the days of my life. Thanks Brenda!!!

  3. Hello,
    I am a retired teacher who adopted a former student when he was 12 years old. Not only am I a single parent, I am also a brain tumor survivor. I write a Christian encouragement blog called

    Please go to my blog for further directions.

    Thank you for your sound Christian instruction and encouragement. Blessings!

  4. Hi Cheryl

    First of all thank you so much and I did go to your blog but didn’t see any particulars…let me know what I need to do…many blessings and you have an awesome blog…thanks Brenda

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