Tag: Mercy

Ants In My Coffee

The flecks in my cup looked like ants; therefore, they must be ants. In fact, I almost poured the cream out before I decided to take a closer look. If I had done so, I would have wasted some good cream and delayed my first drink (which is always the best) by having to start the process one more time.


From Darkness To Light A Message Of Grace, Part One

Beloved, I know you struggle in some things and not in others. Often the things you struggle with are connected to or related to your past experiences…connected to areas where you did not find success…areas where you were not loved or approved of and so on. It is in these areas you do not have the wisdom, confidence or sense of hope that you need. It is in these areas where the manifest outworking of who I am in You is not present because what you believe is based on what you have experienced or seen and not on the truth found in My Word.


Goodness and Mercy Follow Me

Beloved, hear My voice and you will not follow another. Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” How could He say this unless the very goodness and mercy he received by following me then emanated from his life to those who followed him ? unless it left deposits of Me everywhere he went?


Walk In Conformity To The Will, Revelation And Righteousness Of The Lord

No matter how you feel or what you do I have given you all I have…all I am and will not hold back on releasing it to you. I have also given you all you need pertaining to life and godliness…all you need for correction and reproof (2 Peter 1:3; 2 Timothy 3:16). In the midst of correction and reproof you are showered with mercy and grace for mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). I have not judged you, and I do not condemn you.


Press On To Your High Calling In Christ Jesus

The best way to walk in hope and confidence in who you are in Me is to remember My mercies are new every morning or should I say every moment. I live in your present. Do not see Me as someone who has come or will come but is come. Come live in the present with Me and be amazed for I am truly the one and only. I am the “Now God.”


Long-suffering And Tender-hearted Mercy

In the deep recesses of your soul, My Word has left an indelible mark. I contain the stamp of those promises. You savor and relish them in the silence of your heart. Always hoping, waiting, anticipating and believing, you are My compassionate, faithful one.


A New Creation Whose Citizenship Is In Heaven

Beloved, once you were part of the world and now you are a whole new race…a whole new being…a whole new creation( 2 Corinthians 5:17). You are not of this world but are a citizen of Heaven. Your true abode…your true home is Heaven. Don’t look for Me as somewhere out there afar off when I dwell in you. You contain the fullness of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and have been set apart for Me (Colossians 1:6 Amplified; Ephesians 2:19).


Springs, Valleys, Mountains And The Delight Of The Lord

Beloved, I am here as always. I am very near to you. You are My dwelling place…My habitation and I delight in you. I send springs of wisdom, help, grace, mercy and revelation into the valleys of your life (Psalms 104:10). Do not be dismayed when you look around and see the troubling times for I am nearer than your foes (Psalms 119:151).