Renew Your Mind

Word of the Day
There is always enough. Today, I am handing you a new portion of victory in areas where you have seen defeat, in areas where you have dreamed and not seen victory. You see, when you are enfolded, encapsulated within the wings of My presence nothing else but victory is possible. Everything is possible to those who believe. I will impart faith to you as you feel My feathers, My wings brush against your skin. I am close; close enough to envelope you in My love which flows unlimited from the very core of my being. My breath is upon you. You have captured My heart.

Let these words sink deep into you conscious mind through meditation and declaration. Through this process they will make their way to the deepest recesses of your subconscious thoughts and perceptions. Let My words of love reprogram your thinking about who and what you are to Me, who and what you were created to be. Today is a day of growth, beginning a whole new season of increase in your life. Today is a day to be renewed in your mind (Romans 12:2)

Stagnate waters are being replaced with fragrant living waters and refreshing pools of healing. Old ways are replaced by new ways. Seem impossible? It isn’t. I have declared it so. You must reject the lies of the enemy who wishes to counteract everything I have said to you and purposely take every negative, unbelieving or contrary thought captive. I cannot do this for you. You must choose to do your part.

I speak, you agree. I speak, you decree and he flees. I speak, you agree and …Wow! Come under the protection of My wings and let us fly away into a whole new adventure where new beauty and growth abound. Come!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2 NASB)


I am not defeated in anything. I am victorious in all things through the power of the Cross, through the blood, and in the mighty name of Jesus. I am encompassed by You Lord. You surround me like the mountains surround Jerusalem. You are my rear guard, my shield and my buckler. In You all things are possible and all things are worked together for my good. I have captured Your thoughts. My face is ever before You and my name is engraved into the palm of Your hand.

I hear, speak and ingest the Word of God and my mind is renewed. Old ways have passed away and all things are become new for me. You say it. I believe it. I am obedient and do my part. You speak. I agree and declare. The enemy flees. I mount up with wings like an eagle and fly with You. Let the adventure begin. Amen

Reflect and Journal:

1. What areas of your life and heart have you seen defeat leading to discouragement and lack of faith? This is a new day, a new time and a new way.

2. What lies of the enemy must you reject to move on?

3. What words has He spoken to you in the past you need to agree with?

4. What words is He speaking to you today?

1 Comment
  1. Today, I claim victory in His mighty name. He is the absolute Waymaker.

    He is the God of all possibilities. I declare my thanksgiving and I come before Him with all my gratitude for His gift of steadfast and unwavering faith. Yes, He is my BIG God of perfect timing and precision. I cannot find the right words to thank Him enough for the restoration in our family. What an awesome and generous God He really is!

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