Songs Of Love Bring Hope And Overcomes Fear

Word of the Day By Wendy Thomas
My dear child, when I sing over you, I sing songs of love. I sing songs of My love for you and nothing else for you are precious to Me. You are indeed My pearl of great price and I adore you beyond measure, even to the point of torn flesh and the shedding of blood.

I sing of all the plans I had for you before the beginning of time. I sing of how you have always been in my heart and on My mind. My thoughts towards you are more numerous than the grains of sand on the seashore. In fact, I think of you constantly about how you are a delight to Me.

Yes, I rejoice over you with singing and .I quiet you with My love. I say to you, “Peace, be still and know that I am God.” Saying that I am God means nothing is bigger than I am, so you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of or worry about. Why? Because I am bigger than any of your fears or worries. The battle is mine and I will be victorious on your behalf.

Therefore, at all times, be strong and courageous. Do not give into fear. I have not given you a spirit of fear. I have given you a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Come to Me and rest. I care for you and will provide for all your needs. Come. Be still now and listen to My songs of love for you and not the clamoring, threatening, and deceptive songs of the world.

Beloved, do you not know by now, that I am always with you and with Me by your side you have nothing to fear? I am more than capable of looking after you. Furthermore, I love to meet your every need. Before a word has even left your lips I know your needs and desires and have gone ahead to provide for them.

Do you not know I bend over you to catch your slightest whisper? I love to hear you speak to Me and won’t let any tear, word or sigh be wasted. You are indeed the apple of My eye and I delight to do you good. You can rest in My love knowing I will protect you and that you have nothing to fear. I am your rock, your fortress, your strong tower. When you run to Me, I shelter you and hide you from all the enemy would throw at you.

Yes it is true, you will have trouble in this world but I will provide a way through the storms of life and I will not let you be overwhelmed. Still yourself and Listen to the songs I am singing over you. Take time to come and stay in My presence and let Me sing the words you long to hear…need to hear. Shh! quiet yourself and all your restless thoughts. Take time to just listen to My words. You will be amazed and encouraged.

I have words to say that are for your ears and yours alone. I had a fresh supply of fresh manna for the Israelites in the wilderness and I have a fresh supply for you too. Regardless of the circumstances in your life, I have fresh words each moment of each day. Don’t be content with yesterday’s words but ask Me for the new and the fresh. Listen for My “now” Word for you. Only I know what is happening or what the big picture is. Every word I sing over you is life-giving and filled with all you need to feed your hungry spirit.

Yes Beloved, I sing over you all the time. I even sing over you while you are asleep for you make my heart rejoice. I cannot contain my love for you but must express it.

Please don’t worry if you don’t always hear the words with your conscious mind, for My Words are spirit and life. They sink deep into your spirit without you even realizing it; but, oh the joy and courage they bring. You will be full and running over when you hear the songs I sing. When the realization of how deeply you are loved…how deeply you are treasured by Me sinks in, even your very countenance will change. The question is, “Will you take the time to spend with Me and listen to My songs for you? I hope so, the difference will be amazing!

For the Lord your god has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior .he will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love he will calm all your fears. He will exalt over you by singing a happy song (Zephaniah 3:17 Amplified)

Father, I say yes and amen to your Word to me. I will set aside the time to be in Your presence and listen for the songs You are singing over me. Please open my ears to hear the words You sing. I am longing to hear Your words to me. I am hungry for Your life-giving words. Nothing else is as important as hearing from You, so please help me to live my life in the reality of this. How I want to delight Your heart and give You joy in the same way You delight me and give me such joy.

Please forgive me when I let earthly pleasures detract from time spent with You. Please help me to set aside time daily just too simply enjoy being in Your presence and listen to your love songs as they are sung over me.

Thank you for being my rock…my fortress and my strong tower to which I run. I am completely safe in You. Help me to rest in the knowledge of my position in You. When all the things around me seem to be shaking in the midst of life’s storms, help me to realize I must have my feet on the Rock. I must keep my feet on solid ground. When I do this You won’t let anything overcome me. Thank you Father. Amen.

Reflect and Journal

  1. In what areas of your life do you feel overwhelmed by storms? What circumstances are drowning out Father’s love songs over you? Give each and every one of these circumstances to Him and then listen to the songs He sings over you. Write a thought or a sentence you hear and then speak it in first person over your life in a repetitive way until it is ingrained in your being.
  2. Have you ever had a word from God? Do you believe God speaks to you today? When did you last have a fresh word from God? Bring it to mind and thank him for it. Once you have thanked Him, take time and ask Him for fresh revelation and a fresh word for NOW. What is He saying to you?
  3. Picture yourself running into a strong tower and being sheltered safely inside…a strong tower inside a castle surrounded by moats and insurmountable walls. What is it you need to escape from? What do you need protection from? Write it down so you can see it up close and personal. This makes it more real and less threatening. The enemy loves things kept in secret by shame and guilt. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.
  4. Ask Father to show you the root of any fears you might be experiencing and give each one to Him and ask Him to deal with them. There is no solid basis to your fears or concerns ask Him to fill you with His peace and give each concern to Him. Realize there is nothing bigger than God!
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