Tag: Apostle John Dean

Faith for Pennies Meditations By Apostle John Dean

If there was ever a scripture that speaks of Covenant, this one does. One of the blessings of Covenant is that you and your Covenant partner share each others’ possessions. That means when we are in Covenant with the Lord we give Him our sin sick soul and He gives us life everlasting and all that it provides. As a minister who lives by faith, I find that comforting. The point of this scripture is if He takes care of the little things of nature how much more would He take care of us.


Give It All, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Personal revelation is usually the practice field for building our character. ‘Giving all’ seems to be a revelation that requires a lifetime of practice without ever reaching a conclusion. Every day of giving is a new day of testing the emotions for the purpose of overcoming the flesh.


What Would You Do Different? Meditations By Apostle John Dean

I really enjoy learning while listening to the older generation share their life experiences. Many times they’ve traveled the roads of life in ways that I’ve never thought of. When I’m around an older person I find myself digging around in their memory bank looking for treasures. It’s almost like discovering an old trunk tucked away in the attic. You can’t wait to open it because even the meager findings become a treasure to you. There seems to be a story written in each item as to their failures and successes in life. I’m sure I learn more from their failures than I do their successes. I know how to succeed—I just want to learn how to keep from failing.


Gaps, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Over the years I have noticed that many people seem to have gaps (or holes) in their lives. In many cases these gaps are of their own doing and in other cases these gaps are not of their initiative. Some times when a person is growing up, the pain they may have experienced causes them to block out certain periods of time in their life in such a way that they really do not remember particular times or events.


What Will Be Found in Your Trunk? Meditations By Apostle John Dean

As a kid, I remember that everyone seemed to have an old trunk they put valuables in for safe keeping and posterity. Oftentimes they would put their trunk in the attic of the house. The only time they would go up and open the trunk is when they wanted to reminisce or put something else of value in the trunk. The sort of things you might find in the trunk would be the bride’s wedding gown, a lock of baby hair, an old quilt, old photos, their baby’s first pair of booties…and other such valuables. The trunk was really a biography of that family.


Keeping Your Promises, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

While sitting in my office that day I learned two very important lessons. The first lesson was that God never forgets any promise you have made to Him and He will even help you fulfill it. The second lesson is that we are limited as to how far we can go in life if we do not keep our word to God and to man.