Tag: Identity

Bucket List, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

Many of the things in our bucket list are actually within our reach, but for us to receive them would require more discipline on our part. We have also learned over the years that it was much easier to go with the flow of life rather than to challenge life.


You Are Not That Good, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

As a young preacher, I had an experience that still remains fresh in my mind today. There was probably no one who tried harder to live a more disciplined life before the Lord than me. I was a part of a holiness denomination that had a long list of things you must avoid doing if you were going to be holy. I followed that list to the letter of the law as far as I knew. My desire was do everything in my power to fulfill Romans 12:1 where it says “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service


The Stranger In The Bank, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

One day while standing in a bank line waiting to cash a check—I turned just in time to see this man turn and look at me from another line. After a short glance he turned the opposite direction—bowed his head and began to weep for me. God had showed him that I had a call on my life, but that I was lost.


Keeping Score, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

There seems to be certain characteristics of a score keeper that are unique to them. For example, you never seem to win an argument with them…because they are usually more relentless than everyone else in the family. If a family decision needs to be made—their opinion is usually the one you go with. It is not worth all the “I told you so” comments for years to come.


My Trip to Heaven, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

One such experience took place one night when the Lord came into my room and took me to heaven. I could see my spirit leaving my body laying there on the bed. I continued to be lifted up until I saw the roof of our home and then the street and then the city and so on. All of this took place very quickly. I could not see the one who was lifting me up because he was always behind me.


Fathers & Instructors, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

After many years I came to the conclusion that there is a father’s anointing that God Himself puts on us as He would any other anointing. Any man can be fatherly, but that does not necessarily constitute a father’s anointing. Being around one who is fatherly may be a great comfort when you are in need. However being around one with a father’s anointing could effectively change your life as did my friend’s influence changed my life.


Don’t Strike the Rock, Meditations By Apostle John Dean

God has given us the power and authority by the spoken word to do great things, yet far too often we use our authority (the rod) to strike the rock. You may wonder how it is possible to strike the rock in today’s world. We may not carry a rod in our hand as Moses did, but we do have a tongue in our mouth that is far more destructive. We no longer strike with a rod, but with the tongue a critical word.