Tag: Promises

From Cardboard To Glory

While He was knocking I saw a person on the other side of the door holding a small cardboard box which seemed to represent how they saw themselves. I knew how they saw themselves determined what they allowed in their life or their box. They could not see who they were but believed somehow the box was a true representation of who there were in many ways. Some self-perceived misconceptions cloaked themselves in very subtle ways they were unaware of.


A Promise Given, A Promise Kept – God, The Original & Ultimate Promise Keeper

Beloved, I am not excusing the practice of breaking promises or not living up to covenant; but, I am saying that men are men and just like you they fail…they miss the mark. This is where grace and a true understanding of provision come in to save the day. This is where knowing one’s value to the King of Kings can make or break the day…can determine if it is filled with joy and trust or if it is filled with anxiety, self-doubt or even worse…having a heart filled with offense, bitterness and resentment at the one who failed to keep their promise…who failed to keep their covenant.


Promises Kept, A Cardinal In The Garden

Secondly, some have even wondered…questioned… how I would dare take the Scripture and do with it as I do…how I can take something so reverent and share it in such conversational form. I believe the Lord is a conversational God with an intense desire to fellowship with us in simple yet profound ways according to the way He has made us. I also believe one cannot plummet the depths of God’s Word any more than one can dive to bottom of the deepest reaches of the oceans…but it is fun trying.


Breath Of Life And The Eternal Conversations Of Heaven, Part II

Beloved, can you hear me calling you aside to sit with me…to walk with Me? I have come knocking on the door of your garden. Will you hesitate to answer? Will you be convinced to wait as the burdens of the world try and settle on you with weariness of heart? Have you already given your best to something else? No matter. Come anyway. Come and let Me come to give you rest, for you are Mine.


More Than A Lily

Just as the lily is capable of adapting and growing in many different environments, so are you capable of walking out the promise, purpose, destiny and dreams of your life. Lilies grow in valleys and fields. They grow in cultivated gardens and at times, they even grow among thorns. I, the Lily of the Valleys was once crowned with thorns and we all know how that worked out (Song of Songs 2:1). I am now seated at the right hand of Father and no thorn or plan of man could stop Me from being seated there.


Occupy Till I Come

Beloved, will you occupy till I come even if you knew there would only be one more day…one more hour or one more minute (Luke 19:13). Victory is not accomplished by having completed the course. It is accomplished by staying on task and not giving up…not growing weary. In other words, the greatest victory is in staying faithful to do as you have been directed even if you do not see the final outcome. Use the gifts I have given you for they are the tools you need to do as you have been called.


God Is Not A Man That He Should Lie

You are My Abraham, a contender of the faith in this generation. What you do and believe matters, having the power to bring life-changing effects to those around you-those you see and those you will never see until that day.


Not By Might, Not By Power, But By My Spirit

Undaunted by the detour Abraham took, trying to produce the promise on his own; I once more released the dream, the longing of his heart. I went against all circumstantial evidence. I defied his very present reality and called him father of many nations (Rom 4:17-18).


Dare To Believe!

Questions and doubts aside, I came to Abram in the twilight hours of his life and spoke to the dream in his heart. Yes, I spoke to a dream buried so deep he was only aware of it enough to plan and give all he had to his servant. Did he remember his dream of a son every time he looked at his servant? Did he still long in his heart? Yes!