Tag: Sheepfold

Jesus, The Door To The Sheepfold Of Your Life, Your Heart

Beloved, I am the door to the sheepfold. I am the door by which all men must enter. If one does not enter through Me, “The Door”; then, he is a thief and a liar. He is the enemy of the soul. I want you to see this in a personal way and not just as the whole sheepfold or the whole church. Today I am speaking to you as the sheepfold and I am the door…the entrance to all you are or ever will be.


The Enemy Of The Sheep Climbs Up Another Way

Be so very aware. The enemy roars like a lion. Notice, I said like. He is not a lion and only pretends to be one to introduce fear. I am the true Lion of Judah. Your adversary is always looking for an opening…a breach by which he can access your life. Some of the most prevalent back alley ways he uses are: doubt, unbelief, worry, unforgiveness and fear of what might happen, what I might think of you and so on. His tactics are limitless but My power is greater than his pathetic attempts at roaring like I, the Lion of Judah, can and does. He is a imitator, a liar, a thief and today I roar over the back alley tactics he is using in your life to discourage and disarm you.